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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Bear

    Stray Cat Rock: Delinquent Girl Boss - The first entry in the Japanese exploitation outlaw biker film series Stray Cat Rock which is made up by five films, starring Meiko Kaji. This also starred singer Akido Wada, who is a beast compared to the other girls in the film. The Stray Cat Rock-series was Nikkatsu's "counterattack" to Toei's Girl Boss Guerilla-series starring Reiko Ike and Miki Sugimoto, a series of film highly inspired by Roger Corman's cult classic bikersploitation film The Wild Angels. Delinquent Girl Boss is an early pinky violence film, and gives you what you'd expect from a type of film like this. It's not as sexy and violent and the pinky violence films that would follow in later years, but it's still cool as fuck. It's well-acted in my eyes, and especially Meiko Kaji is excellent as usual. The plot is a bit run-of-the-mill with a fixed boxing match and gang fights. But it' a cool and engaging story, and having a bunch of badass girls running around being badasses is something that akes this stand out from many other films in the same vein as this. The film is directed by Yasuharu Hasebe who is probably best known for the masterpiece that is Female Convict Scorpion: Grudge Song, the fourth film in the fantastic, original Female Convict Scorpion series. A talented guy with an eye for lovely shots. Apart from a few scenes which is a bit dark, it's beautifully shot and visually stunning and eye-catching through and through. But the main part of why this film is so good, is the attitude the girls bring on screen and Hasebe is able to catch on film. It's just so god damn badass. I'll also add that I find this overall film to be very elegant, hip, stylish and cool. Just really, really cool. All in all it' just a lovely film in my eyes. Just my cup of coffee. The soundtrack deserves a mention as well. For most part it's jazzy pop rock, but every now and then we get some amazing psychedelicish rock as well. Fitting and really cool.
  2. Bear

    He was? Not properly though, or? He thought they weren't allowed to let him smoke? Anyway, looking forward to this: I'm positive that it's Starz series, because that means they can gore it up, doesn't it? As well as cursing and nudity and all that? I like that. This could be so good if done right.
  3. Bear

    I'm happy to see someone else sharing my opinion on Shinya's drumming not being all that. Always thought his drumming was the weakest link on Uroboros. I love the album, but the reason I am not giving the album a perfect 10 is because of the drumming which I feel is very lacking. To me it just sounds like he's doing a lot of his playing just for the sake of playing and putting himself out there, rather than because it helps taking the music to another level. Ew.
  4. Bear

    I think he should gain some influence from Steve Moore. Or that white haired asian drummer from the My Way video. He's cool too.
  5. Been "re-discovering a couple of albums lately: I've never been a fan of technical music in general, and even though I've known Atheist for 10 years, I've never managed to get into any of their albums. I've always enjoyed the pre-Atheist band R.A.V.A.G.E. as well as the Atheist demo, though. But never ay of their album. Well, that was up until recently, because over these past couple of weeks I've been playing this album like mad. This album is simply fantastic. Ripping technical death/thrash on the deathier side with lots of character. Fantastic album. Glad I finally decided to check it out again. Like a nice mix of Death, Pestilence, Nocturnus and Sadus or something. Doesn't sound too bad, does it? Technical death/thrash in the vein of Atheist, just more on the thrashier side than Atheist. Another album I've known for many years, but not been too keen on. Until now recently. Geat, kickass technical death/thrash with plenty of character. Not quite Atheist, but really good. Like a nice mix of Atheist, Sadus, Coroner and Ripping Corpse or something. Doesn't sound too bad, does it? I need to continue dig into all those technical bands I never got into because of their technicality. Should find plenty of golden albums.
  6. I'm mentioned several times. Congrats to myself.
  7. Bear

    No wonder Constantine got cancelled. A Constantine that isn't smoking just isn't Constantine, and you just can't make Constantine good when aiming toward teens on TV. If you're gonna make something with Constatine, give the guy a sig and let him smoke his brains out, and make it dark and mature. But especially the smoking is a huge problem for anyone who's read a single page of a Constantine comics. It's just such a huge part of him. Halfway into Agent Carter, season 1 now. It's not great, but I've been entertained so far. Wish it was a bit grittier, though, and with a bit more graphic violence. Positively surprised by Hayley Atwell, though. Does a great job, and she's just beyond stunning.
  8. Bear

    WolfCop - Yes, this film goes by the awesome title WolfCop. Sadly, the film does not live up to its awesome title or even cooler posters. It's alright, and I was enjoyed, but its 79 minutes is 10-15 minutes too many, and at times it gets too silly. It's a very Troma-esque film, which is pretty awesome, but far from everything works and that's the big problem here. But it was alright, and I am looking forward to the second part.
  9. Bear

    Thor - Decent film, but nothing more. Visually underwhelming, especially the scenes in Asgard are bloody awful. Looks really bad and plasticy. The running scenes in Asgard looks hilarious, though. They look so bad. The cast is decent, but they aren't exactly given much to work with. Cliches, poor jokes and god knows what. A nothing-plot as well. But still, I was a bit entertained so it wasn't all that bad or anything. A typical 5,5-6/10 film. Love Natalie Portman. Good actor and a charming beauty. Invincible Shaolin - A very traditional shaolin kung fu film by Chang Cheh, and as usual he's done a great job. A great plot and great choreography. It also features the "original" Venom Mob, which is always really fucking cool! They're all amazing as always. Fun fact: the scenes with The Bride hitting the wood from a short distance and struggling to eat because of her wrecked hans in Kill Bill 2 is taken directly from this film. No kidding.
  10. They've always been generic and something like a 3rd rate swedish death metal band, but I think they managed to create something unique and special for their first few releases - not riff-wise, but just as far as the atmosphere goes. I like 'em, but it isn't a band that is getting much playtime. I guess I should give Unleashed up until 95 some spins in weeks to come.
  11. Bear

    I bet you've missed mt high quality photos, so here's atreat for you all: Possessed - The Tape Collection A small tape box with Seven Churches, Beyond the Gates and The Eyes of Horror tapes. Very, very nice!
  12. Bear

  13. Bear

    Sitting at school with a sick boy all alone, while everybody else has left for a sports arangment. Not even bored. Such a good kid.
  14. I think this sums up this band as a whole. Was pretty good up until 92, but it went downhill from there.
  15. Have mentioned this band several times in this thread. Haven't heard Evil Power yet, but I saw it had leaked yesterday and I am looking foward to it. Their two first albums and EP are fantastic. Brilliant live band as well.
  16. Bear

    Do not ditch the friend.
  17. Bear

    Sounds troublesome. At some other forums I use all we gotta do is write @bear and I'll net a notification that someone mentioned me. So much simpler. But I rarely use this function anyway, so it doesn't really bother me. @Bear
  18. Bear

  19. Bear

    This. By far Heidi's best song, and it just sets the mood for the rest of the album. It shows you what you can expect from the album and almost sums up what Heidi is (was) all about in one single track. 2:30-3:00 > one of the best parts ever written. So simple, yet so god damn good.
  20. Bear

    Fans of japanese metal and vinyl beware, The Crypt is releasing something good in the comming time: SIGH (Jpn): Infidel Art STANDARD EDITION Official DLP Re-issue - NEXT SIGH (Jpn): Ghastly Funeral Theatre + Tragedies Demo STANDARD EDITION Official LP Re-issue - NEXT SIGH (Jpn): Scorn Defeat STANDARD EDITION Official LP Re-issue - TBA SIGH (Jpn): Hail Horror Hail STANDARD EDITION Official DLP Re-issue - TBA SIGH (Jpn): Imaginary Sonicscape Official Reissue Gatefold 2LP set - TBA SIGH (Jpn): The Eastern Force Of Evil Live '92-'96 / To Hell and Back: Tribute to Venom '95 Official Gatefold 2-LP set - TBA TRANSGRESSOR (Jpn): Ether For Scapegoat + Bonus Tracks Official DLP - TBA I am very much looking forward to all these releases, and I'm probably gonna get one version of each colour of all the releases, being the fanboy I am and all that. The Crypt releases holds the highest possible standard for vinyl releases, so these are a must for collectors. Infidel Art and Ghastly Funeral Theatre should be out any moment now, while these others will be released later this/next year or something. I am excited as fuck.
  21. Bear

    I'm not gonna judge anything either way from that clip, but hat sounds way better than Recitation. It sounds like we can expect a much more varied album, and something that has plenty of elements of their past albums. Positive.
  22. Bear

    This song is so fucking ridiculous. In a good way. In form of quality. Brilliant track. This album is gonna be good.
  23. Bear

    Another month, more good albums. I haven't checked out too many albums from april, but the few I have heard have been good. My all-time favourite band, Sigh, released a new fantastic album, Peste Noire released what should have been their previous album, Gruesome made a brilliant tribute to Death, Ghost Bath improved a lot on their debut and made a Deafheaven-gone-sad-kind of album, Drudkh went harsher and Luciferian Light Orchestra went retro. That's more or less the albums I've heard so far. Sigh - Graveward I'll start off by admiting that I was, and still am, slightly disappointed by this album. I am not disappointed because it is a bad album, because this right here, this is a bloody masterpiece. I am a bit disappointed because You Oshima lacks the character of Shinichi. And this is just another proof that you can be a great guitarist on a technical scale, but still not half the guitarist of more limited guitarist because you lack character. You have nothing that makes you stand out from other guitarists on your level. And I honestly believe that this album would've been much better with Shinichi. But let's not dwell on that. I have gotten used to the production which I felt was quite off to begin with, but while not great, it doesn't take anything away from the music. Graveward sounds like a mix of Hail Horror Hail, Gallows Gallery and King Diamond, and I really, really like it. Mastermind Mirai once again shows why he is one of the most unique songwriters within the realm of metal. Mirai called this Cinematic Horror Metal, and he's quite spot on with that. I'll also add that despite having over 100 different tracks, this is perhaps Sigh's most easy album to get into together with Hangman's Hymn and Scorn Defeat, which came as quite a surprise. Another great album by a beyond fantastic band. The Tombfiller Peste Noire - La Chaise-Dyable Peste Noire started out as a black metal band, and played something I call medieval black metal on their debut before going rougher with their follow-up, then starting to experiment and go in a more mad, crazy avant-garde-esque direction. And up until their previous album, the self-titled Peste Noire, the band had been changing drastic with each release. Peste Noire was good, but not as good as I had expected, and they failed to evolve with the album. It was just a mix of their previous album, and that greatly disappointed me because I had expected something crazier. But to my big surprise, they went in that direction again with this album, and this is the album which should've followed L'Ordure à l'état Pur, not Peste Noire. Anotier unique effort who'll split the fanbase even more. I love this, and I can't get enough of this madness. Hooligan black metal! Le dernier putsch Luciferian Light Orchestra - Luciferian Light Orchestra Luciferian Light Orchestra is the new band of Therion's Christofer Johnsson, consisting of songs written over a long period of time but which didn't fit into Therion. This is what Therion would've sounded like if they existed in the 70's. The band plays a form for poppy, occult 70's rock, which isn't very unique to be honest, but the Therion-esque feeling makes them stand out from the crowd. It's catchy, yet a bit challenging here and there, so there's more than enough to dig into after a few listens. If you like Therion, Year of the Goat, Purson and the likes, this just might be your cup of tea. Dr. Fuast on Capri Still haven't heard the new Acid Witch, Deathhammer (if this was even released? No idea!) and Aek Gwi yet, though. I have the feeling all these will be great. I can see some of this challening for a spot on my list.
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