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Status Updates posted by Yuri

  1. I realised if I really wanted to check out all the Japanese rock/metal/punk bands I would need to spend my whole life on ONLY listening to the albums. It's depressive that I'm just unable to do it.

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    2. Mamo


      That moment when you realize the irony that we're in the same online community with people from all over the world who all speak English.

    3. Himeaimichu


      Just forget about it. I'm just not going to give guesses to anything anymore, because people always take it as if I'm being 100% confident in what I'm saying and all. 

      I was just giving a guess to the reason why Vkei is so big in Latin and South America. I should've never given my thoughts in the first place, because I knew this would happen. 


      I admit I don't always get things right and that I don't know everything (And god I used to be much worse and am trying to get past that person I used to be)

    4. Komorebi


      Just so you know, and to prove Aimi's points. A whole lot of VK bands have Latin American street teams with staff that works hard to promote the band all over Latin America and not just one country. You see less of that on the English speaking communities and half of those who do aren't exactly street teams but stores.


      To further illustrate this point beyond VK, Latin American countries do have some sort of Brotherhood countries like US and Great Britain do not have with their neighbors.

  2. Holy shit, I just renew my really old friendship and realised that's so amazing feeling when you know somebody cares about you so much. Take care of your friends as well everyone :tw_heart:

    1. The Moon

      The Moon

      all my friends are cats x 

    2. Yuri


      I don't like cats :c

  3. Have you ever had that feeling that you'd want to check new albums out or just try new bands out but you don't have free time for that? I used to had that for 5 years I think. It was caused mostly by school and pretty bad Internet connections (dorms etc) and FINALLY, after those years I'm able to check "new releases" out from 2012 or even older. omg I'm so excited.

    1. Komorebi


      Have fun!

    2. Yuri


      Thank you! I'm sure I will =)

  4. Howdy, I really like your avatar! It reminds me a bit of Hatsune Miku's 結ンデ開イテ羅刹ト骸 tho =)

    1. Sparrow


      Hey, thanks! It's from a shirt I got in Harajuku ^^

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