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  1. Like
    Crube reacted to beni in random thoughts thread   
    Oh holy garlic. That makes my comment sound sick! xD
    On another depressing note after that backshot (x'D); losing passwords to anything is the most distressing thing ever. Thank you, well remembering and good keeping of things self, wayta go~ -.-''
  2. Like
    Crube got a reaction from sai in random thoughts thread   
    Thank your mom for making you that breakfast one day?
  3. Like
    Crube got a reaction from Tetora in random thoughts thread   
  4. Like
    Crube got a reaction from MaikoMizu in The 10 Song Shuffle!   
    I've tried to get into Five Finger Death Punch, but nothing is clicking at the moment.
    Avenged Sevenfold- Shepherd of Fire Blue Cheer- Summertime Blues KISS- Psycho Circus NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST- T.Y.R.A.N.T Korn- Kill Mercy Within MUCC- G.G. Avenged Sevenfold- Walk Lady Gaga- Edge of Glory Judas Priest- Blood Stained girugamesh- antlion pit Kind of forgot I had Lady Gaga in my library for a moment. Not that it isn't a bad thing.
  5. Like
    Crube got a reaction from hitsuji-hime in random thoughts thread   
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    Crube got a reaction from hitsuji-hime in random thoughts thread   
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    Crube got a reaction from enyx in random thoughts thread   
  8. Like
    Crube got a reaction from Tetora in random thoughts thread   
  9. Like
    Crube reacted to PsychoΔelica in random thoughts thread   
    Can't help the curiouslty... do you always think in pictures?
  10. Like
    Crube got a reaction from Tetora in random thoughts thread   
  11. Like
    Crube got a reaction from hyura in random thoughts thread   
    And here I thought you were joking at first.
    Either way! Here's a larger picture of said avatar!

    I'm afraid of using tumbler out of fear of getting an aneurysm from reading stupid things.
  12. Like
    Crube reacted to Sakura Seven in random thoughts thread   
    As a barista, I'm offended. Please Drink Coffee.
  13. Like
    Crube reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in Japanese punk!   
    I'm envisioning blood smeared grizzly bears holding half-eaten guitars.
  14. Like
    Crube reacted to Bear in Japanese punk!   
    As most of you know, I'm quite a fan of punk and its subgenres, and the Japanese punk scene sure deserves its own thread on the forum. I guess everybody on the forum knows bands like The Stalin, Anti-Feminism, Balzac, The Piass and so on, so I won't make a big deal about those, even though I am a fan of several of those. But feel free to talk about all kinds of punk from hardcore to d-beat to crust to horror punk to grindcore to skate punk to street punk to thrashcore to psychobilly and so on, but keep it to the bands that are on the punk side. Take grindcore as an example: please do talk about grindcore, but keep it to the bands rooted in punk.
    Bands like S.O.B., Napalm Death and Extreme Noise Terror played a type of grindcore that belongs in this thread. These guys basically played hard, brutal punk with metal influences, unlike grindcore bands such as Impetigo, Terrorizer and Repulsion who were more on the metallic side and played and more death metal influenced grindcore. Same goes with metalcore and whatnot too. You get the point.
    I'll start and post some of my favourites from the Japanese scene throughout the time:

    Formed in 1981, Gauze turned out to be one of the most influential Japanese punk bands of all time, if not THE most influential band from the punk scene in Japan. The band is recognized throughout the underground punk scene in the whole world to have released two of the best hardcore albums of all time with 1984's Fuckheads and 1986's Equalizing Distort, and the band proved to have a massive influence of the scene in Japan, as well as underground scene all over the world. So the band did get lots of recognition, but far from what they had deserved IMO.

    Another highly influential band, but unlike Gauze this band had more influence on the grindcore scene throughout the world, and grindcore legends Napalm Death, Brutal Truth and Carcass have all told lots about the influence S.O.B. had on them, Lee Dorian, vocalist on Napalm Death's two first albums, have always been open to how the band borrowed a shitload of S.O.B. riffs for their 1988 masterpiece From Enslavement to Obliteration. Lee Dorian and Shane Embury even went on to play on 1989's Thrash Night EP. The band started out as a brutal and fast hardcore band, before evolving into a pure gindcore band with 1990's What's the Truth?. Their debut EP Leave Me Alone consists of 9 songs, clocking in on 09,16 minutes, and their debut album consists of 18 songs, clocking in on 19:42 minutes. Too short? Nah. With the intensity of the bands music the lenght are more or less perfect.

    G.I.S.M. are robably best known for their strange live shows where Sakevi did plenty of strange things, like running into the crowd with a chainsaw, attacking front rows with a lit flamethrower, beating random concertgoers with a club, and firing gun shots on stage with a revolver, as well as attacking journalists and photographers who try to approach him. But beneath this, we find one of the early metapunk bands, blending hardcore and heavy metal into one raw, dirt mix. Their second album saw the band leaning more towards heavy meta, though, with close to no hardcore left in their sound. It's a great album, but not close to as good as their debut, Detestation.

    Disclose are one of the hundreds and hundreds of Discharge clones, but unlike all the other clones, this band is actually more or less just as good as the original. Disclose plays d-beat and sounds like a fuzzy and distorted version of Discharge, and for someone who worships the altar of Discharge it's impossible not to love this band. There's not really more to say. Fantastic band!

    This band here, is one of my all time favourite hardcore bands. Framtid isn't a very productive band, and during their 20+/- year long career they've only released two full lenghts (16 and 21 minutes long), a few demos and a few split releases. So yeah, not very productive and it took them 11 years from their first to their second full lenght. But who gives a fuck when the quality of what they're releasing is as high as it is? Two genius albums and two of the best in the genre. Raw, dirty and brutal hardcore. This band is hardcore hell!

    There's not too much info on this band around, but what I do know is that this band played top notch hardcore. Dark and dirty, with obvious G.I.S.M. influences, though the hardcore side of G.I.S.M. Fantastic band!

    Death Side
    Pure hardcore with fantastic leads and great riffs and vocals. Not as raw or ugly as some of the other mentioned here, but just as good as most of them.
    Other great bands to check out:
    Unholy Grave
    Electric Funeral
    The Rustler
    Swindle Bitch
    All these are well worth checking out IMO. Great bands, al of them.
  15. Like
    Crube reacted to indigo in Japanese punk!   
    Death Side is badass. I'm thinking of buying Bet On The Possibility LP.
    I also like Kriegshög, Framtid, Disclose...
    Just checked out Zouo and Kuro and they sound sick too.
  16. Like
    Crube got a reaction from MaikoMizu in random thoughts thread   
    Deleted scene from TMNT.

  17. Like
    Crube got a reaction from Peace Heavy mk II in random thoughts thread   
  18. Like
    Crube reacted to Tetora in random thoughts thread   
    What`s the deal with item drop rates?
    I mean, first of all, if an item has a 20% drop rate, people tell me that you have a 1-in-5 chance of getting that item each time you kill that monster, so after 5 kills you should have that item...
    Somebody should tell these people that that is clearly not how odds work because I have personally killed that monster 5 times and he didn`t drop a thing. Not a single thing.
    What`s the deal here? I even see items nowadays with things like a 1% drop rate or less... Is there some kind of recession that the monster`s don`t want us knowing about? Because logically they should all drop the same thing every time, seeing as they are all identical right down to the last digit of their HP... But no... They`re hoarding these things away somewhere, and it sure isn`t in any treasure chests. since all I get from those things is stuff I never wanted in the first place.
    Speaking of treasure chests, who`s leaving these things lying around? I mean, someone had to go into the hardest dungeon in the game, dragging that big chest with him. He picked the right spot to leave it, sure, there`s no doubt about that, but if he went to all that trouble surely he could lock the chest? They always seem to forget that part...
    Back to item drops, I`m starting to doubt this whole recession thing, seeing as there sees to be no shortage of beast fangs and monster ooze. Yup, you`re going to be getting about 99 of everything you don`t ever need in the game, just like the bright idea someone had to hand out potions 40 hours into the game when you`re level 50, and have a couple thousand hp... Yup, a potion that heals 100 hit points, that should do the trick...
    You know who I blame for all this? Someone just said the government, no they dodge the bullet on this one; who I blame is the Battle Planner, because somewhere along the way, they decided that it was a GREAT idea to stop it with all the epic hidden bosses we knew and loved that gave us good weapons and armor, and thought it would be a great idea to take the material collecting system from MMO`s, where logically, they make you pay more the longer you play, and put that whole time wasting system in offline RPG`s where you only have to pay once, basically making you waste hundreds of hours of your life for nothing, as they don`t even see a dime for it. Yeah, great idea, now I can tell all my friends that it took me 120 hours to beat the latest Final Fantasy, and oh, by the way, 30 hours of that were spent enjoying the game, the other 90 were killing endless wet rats and flans in the sewers waiting for one stinking item to drop.
    I`d like to have a word with whoever came up with this idea...
  19. Like
    Crube got a reaction from Tetora in random thoughts thread   
    Deleted scene from TMNT.

  20. Like
    Crube got a reaction from beni in random thoughts thread   
    Of course! The other shows that May host are pretty fun to watch as well! But, that's just me of course.
    Womp womp. D:
  21. Like
    Crube reacted to Trombe in DIR EN GREY Music Clip Blu-ray/DVD "Average Sorrow" release   
    DIR EN GREY Music Clip Blu-ray/DVD "Average Sorrow" will be released at 2015/04/01 (Blu-ray 6,480yen / DVD 5,400yen)
  22. Like
    Crube reacted to beni in random thoughts thread   
    ...I really thought it was only me who had that. ;; Well, this sucks! Hopefully your home page loads quicker. I always had the trouble when browsing tags. -.-
    xD Oh wow, I wasn't at all!
    I loved your xmas May one too! x'D I'm guessing you're a fan of Top Gear? I apologise if May is in something else because that is all I know he's from haha. My nan'd get along great with you if this is true. xD (thank you for the bigger version btw, I find it hilarious!)
    It's like you've summed up my life. o.o
    Great approach you have on this though. Keep it up!
  23. Like
    Crube got a reaction from CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
  24. Like
    Crube reacted to beni in random thoughts thread   
    Tumblr has finally stopped with the loading posts always crashing on me, yay~
    Also, Crube-san. ^ I said it once in the chat and cannot stop looking at it because; that avi, 10/10. xD
  25. Like
    Crube reacted to doombox in BABYMETAL   
    There's a lot of long time metalheads who like it, though. Some people aren't so rigid that they can actually enjoy metal mixed with other styles.
    If you don't like it, that's cool. But I really hate when people assume "only idiots like this". A lot of people enjoy cheesy and fun things. Metal is a genre that often takes itself way too seriously. I think Babymetal offer people a break from that.
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