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Everything posted by Mihenno

  1. Well I'm out lol. :x I didn't listen to it at all yesterday
  2. ILLUSION alone in my room
  3. Mihenno

    10/10 DIV - rainy,rainy,fuckboy. 少年記 - Dear my Fuckboy... Lycaon - PINK MILK WITH DRUGS MY FUCKBOY Sick² - Diary of a Fuckboy VANIRU - Who am I, Picture of Fuckboy... Acid Black Cherry - I'm not a fuckboy BORN - Son of a Fuckboy BUCK-TICK - ONCE UPON A FUCKBOY コドモドラゴン - Children's Fuckboy GALNERYUS - HUNTING FOR YOUR FUCKBOY RoNo☆Cro - Give Me A Fuckboy
  4. I had a dream that Shounenki announced a full album in March.

    1. Tetora


      Maybe you just jinxed it.

    2. eiheartx


      oh god, please!!

    3. Mihenno


      lowkey, would kill myself if I jinxed it

    4. Show next comments  96 more
  5. Baka ne in the McDonald's drive thru
  6. Whole album while at the gym.
  7. Whole album while delivering pizzas
  8. Whole album while delivering pizzas
  9. Listening to ILLUSION and feeling sexy
  10. The worst is seeing the person you love, love someone else. SIGH

    1. Tetora


      A cool dude like you will have lots of other options, plus we still love you brah.

    2. kyoselflove
    3. beni


      What Tetz said. It's a horrible feeling and it happens to us all, surely. If it can't be, there will be a day it can be, if not with them then with someone else.

    4. Show next comments  96 more
  11. Seeing ONE OK ROCK in April #excited

    1. Tetora


      Nice. My favorite is ONION.

  12. Mihenno

    Here's hoping it's a full album
  13. Mihenno

    oh my god
  14. just realized shounenki's outfits for bloom beautifully and gazellebabel are exactly the same.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Well, assuming that it costs $800 to make a set of outfits for a whole band (depending on how elaborate they are) and then another $500~1,000 to do a full photoshoot, it was probably wiser to just do everything all at once to see how the sales went.

    2. Mihenno


      I just feel dumb because I'm usually observant. Guess I was too busy staring at the different hair/make-up from the different releases and didn't notice that the outfits were the same. xD

    3. kyoselflove


      They got you good.

  15. Mihenno

    I had a feeling this was coming >_<
  16. In terms of releases, the next 2 months are going to be awesome.

  17. OHHHHHH????????? I was wondering when they'd release something again
  18. eiheartx, you made all the calendar events nice and pretty <3

    1. ricchubunny
    2. beni


      ...I didn't even know we could add calendar events! xD How lovely of you eiheartx, nicely done!

    3. eiheartx


      thank you ricchu & benibana for the nice words ! I try my best to add regularly the upcoming releases according to CdJapan/Brand-x sale list (+ I'm having fun with Pixelmator)

    4. Show next comments  96 more
  19. Mihenno

    Tokyo Ghoul √A's opening is fucking garbage compared to the first season.
  20. Mihenno

    My goal is to get rid of the fat around my stomach. I'm currently 167lbs and 5ft 11in. I have little to no muscle though. While I would love to pack on muscle, I'm more concerned about having a flat stomach. I actually started my diet today. I was told that losing the fat around your stomach mainly comes from eating better so I went grocery shopping to get shit. I WAS going to the gym but then winter happened and it's like 0 degrees outside and the snow keeps piling up. So I was thinking of just doing situps and crunches at home. I don't really know if it'll do anything, but it's better than doing nothing at all. ALSO, I have this problem with my face. Like it gets swollen and I don't understand why. It's so slight, but I notice it and so do other people when I point it out. It's the weirdest thing. I can't find anything about it online and I've been to this specialist but was told that my salivary glands are bigger than normal and the saliva gets trapped(?) and I need to massage my mouth periodically for it to drain. For some reason though I don't think that's it. Like there's gotta be something else because that only works occasionally. I've read things saying it's lack of vitamins, lack of water, etc. So I give these things a try but nothing fixes it. Then I read something online about it having to do with eating and the amount you eat and it mentioned something about an eating disorder - but I can't remember exactly what it said. It made me think though because I was 210lbs 2 years ago and I had stopped eating as much as I was due to medication I was on, so I dropped 40lbs or so which is kinda where I'm at now and I wonder if maybe that has to do with it? If anyone knows anything about swollen faces, please help me. LOL Anyways, I'm gonna look into this Fitocracy app and see how my diet goes for a week with abdominal exercises.
  21. ARREST and BANG ME

  22. Mihenno

    Shounenki's unannounced 1st album. It's coming. I have visions of it in my sleep.
  23. Mihenno

    Wow sad news. I thought their "The 5 -FIVE-" album was really good. Wasn't really into DYSTOPIA
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