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Posts posted by Mihenno

  1. 3 hours ago, mo7037 said:

    All what I've felt was disgust of being touched, kissed and hugged and regret of lying to a person I had been dating with. And then I thought, well, I had tried, ehough of this crap, I'll be alone to the end of my days (and so I'm). Days go by, but I'm happy being alone. Aromantic asexual, that's it. 

    It's very refreshing to see someone else in my exact position. While I wouldn't mind having a partner, it's almost impossible to find someone who doesn't have sex on their minds. I've accepted that I'll potentially live my life alone and I'm ok with that. I am keeping an open mind if by some miracle another asexual comes into my life and we click but I'm not holding my breath. 

  2. 1 minute ago, YuyoDrift said:


    Hmmmmm....... I dont know how to break this to you gently...... lol




    I'm going to call Guest Services and get a definitive answer on this. This is actually poorly worded, and now I'm starting to think (more like hope) that this does not apply to the VIP backstage Meet/Greet.


    I could understand during the show, but for meet and greet wtf?

    OOR allowed 1 picture to be taken on your phone for meet and greet and I'm almost positive it was the same for Dir en grey.


    Wow I was really looking forward to being a tree next to Ruki. :(

  3. 19 minutes ago, YuyoDrift said:

    I received an email a couple weeks ago regarding this. By the looks of it, it is per the request of the GazettE, and relayed to us by their PR  representing them.


    I can understand the need to prohibit any recording device during the concert, but to apply that rule to the VIP ticket members during the Meet/Greet is just ridiculous. The ONLY thing that I wanted from all of this, was a picture of the GazettE and I in one picture. I really feel bad because of it. You'd think they'd embrace their USA fans with ONE silly picture...



    Wait, are you saying I paid $200 to not get a picture?

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