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Posts posted by Mihenno

  1. 21 minutes ago, hiroki said:


    personally i think it's probably because they're finally doing an album after SO MANY singles so i'm not too surprised. i mean at least it isn't a best album with 10 previously released songs and a bonus track called "Thank you" lolol. i don't expect them to be Shonenki #2 but who knows ._.


    XD this reminded me more of DIV's 2nd album SECRET than Shounenki's. I'm just hoping they release at most 3 singles and then hit us with a second album so that it's loaded with new songs <3

  2. Ok so I finally listened to the new album enough to finally determine how I feel about it...

    Pls don't shoot me but..................................



    I'm a little disappointed in it. I didn't really know what to expect, but I kinda wanted something to top Lunar Phase. Almost all the new songs were forgettable to me.  I have to say though, 星の雫 was surprisingly good.  Like REALLY good and I'm not exactly into anfiel for their ballads but this was A+++


    I'm stuck on 2015 anfiel.  Most of the time when I listen to Shogo bby it's either from destin or Lunar Phase. Paradise Lost isn't horrible or anything, it's got its charm but I probably wouldn't come back to it aside for the single tracks and 星の雫. I feel like I could literally bop to any of the lunar phase songs, but I can't bop to any Paradise Lost songs. Does that make sense? I understand I'm kinda comparing 2 different sounds here, but I like the anfiel songs that are catchy, aggressive, and have a nice chorus that flows with the song. I felt like I didn't get any of that in Paradise Lost. A.C.T.C and RIP are examples of songs that I wanted to bop to, but there was just something off about them. I also wanted to say that ルピナスアンハピネス was very strange and when I listen to it, I'm still initially like "whaaaaaaaaaat......"


    Lunar Phase is literally everything I love about anfiel and I'm hoping their 3rd album is kinda reminiscent of it. I'm interested in hearing what everyone else thinks. Am I the only one who feels like this? LOL 

    Also keep in mind, these are the opinions of someone who does NOT know Japanese so for all I know, these songs could be masterfully written, but it's kinda lost on me because I'm only able to go off of what sounds good to me.



  3. 2 minutes ago, hiroki said:

    Just a heads up that the CD is only available via mail order (for shipping in Japan only). You'll need to email [email protected] and tell him your name, postal code, address, number of copies. Shipping fee is 200 yen per order. The deadline for this is 2017/06/23.


    Alternatively you can grab it from V star webshop if you're overseas.


    This will be the last release by masaya before he relocates to Tokyo.




    thx bby

  4. 5 hours ago, hiroki said:

    anyone who has listened to PARADISE LOST wanna share their thoughts? :) 

    I will once I listen to it!!!!! Sioux and SHeepSLeep were on backorder so they literally just shipped my order today. Hopefully I'll get everything next week

  5. I'm just dropping by to say that while I was at a Crystal Castles concert, I was jokingly talking to my friend about starting a band with me and her (like Ethan and Alice) and this random guy turns to me and is like "yeah maaaaan totally! I could totally see you guys doing witch house." (we were dressed like trash goths at the time). So when he said "witch house" that was legit the first time I heard that term and had no idea that Crystal Castles was labeled as such. I always just labeled them as "noise" LOL


    Also, Thank you for the recommendation list of bands, I'm gonna check out some of those.

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