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Everything posted by Flash-Fab-Supernova

  1. Flash-Fab-Supernova

    Nice nice Nekki-chan~! Very good website~. My sun sign is Leo and my moon is Aquarius with rising in Sagitarius~. It's pretty spot on~.

  3. Flash-Fab-Supernova

    Maybe the big screen will be Miyavi's big break through in America~.
  4. Flash-Fab-Supernova

  5. Flash-Fab-Supernova


  7. Flash-Fab-Supernova

    Woah guys woah~ Too bad your stuff can't beat my Samsung 303C with 1.5 Exynos5 dual core CPU and 11.6" screen and 2GB memory and 16 GB hard drive and 6 hours of battery life weighing in at 2.43 lbs. Total beastly rig with top of the line stats~.
  8. Maybe what the forum needs is an influx of new users. New users with interests in actually conversing on the deep nature of visual kei music and the statements it makes for materialism and narcissism.

  9. Iz a music forum a community or iz is it just a place where 70% of the users don't make friends and just want the free tunes? Let's change the forum name to MONOCHROME PIRATE SHIP.

    1. CAT5


      shutcho ass up maiku

    2. Flash-Fab-Supernova


      Nekki-chan has a better name let's go with dat juan!

    3. Umi_Niwa


      I don't want any tunes nor friends. Why does that concern you anyway?

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  10. Flash-Fab-Supernova

    Most people on this forum are too mean and hungry for downloads to make the apathy level go down~. MH is just a pirating site with the bulk of community activity "THANKS FOR SHARING WHAT YOU BOUGHT," and "OMG I NEED THIS IN 320K PLZ SOME1 POAST."
  11. Flash-Fab-Supernova

    Why is Taylor Swift in this music video? @_@
  12. Flash-Fab-Supernova

    Me on the left~. My glamorous friend Spaace on the right. At a rainbow warriors equinox celebration~.
  13. Flash-Fab-Supernova

    THE REQUIEM must be Saddy's take on Dir en Grey's Difuraento Senshi.
  14. I might make it out for this. :'D
  15. Flash-Fab-Supernova

    OHhhh man. This is gonna be epic. For anyone not familiar with Yusa's vocal stylings please see these tracks for further ideas on what he'll probably be sounding like on these tracks~. 8D Edit: Oops didn't know those videos would go all big like that. ;__; Also, Gremlins not good.
  16. Flash-Fab-Supernova

    OH wow. Sounds great. AWESOME.
  17. Flash-Fab-Supernova

    Just finished American Psycho by Brett Easton Ellis~. Now I'm reading Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury. :'D
  18. Flash-Fab-Supernova

    It depends on what kind of music you want from them. Start at the beginning and you will travel through dark alternative rock sounding VK that drifts into more stylish rock pop before it bleeds back into the darkness around SEVEN. The band has a pretty long list of albums and singles. Like 13 or 14 albums or something. Pretty prolific. They started out pretty promising and then a lot of people got knocked off the vibe when they started going into the more stylish pop rock around 2007-09. Then they seemed to remember what they did before just a little bit when they did Seven. I think after Yusuke Suga quit it was a hard blow to the band composition wise and the fact that 12012 distanced itself from UNDERCODE and moved to Diru's label that they made that mess of a self title where it was almost like teenagers taking all the different VK band sounds and mixing them together into "original" tracks. Then luckily the band somehow made it's own lebel thing HEAVENSTAMP and voila~! what we have now. Even though The Swan is AMAZING I feel the song itself is derivative of other 12012 ballads. Reminds me a lot of Just The Way You Are from SEVEN.
  19. Flash-Fab-Supernova

    Fuck yeah. Glad they are still doing music like this and not just boring over done aggressive. Love the art style and how dreamy the whole thing is. Maybe Wataru saw that Black Swan movie? xD Great song and PV. Def better than that lame ass self titled where they fooled around with VK tropes.
  20. Flash-Fab-Supernova

    Jesus fuck this is going to be the best album of the year.
  21. Flash-Fab-Supernova

    Oh please. Takeru is the clown that made SuG even remotely interesting with his overly campy personality and gay faux gangsta dances. If you look at SuG as a parody vk band then it all kinds of makes sense because none of them are really all that skillful and the songs aren't that creative. Even when Takeru "raps" he looks like he is poking fun at other rappers. (Not to mention that weird part in the MAD$HIP PV where they have someone dressed like Deadmau5) Usually the things that are interesting are the lyrics and Takeru promoting that whole Club Kid vibe of Fashionable Party Addict. Plus the name is ridiculous. SuG = THuG. I mean come on. They even said they made Love Scream Party to get more over seas support. (And it worked rather well.) Not surprised one bit at this guy going solo when I normally saw SuG as his own little art project to begin with. At the end he was going as far as directing some PV's. Wonder what SuG and this new Solo will do next~. Oh look at that he even has his MILLION$ORCHESTRA line coming back.
  22. Flash-Fab-Supernova

    Everything that Arithmetica said is pretty much what I was trying to convey. I'm not trying to be elitist or say anyone that purchases cds is better than other fans, I'm just saying it is still the only way to support when you can't go see live bands and saying that it doesn't support the musicians directly is bullshit. Like Arithmetica said, even if the label eats the profits it's still part of the music industry I enjoy. Especially when the bands from America just can't pull off the visual styles as well as the Japanese bands do. (Look at those tacky cookie cutter paste emo/scene bands like Black Gay Brides and Semen on the Disco Floor.) Sharing shit is fine and dandy and that's how I got into this to begin with but I still wish more fans made an effort to at least buy a release every once in a while is all I'm saying. Hell I buy MP3 albums of bands I don't even enjoy that much just so there is more support in the foreign digital market as well, so hopefully more stuff gets added in the future. Don't understand how it's elitist to want and like spending money on VK. This morning I even pre-ordered The GazettE's new single off Amazon even though I doubt I'll appreciate it after those lackluster previews of yawning.
  23. Flash-Fab-Supernova

    I agree about exposure and that it's great that more people are enjoying the artists creation and that it may cause more sales and interest. But I disagree with the "just a copy" argument now that the world is overflowing with MP3 stores and digital formats of all kinds. Physical versions of CDs and books and everything are essentially just copies as well. Just because something isn't physical doesn't mean it isn't "real."
  24. Flash-Fab-Supernova

    Gentle Giant. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_37q0xjUjs
  25. Flash-Fab-Supernova

    Yes I understand this too but I still feel if more foreign sales happened there would be more of an incentive for bands to release things in foreign markets.
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