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    hiroki reacted to Mihenno in ルクス(lux) new single "LOVELESS" release   
    omg between the preview and new look im literally in a coma right now
  3. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from Mihenno in ルクス(lux) new single "LOVELESS" release   
    New look!





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    hiroki reacted to gekiai in Blesscode will disband + best-of release !   
    now my heart is gonna hurt every time I look at their flyer on my wall..
  6. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from gekiai in Blesscode will disband + best-of release !   
    Ok last post here probably (sorry not sorry)
    masaya's blog post today:
  7. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from gekiai in Blesscode will disband + best-of release !   
    Setlist of their last live:


    i will fucking love them forever.
  8. Like
    hiroki reacted to echo in 弾丸 NO LIMIT (Dangan NO LIMIT)   
    Here's their setlist from tonight's live at Shibuya REX!


    For some reason 自分定義 made me cry like a fucking baby and I couldn't get my shit together for pretty much the rest of their set, but whatever. I love them. It was like during that song all my thoughts and feelings about the band surfaced and it felt like my heart was leaping out of my chest. Not to be over-dramatic, but I'm a little over-dramatic <3
    I was pretty much smiling through tears and jumping around for the next two songs haha
    Even if it's not with Dangan, I really hope everyone can feel the intensity towards a band that I feel for Dangan. Like, I'm pretty sure I used to make fun of/not understand people who cried at lives and over songs/bands/bandmen w/e but like. Fuck. Go fall in love with a band so you can understand <3 
    Okay sorry, just rambling now. On to the picspam!
  9. Like
    hiroki reacted to echo in 弾丸 NO LIMIT (Dangan NO LIMIT)   
    omg so apparently I forgot to post this. LOLOL 
    so here's my spazz report for dangan's  one-man at O-West!
    I still can't believe they're disbanding T__________________T I saw them again tonight and well, before I get into that, read about their one-man! <3 
    (I had this written for a long-ass time and just forgot to post it and I'm not about to go through and change the tenses from "tonight" to "that night" and w/e so just deal with it <3)
    I really fell in love with this entire band after tonight. Their songs are all incredibly fun live and their furi isn't complicated at all so you don't really have to stress about it haha <3
    Like, before I liked their music and the band, but after the one-man, I definitely fell in love with them. All of them. As people and as a band, like. I just love them so much <3
    From the very first song they had really great energy! I fucking love those first three songs SO MUCH so it was super easy for me to get into it too. LEO'S GUITAR PLAYING IS SO SEXY I CANNOT <3 His fucking solos and riffs are so damn good <333

    Before Isutori GAME started, a big screen came down in the back. They played this blue spiraling ish video thing when the song started. Kinda something like this effect?

    And they played diff clips for the next few songs after that. I didn't really notice the clips too much tbh cos I was focusing on the guys, but during Tick-Tack they definitely had like clocks/clock gears going on in the bg so I'm pretty sure that song is supposed to be Tick-Tock, but w/e haha <3
    Tick-Tack into Envy worked really well I think! Also, I really really really really really really like Envy. Like I think it might be one of my favorite songs haha <3 I think it just has a beat that I super love and it's catchy af.
    I love how that in Dangan songs you don't lose the rest of the instruments during guitar solos. Like I feel in a lot of bands for the guitar solo it's all you can hear, which makes sense, but I kind of like that it's not always super overpowering in Dangan songs if that makes sense. Idk. Haha
    Okay Bullet. I FUCKING LOVE THIS SONG. Like from the first few seconds of the intro, to the guitar solo, to the whole fucking thing. It's great. <3333333 And live is even better <333333 Their energy tonight was seriously amazing! I was literally in the back of that live house, maybe second to last row? Third to last row? Or something, but it felt like I was right up front <3
    And Damni it!! Is so damn fun!!! Okay, I know I'm getting repetitive
    I really like Beginning. I didn't know the song before the live cos I wasn't able to buy the regular CD of BULLET cos they were sold out everywhere haha but it's a really nice song! I really like all the songs on the BULLET single <333
    The last resort has so much moshing! <333 It was really fun except for that the girls next to me had all their shit on the floor and weren't moshing and I didn't realize they weren't gonna move until I was like being shoved into them and had nowhere to go haha Dangan's energy during this song is AMAZINGGG like literally Miyuu running back and forth sometimes between kamite and shimote to direct us haha
    They ended the set with sono uso hontou. SO. PERFECT. I fucking love this song. And not just cos this is the song that Miyuu threw his towel at me way back when haha It's definitely one of my favorite songs from them!! <33333 And it's just so much fun live!!! I wish everyone could experience it!! And Miyuu's face when he sings it! I fucking love him! Haha <333333333
    Okay random MC moments that I remember:
    Before they started playing the encore Leo said he wanted to say a few words. I don't know if I understood correctly, but I think he was saying that he had hung his costume up outside to dry or w/e and the wind blew it down and he couldn't find the inner shirt that he wears under the jacket thing. He even walked around looking for it but couldn't find it so he wore a different shirt thing (I think??), but it wasn't working out so well. Like he was going to hard during the live and like his chest was revealed a lot or something? And like turned black from the other shirt he was wearing So he just wanted to apologize for that LOL well he wanted to apologize for some kind of wardrobe mishap I think. And for the encore they had changed into the new shirts they're selling (that sold out before I could get one T_T) and he said that his body was all black now for some reason. Because of the shirt he was wearing instead of the one he lost? Or something? I couldn't really understand that part lol but Miyuu was laughing at him haha I think he wanted to tell us that his chest was black from the shirt, not cos he has a super hairy chest loolol
    After that Miyuu had them each say a few words. Yusuke started. He was saying how 2/18 was an important day for Dangan, but also a very important for his dog, Sakura. LOL. He said his parents sent him a line message like "good luck at your live! Btw it's Sakura's bday!" and sent him a picture of the dog <3333 So he was like "please keep her in your thoughts! It's a very important day for her!!" and Miyuu's face was kinda like "wtf??? Why are you talking about your dog??" hahaha apparently they've all met her too (except for Chika cos he has an animal fur allergy, but he's seen pics and thinks Sakura is cute lol) I think she turned 12? It was a pretty old age for a dog haha Yusuke looked so happy talking about her! lolol
    Chika was saying how he's been super messed up the past three days cos he was so nervous haha and he started talking about his mom. Apparently he calls her Kazumi lolol He's so cute! And like she asked him something like "Oh, you're playing at Tsutaya?" (Tsutaya is the name of a dvd/cd rental shop) and Chika was telling us like technically she wasn't wrong?? Since the live was at tsutaya o-west, but like explaining the difference to her was too troublesome so he was just like "yeah" LOLOL And Yusuke was like "wait so she thinks we're playing at DVD rental shop??" And he was like "yeah probably" hahaha and then he said his mom was like "which tsutaya" and he was like "shibuya" LOLOL and Yusuke or Miyuu (I forget who) was like wait, so if she had wanted to come see us tonight, she'd just be wandering around that Tsutaya? (referring to the huge Tsutaya across from Shibuya station) lolol and Chika was just like… yeah probably? LOL And he ended this story by saying that he had been practicing for three days to relay this story to us LOL he's adorable!!! <3333333
    Next up was Leo. Apparently he gets super nervous too. Miyuu was laughing at him cos apparently his legs were shaking when he did the MC for their first one-man and Yusuke added that Leo had said that he's the most nervous for MCs haha <333 Leo was super awkward like… he would start to say something have a long pause and be like "uh yeah" and then keep going haha. He was mostly just saying how he really, really wants to make cool songs so it was like "I want to make cool songs…………………………yup………I wanna make cool songs……………………….yeah…………." haha oh but he did say like his favorite moment is when a song comes together. Like he composes it, Miyuu adds the lyrics and they add Yusuke's drums and Chika's bass and that moment that it all comes together is the best <333
    Miyuu choked up, talked about how he wanted to quit at some point but the members convinced him otherwise and he's really glad they were there for him. Him and Leo mentioned countless times how they want to make it with these four members <3333 They're so determined! Miyuu was so happy and appreciative for the fans too
    Miyuu was so touched at the end after they played the encore songs. he was crying and tried to hand the mic off to Yusuke, but Yusuke just kinda put his hands in the air like "don't had that to me, YOU talk!" so he kinda moped over to Leo who just kinda patted him on the shoulder/back like "you can do it!" haha Finally he was like "this is such a wonderful scene" referring to the fans and said it was so good that he wanted to take a picture. He said that they had never taken a picture at a one-man before, but that it was such a great view that not taking a picture would be a waste. He asked if it was okay to take a picture in such a sweet way too like, he was half crying and like "is it okay to take a picture? Just one? Please??" kind of feeling. <3333333333333333333333333 I love Miyuu so much!
    Anyway, I really love this band and I'm pretty fucking devastated that they are disbanding T_T I'm glad I didn't get into them too late and I hope they come back soon T___T I hope people continue to love them!!!!
  10. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from Mihenno in Blesscode will disband + best-of release !   
    Ok last post here probably (sorry not sorry)
    masaya's blog post today:
  11. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from Mihenno in Blesscode will disband + best-of release !   
    Setlist of their last live:


    i will fucking love them forever.
  12. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from The Reverend in Free Aqua Butterfly new single "LOST WORLD" release   
    Free Aqua Butterfly new single "LOST WORLD" will be released on 2017/06/21
    2. コドクノナカ
    3. Winter Fall

  13. Like
    hiroki reacted to echo in FoLLoW   
    For anyone who still cares, Masashi made a nico nico douga account and posted a cover of "Walking in the Center of the World" tonight <3
    He said his updates might be sporadic, but he'll try to post so please continue to support him!
    Also, he's changed his twitter account name cos he said he doesn't wanna be called Masashi anymore lol in a twitcast he asked everyone what name he should use and everyone pretty much said Piya. Pi-ya? I'm not sure how to romanize it haha, but it's ぴーや <3
    I will literally never stop loving him T_T
  14. Like
    hiroki reacted to Kathy in Blesscode will disband + best-of release !   
    Ughhh my heart 
  15. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from Kathy in Blesscode will disband + best-of release !   
    Ok last post here probably (sorry not sorry)
    masaya's blog post today:
  16. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from Kathy in Blesscode will disband + best-of release !   
    Setlist of their last live:


    i will fucking love them forever.
  17. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from echo in Blesscode will disband + best-of release !   
    Ok last post here probably (sorry not sorry)
    masaya's blog post today:
  18. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from Alsdead14 in Blesscode will disband + best-of release !   
    Ok last post here probably (sorry not sorry)
    masaya's blog post today:
  19. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from Komorebi in Blesscode will disband + best-of release !   
    Ok last post here probably (sorry not sorry)
    masaya's blog post today:
  20. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from -NOVA- in Blesscode will disband + best-of release !   
    Ok last post here probably (sorry not sorry)
    masaya's blog post today:
  21. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from -NOVA- in Blesscode will disband + best-of release !   
    Setlist of their last live:


    i will fucking love them forever.
  22. Like
    hiroki reacted to Shaolan974 in KISS the CROWN new album "GRAND MENU" release   
    KISS the CROWN new album "GRAND MENU" will be released at 2017/05/03 (3000Y)
    01. Calling
    02. 心、ひらり
    03. 自暴自棄午前0時 "grand menu mix."
    04. Golden Summer "grand menu mix."
    05. Stop≠motion
    06. 声
    07. amnesia
    08. Taboo rendez-vouz "grand menu mix."
    09. Q.E.D. "grand menu mix."
    10. おやすみ
    11. 独リヨガリ「I」ノウタ

  23. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from echo in Blesscode will disband + best-of release !   
    Setlist of their last live:


    i will fucking love them forever.
  24. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from smilesxchibi in FEST VAINQUEUR Dr.KAZI has departed   
    The reason Kazi supplied for his departure was musical differences and that he feels he can't continue as a FEST member.
  25. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from Alkaloid in FEST VAINQUEUR Dr.KAZI has departed   
    The reason Kazi supplied for his departure was musical differences and that he feels he can't continue as a FEST member.
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