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Everything posted by hiroki

  1. hiroki

    welp i need to say hi to you because i checked out your tumblr and 回転木馬 started playing :'DDDDDDDD as for the bands you've listed i like Royz most ^^ welcome and hope you enjoy your stay here!
  2. hiroki

    And how do you propose to measure sincerity? I find it unnerving that if you're in a 90s vk band that happened to be making dreadful music you could still gloriously play this "sincerity" or "passion" card; but if you're doing well in today's vk scene suddenly it's all because you have great bells and whistles + good at being a shameless sellout because, alas, you've arrived 10 years late and the ethereal spirit of vk no longer permeates your soul.
  3. i agree with everything you said, but this especially. i mean, a lot of the songs they wrote are catchy as hell but they are also... kinda different from one another? there's also the very distinct shift from their very early releases (Akasha etc.) to their later ones. the most depressing thing is that the members' talents are indisputable and their overall quality never dropped; what they lacked was a signature sound that fans can instantly associate with the band when they hear it. i'm also concerned about the label. after Gimmick. and Shonenki disband within a relatively short period of time of each other, only Purple Stone will be left. CRIMZON is a sublabel of GIZA studio, which never dealt with vk until very recently (perhaps CRIMZON was supposed to just be a litmus test?). so, yes, i'm worried to say the least.
  4. Wow. This is shocking. Shonenki had a lot of gems in their discography that I adore, although there were also a small number of very popular songs (e.g. BANG ME) that I was more indifferent to. No explicit reason for disbandment was given in their comments, except Kou's vague remarks about how reality doesn't live up to their dreams. Rei also said it wasn't down to differences among members, and that Shonenki would be his last band and he'll be retiring ;_;
  5. hiroki

    this was so hard lol.. #私を構成する9枚
  6. hiroki

    CHIMERA was really good! The single also came at an important time, i.e. after Shinkaigyo and GLOSTER - and I was afraid that vistlip was gonna go down the "harder" route and never come back T_T So CHIMERA restored all my faith in the band inc. is also one of the my favorite songs (@Mi'ihen's too I think!). Everything about it is just classic vistlip XD Ahh my favorite LAYOUT track is also Idea. It seems we have similar tastes lol.
  7. hiroki

    I hate lyric threads because I always spend more time than I should on them. Ok not really, I love them. What I look for in lyrics: subtlety, complexity, porosity, a signature style that cannot be forged. I hate cheesy/repulsive lines like those you find in Johnnys music (e.g. “I love you and I want to meet you”, “I want to spread my wings and fly to a new tomorrow”). I also detest outmoded tropes, motifs, iconography that have been recycled to death. I can think of 4 lyricists off my head now (might come back and edit this post a little later..) Random sampling of said lyrics + long ramblings in spoiler tags. You have been warned. HERO – Jin DIV – Chisa SID – Mao Lol I think Mao’s lyrics speak for themselves. Some of the most idiosyncratic lyrics in the Japanese language. I wanna know what he's smoking when writing lyrics. ‘Nuff said. Vistlip - Tomo
  8. yeah i saw masashi's tweet a few days ago mentioning that the new single will have 2 songs written by junsei and one by him!! can't wait
  9. that live clip from 1:44~ looked amazinnnnnnng. tomo perfection >_>
  10. M-ON! had an interview with blu-billion if anyone's interested: http://www.m-on-music.jp/0000077898/ & http://www.m-on.press/music/0000042643 Full PV will be released tomorrow
  11. hiroki

    vistlip released the short PV of CONTRAST yesterday and it caused quite a storm on Twitter, with a lot of (international) vistlip fans railing against it for various reasons. any thoughts?
  12. loveeeeee the song. my favorite A-side since CHIMERA i think.
  13. hiroki

    i've listened to very little of THE NOVEMBERS so this might be slightly unfair, but i'm voting for plastic tree because Nega to Poji is one of the best vk albums imo and very difficult to beat. also, even in plastic tree's very early releases (e.g. Strange fruits) i could find tracks i like - which is a rarity (for me) among bands whose careers span 15-20 years lol.
  14. that's a shame. A&D seems to have been around forever despite having such a small fanbase.
  15. yeah unfortunately aoi is limited to their very first presents live (i.e. the one on 3/22). furthermore it will only be given out to fans who enter under their band (and not other bands playing at the same live) T_T you can access Fromjapan here. feel free to PM me if you need more help~ Edited to avoid making a new post: for taiban (lives with multiple bands), upon admission you'll be asked something like お目当ては? or which band you've come to see, and you'll reply with the name of the band, which counts you as one of their 動員 (fans 'mobilized' under the band). the live revenue is apportioned among the bands who performed at that live according to the number of 'mobilized fans' each has. so it's common to see bands giving bonus items like live distributed CDs or artist photocards only to people who enter as their fans.
  16. new look is great. reminds me a little of Feather Pray.. so hopefully the music is similar too~ :'D
  17. live version of S.O.S broadcasted on tv tokyo
  18. this will probably be sold in vk shops - and at least 1 of CDJapan, Brand-X, or Jishuban should carry it (all three shops ship internationally). otherwise, there's always the option of using a shopping service (e.g. FromJapan) to purchase it from other vk shops like ZEAL LINK. aoi will be trickier because it's a live distributed. if you know someone in japan who's willing to do it you can try paying him/her to go to the live for you; if not, there's only trying your luck at auctions.
  19. yeah have to agree lol. yu-ta's songwriting was alot more experimental in xyloride and i couldn't really get into it as big a fan of him as i am. definitely looking forward to this
  20. i like each and every single thing anfiel has done, so YES <3
  21. hiroki

    preview of their last cd and you've guessed it - it's live limited~
  22. preview sounds better than expected lol XD thankfully he doesn't have a deeper voice.
  23. yeah i love this! so happy for kaede's comeback
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