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Posts posted by RoseOfHizaki

  1. I have had a bad time with Seagate drives, so I try to avoid them now. I usually go with Western Digital. Also, do yourself a favor and pay the bit more to have the better drive (i.e. if you get a WD, go for a Caviar Black).

    Also, back up your stuff! You got to back it up to get it back, and it's better to just assume that your HDD WILL crash eventually.


    Caviar black is a good choice but a bit OTT - 5 years warranty though but it comes at a price. 


    Ultimately it all boils down to what you want the drive for - If its just for storage then a WD Green is the perfect partner and you can pick up a WD extended warranty/care plan for a few extra coins. I recently purchased 4 Toshiba 3TB hard drives but I have one of their 4&3TB external drives. the 4 3TB Toshiba's themselves are rebadged Hitachi drives which are made by WD.


    Even though Hitachi have earned a rather bad reputation for making "deathstar" which has left consumers a bit worried, those days a long gone. Like i said, I have 4x3TB drives, 2x in my PC and 2x in my NAS and they have been running perfectly so far, Getting Excellent transfer speeds due to the platter sizes of the hard drive - runs fast and silent, its all you need really need in a hard drive unless power consumption and heat are a concern.


    The model number is DT01ACA3

  2. I Havent been a member that long but even when i was lurking as a guest I noticed the site generally runs very slow. Over the days/weeks this has just gotten worse and worse and now im having trouble even turning pages on MH.


    How is MH run? Is it run off someones low powered NAS or netbook? If it keeps server rental fees down to run it on slow server then fine, but there are enough members here that im sure are willing to chip in $3-5 each towards server costs.


    I hate how slow the site runs and it genuinely gets on my nerves. 


    before you say "it could be your internet" I have 76mb fibre connection and 20-30tabs open in chrome and another 10-20 in firefox and every site thats loaded up on those tabs run perfectly fine, Occasionally there might be a minor delay in response times but no where near as bad as MH



    Will something be done about this or are we doomed to wait until the server MH is based on goes into critical and has a heartattack?



    Im sure im not the only one suffering from the slow downs.

  3. Warriors TWO


    Been getting back into the old 70s kung fu movies :P


    Its really amazing to see how far the film industry has come, these days it takes millions to make a movie, ones like Warriors TWO probably took way less than 1 million to make 


    Most 70s kung fu movies have a decent story, good plot and plenty of arse kicking to keep you interested, even if the film goes into a retarded slow motion echo'ey groan/moan and over dramatic fall/rolling-around-on-the-floor sequence when one actor takes a critical hit in the fight scenes.


    Honesty - the movies are old and lack special effects but some of the stories and plots hold up a lot lot lot better than todays movies which ultimately turn into  CGi-fests.



    There must be THOUSANDS of old kung fu movies out there which are just awesome. Jet Li has NOTHING on these guys,


    I kinda know how you feel. My sister got engaged last week and on the outside I'm all "oohhhh congraaats!!," but on the inside...



    I can relate to this. Cuz I hate my sister. Even as kids we have never got on, shes  probably about 29 or 30 and im 28. we should have been pretty close given the fact we were born less than 2yrs apart but she has severe problems with her ego due to being spoilt for most of her life by dad, 


    She now works in Japan or Hong Kong as an English teacher but every time she comes home she makes it her job to let everyone know how much better she is than everyone else so I dont waste my time talking to her.


    Dad is heartbroken we dont get on and its even bought him to tears and Ive probably seen him cry like 3 times in my entire life.


    Of course I did the best thing a son could do and said it was a problem he created and its something he has to come to terms with, As kids he was always gifting her stuff, hi-fi's, computers, mini-disc players - anything she wanted she could have. ME on the other hand the answer was always no. I had to go out, get a job and earn money to buy things that I wanted. So I have no sympathy because his future 'retirement fund' failed him, My sisters not just a bitch to me, shes like that to him too and hes one of her biggest backers/supporters, He put her through school, uni and payed for any extra schooling or classes she needed to get where she is to day and shes so disrespectful to him it makes my blood boil.


    I might not care about my family but at least im not a disrespectful brat. I like watching my dad suffer but i dont gloat about it even in private. 



    But all this is amusing to me, because when I was younger, i was always seen as the problem child - got into fights, had bad grades and im shitty with jobs but at the end of the day I dont go around thinking about how im above everyone else and getting a hard-on over it like my sister does and it her ego is a trait my parents hate the most in her.


    but I dont tolerate her BS - when shes home she knows to stay out of my way. I might not have the greatest job compared to her but at least its a job none the less and Im earning money to pay off some of the bills and keep the parents happy while rent is just beyond what my salary is capable of.

  5. Saw it more then a week ago but i went to see Riddick (2013) Its an alright movie, wasnt great - I felt it didnt really pick up the story very well from where it left off.... Before that I went to watch Elysium with maaaaatt daymunnnnnnn~ and totally noticed that Daniel Jackson from Stargate/Stargate SG-1 was among the extras for the 5 seconds he was on screen. 


    Also while we're on the subject of Stargate SG-1 I also found out that 'Teal'c' (of Chulak) played one of Bane's henchman in the Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises.



    Not that im a fan of Stargate or nuthin, but sometimes its interesting to see where the actors end up after the series they've done for the last decade has come to an end.

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