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Posts posted by RoseOfHizaki

  1. Double post!


    How about I fish for compliments by spamming this thread full of my everyday-makeup photos until everyone says I'm fucking adorable? Sounds like a deal? Good! Because shit's going down, baby!










    I think I look a lot softer in these pics. And not only because I'm smiling and/or showing tongue. Also, the color of my eyes is pretty awesome. Even if I say so myself.


    Okay thank you everybody! Yuugi's out~ (until tomorrow)



    your eyes are simply amazing.

  2. Im looking for a band called Ever+Last


    they released a short EP or mini-album around 2009/10 and did a few lives but have since vanished off the face of the earth and I have no idea where they went. I quite enjoyed their sound though


    heres a few of their youtube videos






    Need to find out if they released anymore tracks afterwards.

  3. the more i think about the whole versailles breakup and read into Kamijo and the other band members activities after the break up, im starting to think there was a little in house argument or debate on which direction the band should go - I quite liked the 'The Revenant Choir' era of versailles as it was what got me into versailles in the first place but in the end they kind of deviated from that and went more 'commercial' when they went major.  maybe the rest of the members wanted a return to the original sound but kamijo didnt want?

  4. I went through a slight goth phase but I was never the spike wearing, paint my nails black kind of goth...


    but the funny thing was, it wasnt until long after my goth phase that i actually grew my hair past my waist which is crazy seeing as im 6'1"

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