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Everything posted by RoseOfHizaki

  1. RoseOfHizaki

    much awesomeness, such classic
  2. RoseOfHizaki

    Justin Hayward - Forever Autumn (Rock/Progressive Rock) The Kinks - Waterloo Sunset (Rock/Pop) T Rex - Hot Love (Glam Rock/Rock n' Roll/Rock) Cream - The Sunshine Of Your Love (Hard Rock/Blues Rock) Cream - Crossroads (Hard Rock/Blues Rock) Thin Lizzy - Still In Love With You (Rock/Hard Rock/Blues Rock/Heavy Metal)
  3. RoseOfHizaki

    Trigun - Watch the series and Badlands Rumble before anything else.
  4. RoseOfHizaki

    Mike Curb Congregation - Burning Bridges (1970's)
  5. RoseOfHizaki

    Z X Ignition PV (Power metal/Neo-classical metal) No idea if its the theme song but it reminds me of matenrou opera or early Skywings otherwise Guilty Gear game soundtracks.
  6. RoseOfHizaki

    Hiroko Moriguchi - Eternal Wind (Gundam F91 Theme) (pop)
  7. RoseOfHizaki

    Dream Theater - De Ja Vu (Progressive Rock/Progressive Metal)
  8. but but but, what if some of their fans are hot, and you get talking with one of them then which later leads to some slap n tickle then a fulfilling relationship? I used to have a few friends that i go to gigs with, we all more or less liked the same music and we'd get together for a jam when we could. sadly the ones im most chummy with moved away or left to go study overseas. I still have the other guys but they dont really go to gigs or play any instruments and i cry evry time. Otherwise, I dont really discuss personal stuff at work, and nobody has ever asked so i just focus on the job, finish up then go home. Its not the kind of job where you all go out for drinks afterwards sadly.
  9. THIS speaks to my soul like voices speak to schizophrenic people. First and foremost, I am a musician and I tend to 'analyse' or build up an idea if i like the band based on what they play and how they play it. how well songs are written, how well the instruments fit into their allocated slots, how well the vocals pair with the music and how well the instruments gel together. Layering, dynamics. general melody. Lyrics add to the song but most of my time my mind blanks out lyrics unless they are good or singing about something I can really relate to, so while good lyrics is important and do add a lot to a song, it comes secondary to musicianship and song construction. I was recently recommended a band called 'Rampant' and they were recommended to me because I like metalcore and I listen to quite a few female fronted bands. Long story short, I didnt think much of the band at all, Vocals lacked dynamics, guitar riffs and drums were rather basic/generic if not badly mixed and it just seems like the kind of emo/screamo metal garage band you start up in your teens. There was nothing special about the band at all. even the lead singers screams were passable but somewhat cringeworthy to listen to. I could hear some early existTrace influences in some of their songs though and I fucking loved early existTrace before they went all hipster and turned into an alt-rock band (flame me if you must) Many people still like Rampant though and good for them. despite what I think of them, theyre still a solid band and they still have time to grow but they've been active since 2008 (though they were formed in 2005) You like what you like and nobody can tell you any differently, whats true to you is true to you and anybody else who wants to believe - Just like I tell people Ive seen ghosts. Nobody gonna believe me but I know what i saw and i wasnt trippin on no drugs or alcohol. Children believe in the tooth fairy and santa claus - to them theyre very real but to us adults (I call myself an adult - I have a mental age of 15) we all know thats a load of rubbish but we play along because it makes the kids happy and gives them hope in their little hearts. Its like.... Living most of your life believing that the father who looked after you is your biological parent, when you hit 30, he decides to tell you that he aint your real dad. The man raised you since you were a baby, since before you could remember any of that shit but hes been there since you could walk and talk even if he aint your biological father, hes still your father and he deserves that respect for raising you.
  10. RoseOfHizaki

    EACH OF THE DAYS - SCARFACE (Metalcore/hardcore) Shade Empire - Dawnless Days (Melodic/Symphonic/Industrial - Black Metal) Make Them Suffer - Maelstrom (Symphonic/Deathcore)
  11. RoseOfHizaki

    Opeth - The Grand Conjuration (Progressive/Melodic/Death Metal)
  12. RoseOfHizaki

    Maybeshewill - To The Skies, From A Hillside (Progressive/Instrumental)
  13. RoseOfHizaki

  14. RoseOfHizaki

    Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues
  15. Pretty much says it all i think. great community here, but I have a little niggling feeling that dont fit in. I enjoy Visual Kei a lot but I also listen to other bands and genres that are from outside of Japan and often I get the feeling that my own musical tastes arent so well received by others when it comes to me sharing what I listen to or like to listen to. Everyone just seems to be so tied into the whole Visual Kei scene and my taste in music being quite diverse really leaves me with nothing much I can offer back to the community. I have a huge collection of Tou Hou material ripped off 2 or 3 defunct sites which I could start uploading if theres some interest. but apart from that everyone just seems so well grounded and I dont really fit in the circle. Last few months Ive been online and posting here and there but I mainly just lurk. So Im really not sure what im going to do..... If I do decide to call it a day, I can always be reached on my lastfm. So thanks to Original Saku for inviting me here and everyone for putting up with my awkwardness.
  16. RoseOfHizaki

    Sever Black Paranoia - Abel
  17. RoseOfHizaki

    Three Lights Down Kings - As I'm Alive
  18. RoseOfHizaki

    time for some cookie porn... I bought 4 boxes of these when i was totally shit faced while out drinking with friends - needed cash so stopped off at an ATM at the supermarket but I had a serious crave for cookies... I bought 4 boxes but ended up only eating a packet of crisps in the car, I didnt even realise I had cookies till i woke up in the morning.
  19. RoseOfHizaki

    Kruberalinka - 業火 - Goka -
  20. RoseOfHizaki

    Kruberablinka - Taiyo
  21. RoseOfHizaki

    Saber Tiger - Misery ('92)
  22. RoseOfHizaki

    Killswitch Engage - Rose Of Sharyn
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