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Everything posted by RoseOfHizaki

  1. RoseOfHizaki

    Clitoris (Yes - I said it) Name 2 things you couldnt live without.
  2. RoseOfHizaki

    Depends what kind abuse. Favorite item of clothing?
  3. RoseOfHizaki

    Family grudges - I usually dislike holding grudges. I am a firm believer that anything can be worked out with a little talking, Unfortunately the situation as it is has been going on since i was a kid (no i wasnt sexually abused. Though you could say i was physically abused to a certain extent - though this isnt what my grudge is about) Ive forgiven all the people who ive had fights or problems with, and some have done truly despicable things to hurt me but I dont care about that. You could say the grudge has grown into a bit of a vendetta, and i would rather see this house razed to the ground rather then let it continue and be apart of it but thats the way things are. Ive tried to talk this over many times but none of the parties involved care to talk or admit that theres a problem. Sleeping naked or in a onesie thats a few sizes too small?
  4. RoseOfHizaki

    Ugh,,,, I went though a half-goth phase in my early/late teens. I think ive sort of grown out of it now. I still love metal though and nothings ever going to change that, Its all about looking suave these days. I wouldnt go as far as saying i wanna be a hipster but boot cut jeans, Chelsea boots and black V-neck or something will work fine with me though I tend to dress a little trampy. Would you rather eat Yogurt or Icecream for the rest of your life?
  5. RoseOfHizaki

    I can sew. Even though I was taught how to do different sort of stitching at school I only know how to do the basic stitching (cross stitch???) which I use to repair most of my clothes if they get a rip or tear. Been doing it for years would you prefer your bf or gf to drive or ride a motorcycle?
  6. RoseOfHizaki

    thinking girlyboys are cute. Long or short hair?
  7. RoseOfHizaki

    Energy Drinks!!!! Chocolate or toffee?
  8. RoseOfHizaki

    How do you like your steak?
  9. RoseOfHizaki

    I have hayfever, im allergic to cats unless their fur has been specially treated. And i cant eat apples or cherrys because of a chemical contained in them gives me a mild allergic reaction. Do you have names for your underwear?
  10. RoseOfHizaki

    [quote name=im good at creating a mess, not just any mess but a controlled mess and thus... Such mess, much artistic. It is art! Do you have names for your nipples?
  11. RoseOfHizaki

    I love working with my hands, so any sort of trade skill would do for me. Ideally, Id love to be an IT tech since thats what i studied to be. Id be equally as happy as a carpenter/joiner or a car mechanic, sure its dirty work, the hours are long and the labour might be hard at times with all the heavily lifting but I love the smell of a workshop. Id say id wanna be a rockstar or a millionaire but thats too easy. ---- Whats your favorite disney movie?
  12. RoseOfHizaki

    black and not too tight around the crown jewels. --- Whats your favorite passage/lyric from a song (can be in any language - if its not english then please provide a translation so we can all appreciate it)
  13. RoseOfHizaki

  14. RoseOfHizaki

    Where you go with a date doesnt really matter so long as their the right person for you. As for a mate its all subjective.the girl i classed as my soul mate was about 5ft6ish (or 5ft6 and a fag-end as she used to say) she had long kind dirty blonde hair - almost grey/sliver in appearance that ran all the way down her back passed her ass which was always so silky smooth. Her eyes were grey'ish but they occasionally turned a shade of blue. She was a little chubby but i loved the way she looked. She was the most amazing thing to cuddle, so soft and a little squishy. Her name was Emma but i either called her my 'little bear' or 'Emmybear' cuz she used to be curled up in my arms so much. Id whisper little bear in her ear and i could feel her heart skip a beat which was so adorable andd totally melted my heart when i felt it and her snuggle closer. Personality wise she was a special kind of awesome, i can't quite describe it. She was bubbly, had an amazing smile, liked the same things that i did and loved my knd of humour. The only way to describe us is that we just clicked, was never pushy with her. I never had to be cuz she always knew what i was thinking or was gonna say and i trusted her so deeply. Its been over 10years since we broke up. We've spoke on one or two occasions and i still love her as much as i did back then and deep down inside i still cry every time i think about her as there has not been a single girl ive dated in the years since we broke up who has ever come close to being her replacement. I dont expect my dates to be a 1:1 copy of her but that spark is not there. Liek this if u cry evry tim. ------ Whats your favourite old school cartoon?
  15. RoseOfHizaki

    Nope, there are things i hate about myself, some of those things i cant change so why get depressed over it? I get depressed about other things but i dont take it out on myself or dwell on it too much because its pointless. If you could create any kind of sport, what wouls you create?
  16. RoseOfHizaki

  17. RoseOfHizaki

    Actually it was a reference. Its stil a question and still random, albeit a challenging one. Looks like no one could respond to it
  18. RoseOfHizaki

    I think i broke the thread...
  19. RoseOfHizaki

    I did 3 (or 4 years - I forget...) years of IT studies where i did hardware/desktop support, advanced networking & infra-structuring, network administration, coding in 3 web based languages (HTML, CSS, Java) and 2 programming languages (C++, Java4windows) and a brief spat in electronics because soldering stuff to PCBs is cool yo. I wasnt the best at programming or electronics - i dont have the aptitude for it but i was good with html at the time but thats totally useless now as the language itself is long obsolete and been replaced with a lot of other stuff which do more and is 'easier' to work with. When i finished my studies i worked as a self employed IT tech fixing computers and making custom builds, I still do it next to my regular job to bring in that extra bit of cash but I never really get a lot of money from it working solo In a sense Ive turned into Saul Goodman from Breaking Bad, Because whenever a friends computer or friends friends friends computer or laptop breaks down - their like "Better call Saul...." But Im extremely good with the technical aspect of computing, when people describe a problem with their laptop or computer to me - if its a hardware issue then I can guess what the problem is 80-90% of the time. And to think i wanted to be a carpenter/joiner when i left school eh? ------------ has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
  20. RoseOfHizaki

    call me an extremist but if i could achieve it then id do it....Id create some sort of explosion or some sort of man made force of nature that would either wipe out humanity completely or at least bring it to its knees - In an effort to completely eradicate corporate duchebaggery, selfishness and any negative trait among the people. In such a world, any sort of currency means nothing, what will mean something is doing things for each other - trading skills, running errands for each other, just things that help each other out as a community. Of course people will call me a tyrant and a traitor to humanity, but when im long dead and gone either killed by my own plan or later on by the survivors - I hope whats left of the community will continue to grow and that people will abandon whatever hatred, grudges or boundaries they had before that prevent them from growing as a community together and for once live together in peace. The people will call me a traitor but decades from that point in time people will call me a hero for uniting the people despite going into extreme measures and killing so many in the process. In order to evolve and move onto the next level - sacrifices must be made, and if wiping out humanity means that people finally give a shit about each other then maybe the world wouldnt be such a bad place anymore. -------- Favorite item of clothing
  21. RoseOfHizaki

    Mosquitoes. Favorite pet?
  22. RoseOfHizaki

    Youtube whats your favorite food?
  23. RoseOfHizaki

    Not in the UK they didnt.
  24. RoseOfHizaki

    tempted to get a pair of Philips Fidelio X1 - Heard some good things about this headset. but mainly I want it so i can pretend im in the simpsons and throw my hands up in the air and shout "Oh Fideli-oh'" (as in "oh spagettioh's get it??)
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