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Everything posted by RoseOfHizaki

  1. RoseOfHizaki

    <3 Ghost Of Flare
  2. RoseOfHizaki

    My S3 was starting to get a little too slow.
  3. RoseOfHizaki

    Mr Brightside - The Killers How would you make love to a beautiful woman?
  4. Shhh my mothers a Gemini that must be why i find her annoying as fuck lol You should NEVER disrespect your parent(s) and tell them to fuck off but my mother will just just bitch, whine moan and nit pick about the smallest thing till you either just put your fist through a window or deliberately smash something like the cup youre drinking out of at the time of the 'convosation' Bless her - my mother means well but its just like someone who is walking close up behind you invading your personal space and constantly poking you in the back with something nonstop. Shes like a baby - the only peace you'll get is while shes asleep or having a nap. I avoid her as much as i can cuz i just dont like talking to her but i still need to talk to her once or twice during the day if im not at work otherwise she will come looking for me just to talk to me but I dont want to listen to the crap she wants to talk about, Part of the time its gossiping about neighbours or talking about my dad and how hes run off to visit his parents and left her with all the house work etc etc on and on and on and on like a broken record - my dad is over 60 years of age - hes a grown man, he can leave the house on his own accord without you holding his hand. When she starts to bitch about dad, I pick up my phone and ask her if she wants me to call him and tell him to come home and shes all like "No!! dont do that!!" then i tell her to shut up and stop crying because nothings going to happen if she carrys on whinging and doesnt do anything about it. I hate to be rude to my parents but at the same time im not there to be a wet blanket either or but of with endless whining. She has no idea how difficult she is to live with. She also doesnt understand how to speak normally and alot of her comments are quite toxic and are like daggers stabbing at you cuz she likes to criticize everyone but is completely stone deaf when you give her the same critique. idk - its something which ive grown up with.... --- As for dating a scorpio - Ive dated one. She was a little too flakey due to the other dudes she was dating previously that were doing the dirty behind her back. She accused me of doing the same thing 3 or 4 times and she knows im not like that but i still got lumped into the same group. I think the last straw was there was a jealous girl who was spreading rumors that i was cheating, obviously my gf at the time being a little flakey didnt believe me despite the fact that she had no proof, and she straight up said she didnt trust me... So i put my hands up and said alright - If this is the way its gonna be then im gonna call it a day, we'd been dating something like 6 months or 1 year - Never banged, and i never pressured her into anything because I wanted her to feel comfortable with me given that her previous boyfriends sexually abused her. but i guess a Leo's honor just wasnt good enough to shine through the negativity she wrapped around herself and i just gave up. She called me back 2 or 3 weeks later saying how she'd been wrong etc etc and I just didnt want to deal with her anymore. Many a time i have told her to have a little faith and trust in me but theres no relationship without trust and im not the kind of person to use a girl as a personal fuck toy - not unless we were in a relationship and she got off on that kind of thing, then its ok. She was the only scorpio ive dated, I dont know if the others are the same.
  5. does she birth mini-oxen?
  6. RoseOfHizaki

    Not enough to want to inject my candy all up inside it. Whats the worst prank you ever pulled on a friend?
  7. Pretty much what the title says... Had an idea of a new thread for the forums and wanted to see how well it would go down. The songs can be your current favorite song or something that youre currently listening to, opinions can be negative or positive, try to be a little more constructive (or detailed) if possible rather then just say "I hate the song" or "I hate his vocals" etc etc Optionally you may also talk about the bands themselves a little and why you like the song or what the song means to you The Thread is a little way for me to find out just how 'musical' the members here are even though it may mean little to nothing, but humor me even though you dont play an instrument it doesnt make you any less musical so long as you have the right kind of mind you could possibly even have the makings of a song writer. I'll start off with a song ive been VERY obsessed with lately... Caliban - I Am Ghost ----- Ive always listened to Caliban since the split programme with heaven shall burn, In the early years they were hella aggressive metalcore band, Over the years they've mellowed out a little and become more melodic instead of straight out aggressive which has pretty much split its fan base, With their success they seemed to have become more 'commercial' and I occasionally question the clean melodies in their last few albums of late but I am neither a lover or hater, For some songs having clean vocals works. It makes the sound a little more diverse. I love I Am Ghost because of the lyrics and also the badass drum intro. Even though the composition of the song and musicianship are fairly straightforward with Caliban adopting a more 'Djent' approach to their sound which has yet again split their fan base between those that like djent and those that hate it. The song is very powerful on its own - easily one of the best tracks off the album. Though the vocals could be more aggressive sung with a little more anger especially during the sections where the lyrics go "Fuck you, You let me down...." & "I dont believe in God anymore, My sky is falling, darkness falls - walk with me in agony..." I also think that if Howard Jones (formerly of KSE) had provided guest vocals for then it would have been such more amazing as Howard's baritone voice would complement Andreas's vocals just like he did for 36 Crazyfists - Elysium I get a lot of mixed feelings with this song, Mainly because its a song about betrayal - however generic (& emo) it is these days. Being cursed to walk the earth alone regardless of the 'I am the walking dead' phrase Immortality has its own problems. For some reason it reminds me of my ex and that she betrayed me and i've literally become a ghost/zombie because of the pain of breaking up. I also love the fact that the song starts off with "Father - forgive me, for i have sinned..." - The song is more or less like a confession, saying a silent prayer and cursing God for the pain and suffering that has befallen you, slowly bleeding out, going numb and watching your life flash before your very eyes - thinking back to things you should have said and done, thinking if maybe you had been less of an asshole then maybe you wouldnt of died such a shitty death. Its hard to describe Caliban's musicianship because they havent changed that much over the years apart from adopting more melodies/solos & 'djent' sound - Its just your usual caliban but theyve allowed the drummer to do his thing for this song rather then run with the usual blast beat on the proverbial heavy metal breakdowns..... I feel that caliban have graduated from all that and matured. Even though heavy metal breakdowns can be awesome they're also shitty because anyone can down tune a guitar or bass and just do some chugging, It doesnt take any skill at all. Ghost Empire is a decent album. though it might not be as great as some of their older albums with only a few tracks on the album that really stand out but its definitely an album that grows on you with every listen. Anyway, I think ive rambled on enough so please go ahead and share your thoughts. ::EDIT:: Oh and heres the song
  8. RoseOfHizaki

    Caliban - I Am Ghost
  9. RoseOfHizaki

    Dont know about the cancer, Im guessing Naota is still recovering. Anthem are completely amazeballs though. Love their music!
  10. RoseOfHizaki

    I bought one of these.... Because Corsair cant give me a keyboard that doesnt have dead/dying LEDs unless they give me a non-led keyboard which of course isnt what i paid for. This will be the second keyboard im sending back to Corsair.
  11. RoseOfHizaki

    I hate my job, Ive always told myself that it was a stop gap and i needed something just to keep the money coming in and that id be looking to leave within 6 months, Unfortunately ive been stuck here almost 2 years and i keep saying that i'll start looking for another job but then i never do, On my days off i either sit in front of the computer watching cat porn or hang out with some friends who are free if not sleeping not job hunting..... Then when i get given a 45hr p/w rota i whine like a bitch and say i dont got enough time to job search because my 2 days off are full of stuff i do relax. Long hours, crap pay - I'll start looking for a better job eventually. ---------- Bruce Springsteen or Mike & The Mechanics?
  12. RoseOfHizaki

    Nocturnal Bloodlust!!!!!!
  13. RoseOfHizaki

    I dont really hang out (or go out) with random people enough to meet a nice girl. I do meet and speak to some nice girls at work occasionally but its nothing more than a brief chat. The thing with my job is im never really in the same place for too long and im always moving around different places as my job is to cover shifts when people go on holiday or off sick. I used to be a regular at a few places but ive switched departments since then and the longest time ive spent covering somebodies shift is a month. Not really enough time for people to get used to me. Being alone sucks, it gets really depressing, some nights i want to drink myself under and cry like a bitch about how depressing shit is but i end up not touching any alcohol at all because Im not drinking for the right reasons and alcohol will only make the feels worse.
  14. RoseOfHizaki

    Nocturnal Bloodlust - Aster
  15. RoseOfHizaki

    Nocturnal Bloodlust
  16. Pretty much an ongoing joke between the family - mum also knows how bad she is and we all use it to spite him for putting all his eggs in one basket. Dad was hoping for her to be his road to easy retirement since she's the smartest one out of the both of us with the most/best education degrees and masters in all sorts of stuff....but either way she doesnt care, ^This is one of the reasons why i dont get on with my dad, but she had him around her little finger anyway so could get away with anything or get anything she wanted out of him. Me on the other hand had to go out and find a job to earn the money to buy the things that i wanted. Yet im the one that gets criticized because Im out there earning a wage rather than snapping my fingers at daddy and demanding he buy stuff for me. Obviously theres more to this story but its not a topic for Zodiac signs & Astrology
  17. mainly Gemini's imo but thats just me. I really cant seem to get on with them. I can be friends with them but its like i gotta watch my back incase one of them wants to shank me. By far my sister is one of the worst Gemini's ive come across personality wise, she quite big headed in general, she likes talking down to me and my dad all the time. I dont get on with her anyway so i tend to ignore her when i see her, I dont completely get on with my dad either - we've had our differences but weve tried to work them out. Now I dont care if i get talked down to by my sister but my dad on the other hand, even though we dont get on so well I wont have her disrespecting him and it makes me angry, When i was a kid my dad used to beat the shit out of me when i was naughty. My sister used to set me up and make it look like i did something just so i got my ass beat, and when my sister finally admitted to doing it on multiple occasions he never raised his voice at her let alone gave her the disciplining that she deserved and its childish but its a grudge ive grown up with. Despite how much of a bitch she was my dad still paid for her education throughout her uni - paid for her driving lessons, food, rent and ANYTHING else she needed. Me on the other hand never got a penny. and shes been pretty disrespectful to him in the past even threatening to throw us out when we visiting Hong Kong while she was working there. The apartment we stayed in belongs to the family but the property itself is under hers and my mothers name. I got so mad, Usually im quite passive and i can handle my anger, it takes a lot to piss me off but the way she spoke to my dad made me so mad. I was so close to stabbing her. If not i was going to give her a slap or the beating that dad never gave her, the beating that she needed, the beating that she deserved. She knows that i'll kick her ass so she stays away from me. Putting us in the same room is pretty dangerous.
  18. RoseOfHizaki

    Been playing some warframe, started about more than a week ago and have about 20hrs-24hrs+ logged (Yeah - I do have a life, even if it is going to work) not bad of a game for a F2P title. Its a little buggy here and there as its still a beta but It works a hell of a lot better than BF4 and thats pretty amazing as BF4+Premium costs about $100. With BF4 youre pretty much paying for a game thats been pretty broken from the start. Though they have fixed quite a lot of the bugs since the game was released. though DICE has to take more flak for recurring bugs that were fixed then returned after another update patch I think a sound/audio bug for one of the maps came back at least 3 times because of the bad coding. One of the devs said they were fixing one thing but in fixing it, it would break another thing and so on and so forth which leads me to believe that either the code was pretty messy and got meshed with other things or the devs were just incompetent at QC before releasing the patch that would break the things they fix in the previous patch and thus introduce 'new' bugs back into the game. Ive come to a point where idgaf no more. BF2 was one of the best games ive ever played. BF3 was decent but BF4 is a mess and even though i enjoy playing it with friends, the game doesnt grip me as much as BF2 or warframe did
  19. RoseOfHizaki

    The Killers - Mr Brightside
  20. RoseOfHizaki

    IDOYKLIK - Kieta Omoi (vocaloid)
  21. RoseOfHizaki

    Logitech G502 Not that my G500 had a problem but i wanted something new
  22. RoseOfHizaki

    Ah, the engagement of sexual intercourse with female/male fans xD Reminds me of that recent James Franco incident where he attempted to hook up with a female fan but unfortunately she was still a minor by US law (but totally legal in the UK) when she visited the US. sex, drugs and alcohol ftw. ------- I cant remember the last time i had a 'proper' injury, I get the usual small cuts, scrapes and minor abrasions now and again, but nothing really really seriously noteworthy. im always good at assessing situations that could potentially end up harming me in one way or another and its kept me out A&E and hospital unless i cant help otherwise. That doesnt mean im not one to take risks though but theres comes a time where its bordering on stupidity and i have to say enough is enough. even though our bodies are just a shell, a vessel that carries us from start to end, we still have to look after it until that time comes. I wont go as far and say "your body is a temple blahblahblah" but be honest with your body, stay away from stuff that could potentially be deadly like drugs but alcohol in moderation is ok even though its a poison. ----------------- If you could fingerbang one celeb, who would it be?
  23. RoseOfHizaki

    Upon This Dawning - Obey (Post-Hardcore, Screamo, Electronic, Deathcore/metal) Band is very similiar to that of A Ghost Of Flare
  24. RoseOfHizaki

    Heartbreak - watching your all your friends, family and loved ones die before you. You can always make new friends and new families but how many times do you do it before your heart just grows cold and you stop caring because you'll outlive all of them? Its about keeping your humanity and not becoming some empty shell of a person that just sits, watches and waits for the world to go by or for it to end. Plus im sure every scientist and security organisation would be very interested in you once they have checked your birth records and seen that you still look in your 30s after being born hundreds years ago. not to mention having to have a new ID every 40-50years or so and work in a different part of the world you've never been to so that people dont know your face. There more i think about it, the more i think X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Blade Of The Immortal. Old enough to watch dynasties fall and the change of era's brought about by evolution or revolution. If you could be an X-man. Who would you be and why?
  25. RoseOfHizaki

    More than a woman - Bee Gees (1977) whats your ideal holiday?
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