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Everything posted by RoseOfHizaki

  1. RoseOfHizaki

  2. RoseOfHizaki

    Not all the bands i listed are deathcore or djent. If you liked upon this dawning then you will most likely enjoy some of the bands i listed. Youtube some of them
  3. RoseOfHizaki

    I dont mind the vocals so much, But her voice is similar to a singer that does a lot theme songs for anime's and i cant stand it. I dont think its her, but at the same time im not sure, I think shes done the songs for a few full metal alchemist series's. As for upon this dawning, Ive been listening to them for a while now, they are pretty amazing. Not too sure if ive listened to Silent Screams. I dont think i have, but they sound a tad little generic a side from the hardcore vocals they use. Just listening to them and i can already tell their like the hundreds of other similar bands ive heard before.... You might like similar bands like Asking Alexandria, After The Burial (maybe a little too Djent/Deathcore) Bury tomorrow, Breakdown Of Sanity, dead by april. Monuments (again a little more Djent) I Spit Ashes (probably similar to a lesser extent) Naily (Just youtube 'Naily Band') aaaand i cant be arsed to go through the rest of my music collection. and yes - I tend to categorize what i listen to into genre's other than 'just music' because Im a little OCD like that.
  4. RoseOfHizaki

    And what gives you the right to speak for me? you have no right, This thread is the 'Random Thoughts Thread' and i made a random comment. If youre gonna post about normal things go on tumblr or twatter or something.
  5. RoseOfHizaki

    I have a mishmash of stuff under my desk - some capt. morgans spiced rum, Russian Standard Vodka, DIsaronno, Jack Daniels & JD Honey, aaaaaaaaaaand a laphroaig which is a single malt. This is my own private stash, I have no qualms about sharing but its not very often that i have guests, so all the more for me
  6. RoseOfHizaki

    I have more..... though I bought them about a week or so ago
  7. RoseOfHizaki

    *He If ya'll gonna get all up in my face about something i said that was random then maybe you people shouldnt be posting in the random thoughts thread......Just a suggestion....
  8. RoseOfHizaki

    It was a play on words and a way to fit in a random rant. After all.... this is the 'Random Thoughts Thread' is it not? My comment has served its purpose as being random
  9. RoseOfHizaki

    Download Fantasia instead.... They will never make another movie like that in 100 years..... Remember AristoCats? Did you know disney was working on AristoCats 2 until they bought pixar studios then swept all of it into the trash? I heard rumours that they were literally beyond halfway through animating it but no...Everything had to be this lame ass toy story 3D CGI. 3D CGI is cool and all but even if Aristocats was 2D it still would have sold pretty well..... Some of the greatest movies ever made were in 2D - fuck even some black & white movies were totally awesome. but no.... If its not 3D CGI then disney doesn't want to know.
  10. TD;IL: Imma fake leo - I amma Leo with virgo rising. though i have a fair few leo traits.
  11. RoseOfHizaki

    I would fly to scotland and meet Sean Connery.... Because Dragonheart Would you ever 'Chris Brown' a random bitch?
  12. RoseOfHizaki

    I feel.... I feel a little.... Insane In the membrane How do you feel about being chokeslammed through a mahogany table?
  13. RoseOfHizaki

    Originally i wasnt quite sure what to make of this..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=qZPq5l_4RuI But Uplift seems to have the makings of a pretty good mix of a post-hardcore borderline metalcore band without screamo vocals though their album features less heavy metal rock orientated tracks too... At first I was literally cringing at the vocals but as i listened on i found that her squeaky hi^pitched voice cut through the mix well even through some of the heavier breakdowns. There are some growly vocals but theyre only used during a few heavy metal breakdowns. having some growls to fill in the lower frequencies where her hi^pitched voice generally cant fill would be a nice touch, Just a little backing.
  14. RoseOfHizaki

    NoGod.... Cuz... WEGOTAHPOWWWAAAAAHHHHH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SY_K-wUhPgc
  15. RoseOfHizaki

    I dig teh chubbehs It just means you cant run from me when i put on my rape face
  16. RoseOfHizaki

    Unlike most people. Alcohol doesnt actually solve my problems I get extremely depressed when really drunk unless i totally drink myself under and cannot remember what i did when i wake up.... lol
  17. RoseOfHizaki

    Like a Boss ft. Seth Rogan Can i have your number?
  18. RoseOfHizaki

    Nocturnal Bloodlust no contest. I think when i made my above comment i hadnt even heard of N.B let alone started listening to them. I wish N.B had more material available though. I really like their stuff but ive always been into the heavier side of music anyway.
  19. I too used to act on impulse..... Then i found out it was my ADHD doing the whispering in my ear not to mention the amount of fights i got into..........
  20. Yeah Im a leo - but im born right at the end of August (20th) so i guess im not really a 'true' leo... More like Leo but with Virgo rising??? idk. I have a lot of very very typical leo traits. But generally im not as proud, majestic and gung-ho about ones self like most leo's are
  21. My best friend is virgo lol. but we're like brothers in a way because he was born only a week later after me. we've been friends for over 10years and never once fallen out or had an argument. He was there for me when i lost my job and had trouble covering some of my bills and i did the same for him when he got into shit with his job too. Im friends with a lot of people but theres only a few individuals i really trust, He is one of the few.
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