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Everything posted by RoseOfHizaki

  1. RoseOfHizaki

    bearnapping is a term i use for manhandling your bf or gf in a cuddly way. such as me being able to thow a girl over my shoulder or tuck her under my arm and run off with her - and also because im a bear. as for 'oshare kei' I had to google it, and i have no strong feelings whatsoever, though im probably the worst person here in the forum to be asked for an opinion about fashion as im not a very fashionable person. When i go out i throw on a pair of jeans, maybe a black Tshirt and bomber jacket of some sort. But most of the time i live in my work uniform so Im always looking smart. whats your favorite year for music?
  2. RoseOfHizaki

    One Step Beyond - Madness (1979) Bacon?
  3. RoseOfHizaki

    Cipher System - 7 Inch Cut (oldie but goldie)
  4. RoseOfHizaki

    Polaris - their kinda like a Prog, Djent, Math Metal, Hardcore band. Similar to that of Periphery but with hardcore vocals instead of normal vocals. would you prefer to be hugged or swept off your feet and bearnapped?
  5. RoseOfHizaki

    *stretches my arms* should be here in the next 2 days
  6. RoseOfHizaki

    VAMPS. I love their song 'Ahead' and i cant stop listening to it.
  7. RoseOfHizaki

    VAMPS - Ahead
  8. RoseOfHizaki

    Parkway Drive - Carrion
  9. RoseOfHizaki

    Depends on how im going to die really. I think id at least try to contact my ex and tell her goodbye at least. leave her a facebook message. Knowing her she probably wouldnt reply though. then id go out and party, get drunk, maybe get lucky with a few girls then die happy. Though id personally hate being drunk and feeling my life slip away. If i going to die then i want to be sober for that moment. Maybe make a few phone calls to a few people i never liked or got on with and curse them for life Do you mind if your partner smokes?
  10. RoseOfHizaki

    Tsukicon 2009 @ Helsinki, Finland. Blingbling swag lolita in July 2010, probably the hottest day of the summer (~30C) and I just had to wear lolita... You can't imagine how hot I felt with all those motherfucking extensions and gazillion layers of clothing. This is a pretty casual coordination from May 2011 and it's the last time I ever wore lolita ;__; you dont look very tall
  11. RoseOfHizaki

    I was all like...
  12. RoseOfHizaki

    Dream Theater - Enemy Inside
  13. RoseOfHizaki

    Id take the 1mil - asking for world peace while very admirable thing wont make a difference given how shitty humanity is, It would be only a matter of time until nations start warring with each other again. Also even if you did wish for world peace, people still wouldnt care who you are or recognise the decision you had to make and the sacrifice that you made to make world peace possible even if it is a temporary thing. ....so fuck'em. Id rather take the 1 mil, invest most of the money and donate some of the returns to projects or charities that help people, People are always going to be shitty, People are always going to be scum but at least I will say i did my part by providing mentoring for the younger generation, even go as far as possibly improving the education system, up the standard of education and throw a little coin to those scientists who are always looking for cures for cancer or HiV. I might not be able to save humanity but at least I can say that i done my part by building a better society and better future for a lot of people, and that speaks louder then any desire for world peace. Through better education and society we can craft and nurture the politicians of tomorrow who will safeguard our futures and trust them to make the best decision for the people which hopefully be in the interests of peace. As for the rest of the cash, Id buy a boat and and some land in hong kong, move there and live out the rest of my days in peace. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Yay or nay?
  14. RoseOfHizaki

    Search no more! Im here my love!
  15. RoseOfHizaki

    Somewhere Out There - James Ingram & Linda Ronstadt (Pop/Ballad)
  16. RoseOfHizaki

    Destroy The Runner - A Bag Of Marbles
  17. RoseOfHizaki

    ARTEMA - Brave Story
  18. RoseOfHizaki

    I never get tired of gazing into those eyes.
  19. RoseOfHizaki

    Polaris - In Memoria Di (Mathcore/Progressive Metal, Djent, Metalcore)
  20. RoseOfHizaki

    ナノ(nano) feat. MY FIRST STORY - SAVIOR OF SONG
  21. RoseOfHizaki

    Usually/Normally/personally - I wouldnt poke my nose into their business. Its not down to you to play the judge on their behalf. I know that verbal abuse is still a abuse but so long as he didnt raise a hand and beat her then I wont decide to take action on my own accord - You dont know their situation and you didnt understand the language. You have no idea what they were arguing about and if it would have resulted in her getting her ass beat when the couple got home. If the argument carries on raging then you could ask the guy to calm down and not make too much of a scene - They're in public, everything he says and does can be seen by everyone else even though they might not understand what they are shouting at each other about. If the guy turns around and starts getting leary with you then shrug it off - Because It really is none of your business and youre interrupting them. The guys obviously gonna be very rude to you and well within his right. But if you keep pushing them to calm down you can take the heat off the girl and he will focus on you. In which case if he throws a punch then you can put him on the tarmac but you NEVER initiate the fight, NEVER. but that doesnt stop you being all up in his face about it trying to gain aggro and calm the situation down. Never initiate the fight unless he tries to hit the girl or hit you. Because even though you intervened, The guy could press charges if the cops are called. While the cops might sympathise with you and understand what you tried to do, youre still taking the law into your own hands regardless of the situation Im not telling you to sit there and do nothing, but be a little smart and try to manipulate the situation that way if it does come to fistycuffs then you will be in a safer position because you can say it was self defence - you will have the moral high ground in court. Otherwise speak to the guy, tell him to calm down, If he blows you off constantly but wont attack you then report him to the closest police patrol for Domestic Violence and leave it to them to do something about it.
  22. RoseOfHizaki

    Its ok to grow old alone. Its when youre all bitter about it and take it out on other people who have relationships thats not acceptable. I wouldnt say ive given up all hope but at the same time Im not keeping my hopes up. I can spend less time crying about how sad and depressing my life is. As always - the first step to take before you can move forward is admitting there's a problem and dealing with it in the appropriate manner. Yours sincerely. Advocate of the Forever Alone Committee
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