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Everything posted by YuyoDrift

  1. YuyoDrift

    Y U LET THREAD DIE DOE? How can I hit puberty so late in life doe? lolol I'd ignore him. Simple answer. If an ex-friend, who publicly humiliates you over social media out of anger (even going as far as including private stuff), because you took matters into your own hands and tried to prevent them from doing something immoral because you knew it was the right thing to do, but failed, decides to show up at your doorstep and act like nothing happened and wants to hang out, would you let the past go or knock their teeth out?
  2. YuyoDrift

    Went to go watch the forest. Please, do me a favor, and just give your money away if you plan to watch this. Staring into space feels more thrilling than watching this.
  3. YuyoDrift

    You're dreaming again aren't you? haha Seriously though, I would like to like to hear something similar too. Melancholic more than anything.
  4. YuyoDrift

    I swear, this damn work PC is lagging bad. Cannot even keep up with my typing.
  5. YuyoDrift

    Found a copy of the GazettE's D.I.N.G.K.Z.O compilation album sealed for $10 at a Mom/Pop shop, covered in a shitload of dust behind MIYAVI CDs *gags*. What are the odds!
  6. YuyoDrift

    Whilst browsing my local Japanese merchandise store, I stumbled across a copy of The GazettE's D.I.N.G.K.Z.O compilation album for $10. Happy to say it was a nice drive home as I listened to the CD, remembering the music that made me stay listening to them forever.
  7. YuyoDrift

    Welcome to the site! You seem to already be very active this morning, so keep it up! haha. Curious as to what kind of JRock you enjoy listening to after 9 years. Care to share?
  8. YuyoDrift

    Fuck dudes I knew I should've gotten plane tickets to NY sooner, they've doubled in price D:
  9. YuyoDrift

    Salt. Salt everywhere.
  10. YuyoDrift

    LOL I thought the same thing. This looks really cheap, but who the hell cares about a cover photo?
  11. YuyoDrift

    Well that sucks.
  12. YuyoDrift

    Hakumen from BlazBlue too damn OP. PLZ nerf.
  13. My dear I don't know where in my reply, that there was any indication of me defending any elitism or "being an ass", as you put it. "Shit" as in reference to adding to the discussion. At the same time, I wouldn't necessarily say that I'd agree with your points as well (the anecdote is the cause for most of my reasoning) (wether or not it's yours), as I look at both sides of a coin before deciding anything. No I wouldn't demean you for the same reason as CJ, as I also stated that in my previous post. Emmny, I don't feel the need to feed any "trolling" because it's morning over here right now, and I am a cranky motherfucker that tends to blow off too much steam around this time without any food/coffee in my system. BUT if you want to know a little from the reply I formulated, it'd be something along the lines of "Don't beat yourself up kid, fuck those people. Don't let it take you over, and use it to your advantage." Lets get back on topic.
  14. YuyoDrift

    What's this I'm hearing about FFVII remake coming out in 2017? Wtf?
  15. YuyoDrift

    I wouldn't doubt it. Thanks for the news.
  16. God I've been looking at this for 30min and decided not to reply a short novel of shit. Emmny, you do you. Just...... if we ever attend the same concert, I'll just move away if I see you getting "fun". I won't think any less of you, and I don't want you thinking less of me. I just don't get down like that. I'm the weirdo that just stands there in the crowd, drinking my beer, smiling at the fact that these fuckers are actually playing right in front of me.
  17. YuyoDrift

    http://imgur.com/6CQVs0I First try, on a pair of Shure SE-215 headphones. I grew up listening to 128kpbs quality songs, before even knowing that there was better quality out there (thanks Apple, you fucking bastards). Once I was exposed to 320kpbs, I was sickened by the fact that my ears had never heard anything of that caliber. Then I heard lossless (bought my first CD). I was so mad haha. I guess you can say that I trained my ears to distinguish the details between 320k and FLAC through constant listening. It's a night and day difference now. For example, with Katy's song, I could hear her lips smack and the wind pass through her teeth as she spoke in Lossless, and with the 128Kpbs, it sounded like murmuring lol. I agree with some of the others, that mention that you can only be so good at telling the difference, with the proper equipment. Shitty Skullcandy/Apple/Anything under $60 (sorry to those who think they're good), headphones will not sound as great as anything with an armature driver/dynamic driver or higher (i.e. IEMs)(think Shure, Sennenheiser, beyerdynamic, AKG) because they're enhanced (picture something like a hearing aid for old peopled/deaf people) with a tweeter/speaker combo, as well as better noise isolation. Not to be confused with noise cancellation.
  18. YuyoDrift

    link to salt?
  19. YuyoDrift

    Iron banner is fucking RIFT?!?!?!? FML.
  20. YuyoDrift

    Yes Sleep Paralysis Do you ever just wake up and wish everything you wanted could just be yours?
  21. YuyoDrift

    Yes that is the trend with other genres. I wouldn't get off topic by involving movies. Yes ReS is great, but so were other bands of that time. This applies to other genres as well. People are just getting worked up because you're comparing two opposites, and claiming they're the similar to almost the exact same. My vote has been placed. Excuse me if I offended you at all.
  22. YuyoDrift

    In all honesty I don't go shouting about any particular bands, regardless of my liking to them. The GazettE have my loyalty forever, but I keep my giddyness to myself. I don't hate Lycaon, but the vocalist just makes me cringe at times. Some tracks compliment his vocal ranges, and others make me want to shoot those who thought this track was worth creating haha. RES is long gone and people don't bring them up for the same reason other past bands aren't mentioned. They're distant memories of greatness. You will hear PLENTY of people on MH talking about how late 90's/early 2000's were the best years for VK. ^^^ It's as simple as that. NOTHING will compare to the bands of that time.
  23. Quick question CAT5. Is this OP/ED themes, or can I use themes (OST's) played during the anime?
  24. YuyoDrift

    Oh man I was sparing OP from this comparison. but I see we have some savages here haha. Lycaon's latest album was alright, but left too much to be desired for the listener. Now I'm curious. Tell me, what kind of similarities are you referring to? Also, Why of all of these songs, did you choose THESE specific ones to represent the bands' "similarities" that you notice? Now i'm not judging what could be, your personal favorites of RES/Lycaon, I am just curious as to why this comparison using these certain songs? IMO I don't hear, feel, or even visualize any similarities. You're talking about two different bands, from 2 different points of time in the VK scene. Each with a vocalist that either beautifully expresses an invitation to the listener with that silver-tongue of theirs, or doesn't. If you were to compare RES to either 12012 or D'espairs Ray, then I'd agree that there are some similarities. But against Lycaon, it's a no brainer.
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