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Posts posted by YuyoDrift

  1. Have you played it, yuyo? if so how is it? All ik is that bayonetta is a badass babe with demon powers n shit.


    It's original, that I can say! Bayo is an incredible fighter.


    It is a hack-n-slash game, but its more than that! If you were a fan of Devil May Cry, then this a very nice addition.


    The gameplay is so well coordinated, the music sounds like what you'd play in a hitman movie lol (mix between lounge/elevator music and supermarket music in japan), and her voice actor in japanese is very well known.


    You will be entertained, that's for sure. If you find yourself liking the game, I recommend Onichanbara II, just get past the half naked women in cowboy outfits lol.

  2. Ah then that doesn't count! Lol.

    Believe it or not, but you're wrong. I DID fake sick days lol. It was actually #3, sadly. :wan-48:


    What else can I come up with......


    1. Once saved a woman from a burning vehicle on my way to work.

    2. Don't like onions

    3. Love summer time

  3. Number 3.


    1. I am very clingy.

    2. I am a girl.

    3. I'm like pizza.


    I'm going for #3 because it makes no sense lol


    1. Faked sick days of school growing up to play video games.

    2. Dated a foreign-exchange student from Tokyo, Japan in high school

    3. Drive a 2008 Subaru WRX STI Limited edition in 6-speed

  4. I saw this when it streamed. All I can say is WOW.


    Saw some Type-0 gameplay in there.


    The progress report they did yesterday said that the game was 80% done right now I think.

    looking forward to the release date announcement, I'm gonna guess it's gonna be a Q3 release (somewhere in Aug,-Sept.).

    They said that a month ago too lol


    Knowing SE, it will be a Late Q3 release (Oct-Nov), at least, in the USA. Can't destroy the competition if you don't at least try and release it during the most popular time of the year.


    Best believe they WILL crush the competition. This, I feel, will be one for the record books for the Series in terms of sales.


  5. Gravity Rush is amazing! totally hard to believe it was a launch game for the vita but yeah really cool idea and was executed great. The only problem with the game was the controls took a while to get used to, but that's a non issue now since the remaster is coming out on PS4, so controller is gonna be so awesome in this game xD also they have a sequel coming out as well later this year.


    Yeah I totally saw it! 


    I REALLY want to play Gravity Rush *ahemavatarahem* but I don't have either console to play it on. ;-;


    Lol how did I not make that connection? me dumb.

  6. FFX


    Never played it when it first came out, picked up the PS4 version. Loving it so far!

    My little brother loved the game. If you've ever played FFXII, he says the experience of FFX/FFX-2 is on par.



    Just purchased the Lara Croft: Tomb raider Reboot Remastered for PS4 since it's less than $8 on PS Store (down from $40). Gonna play tonight.


    Anyone ever play Gravity Rush?

    I watched the first 25 min of gameplay and it looked amazing. There's a remastered ver. coming out, that's why I ask.

  7. Y U LET THREAD DIE DOE? How can I hit puberty so late in life doe? lolol

    I'd ignore him. Simple answer.


    If an ex-friend, who publicly humiliates you over social media out of anger (even going as far as including private stuff), because you took matters into your own hands and tried to prevent them from doing something immoral because you knew it was the right thing to do, but failed, decides to show up at your doorstep and act like nothing happened and wants to hang out, would you let the past go or knock their teeth out?

  8. Whilst browsing my local Japanese merchandise store, I stumbled across a copy of The GazettE's D.I.N.G.K.Z.O compilation album for $10.


    Happy to say it was a nice drive home as I listened to the CD, remembering the music that made me stay listening to them forever.

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