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Status Updates posted by YuyoDrift

  1. I love coming in to work on a snow day, since they have to pay me overtime for it.


    Getting paid all day to browse reddit/do my schoolwork feels nice sometimes haha.

  2. Tripping hard because I just found out Takako Uehara sang all those old JPOP hits from my fanboi days of the early 00's.


    I love you JPS.

  3. A 2018 version to Renai Shashin?

    Yes please.

  4. Anyone here from Denver, CO? Gonna be there in a couple weeks.

    Say hello!

  5. Holy shit my boss walked out of the office during our busiest hours.


    I don't know why I'm speechless. lol.

  6. Are you coming back from a long time hiatus, or decided that Q1 was so good that you finally want to start keeping score on what you listen to? lol


    We have a place on the forum for just that!



  7. I'm on a L'arc-binge at the coffee shop today. Heavenly sounds better than it did years ago.

  8. Dude that Ghoul Duel game on google is actually pretty fun.

  9. So I was denied overtime. Idk how to feel about that.

  10. Heyoooo the 2018 MH JRock Awards are now live!


    Check it out and cast your submissions!



  11. Make sure to get those submissions turned in for the MH JRock Awards during this Holiday season. It's easier than you think!



  12. Less than 2 weeks left to cast your votes for the MH Jrock awards! Start 2019 off right by voting for your favorites!


  13.  Only one week left to submit your votes to the MH JRock Awards! Let the community know who you think deserves 2018's title for the best of best!





  14. Good morning all!


    Voter submission for the MH JRock Awards are now CLOSED. I'll tally up the results here soon and find out who will come out on top this year.


    If you feel you can still tip the scales with your submission but ran out of time, feel free and PM me and we can work something out.


    Until then I'll be back!

  15. After being away from my desktop for about 4 1/2 months, I can finally sit down this Saturday and catch up with all the VK I missed.


    Any album recommendations from late 2018 to check out?

  16. Hey guys don't forget to start a Japanese Ratings List for the stuff coming up this year!


    It's pretty easy to do and you'll thank yourself later for it!


  17. 50mph winds during a blizzard? Haha holy shit Colorado, I gotta see this!




  18. My coworkers are arguing about the taste of their water at the workplace, and how they need an ice machine on top of it.


    .... What kind of 1st world shit am I working in? LOL.

  19. Stuck at a McDonalds for the time being since I have no power at my apartment. 

  20. To go see HYDE in Chicago in may or nah.......

  21. "No answer is not a good answer"


    My quote for today.

  22. Hey MH peeps in NYC! 


    Just landed here and I’ll be in town this weekend before the concert.


    Let me know if you gaiz wanna make an impromptu MH meetup!

  23. Gonna be in a blue denim shirt/numbered “0” and sunglasses for those at the concert in NYC. Say hello!

  24. Oh god I think I had too much internet today.

  25. I have seen what cannot be unseen. I have also crossed it off my bucket list lol.

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