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Everything posted by Gaz

  1. Gaz

    i don't know where to post it so i'll just leave it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aunG-EsUjk
  2. the only thing these bands have in common is having a japanese hue in their music. so basically we can also say that Kiryu is a Kaggra,'s copycat and even Memento Mori also Kaggra,'s copyband
  3. rofl go to otolaryngologist and check your ears first before stating such obvious bullshit
  4. i know that feel brah ;w; new jojo is quite promising so far. tried to watch drrr!! x2 but can barely remember characters and plot from the first season :/ need to refresh my memory with some wiki i guess.
  5. Gaz

    welp i had thoughts that Mr.SaTaN is planning to concentrate on his solo project with this hiatus. ofc it's better than nothing at all, but imo his solo is not even close as great as SaTaN.
  6. http://youtu.be/8ERhzs_If3U eiji? toda? yoshiyuki? ?__?
    1. PsychoΔelica


      Dang I really wanted to play like that.

    2. Jigsaw9


      omg :DDDDDDDDDD

  7. perfectly performed live song, 10/10! rare-kun look so awesome :0~~~~
  8. HOLY FUCK! O_____O *brb jizz in my pants* though wtf? misaruka and synk;yet live tour? i mean REALLY? o0 i cant see any connection with those bands and sadiesmarry at all (music-wise nor member-wise)
  9. cool line-up. minami is pretty good vocalist, i like him in valentine.
  10. Gaz

    i'm not that much a fan of noise stuff but GRIM is the shit! fucking eargasm! P: also Medue'obsur were having some noise elements in their music i think. lovely <333 btw Death Comes Along sounds great. they are worth checking
  11. nice to hear that. it's about time them release something
  12. Gaz

    oh no they were so awesome T___T
  13. Gaz

    weeeell, i can hardly say that sadiesmarry look was cool. la'veil's is defenitely an improvement though. anyway i think oversea fans like them more about their music than about their look. and also that they are like the only band which is still remains tr00 and kvlt these days.
  14. Gaz

    eh? what makes you think so? judging by their history they were way poorer actually.
  15. Gaz

    so did i. seriously what's wrong with my sentence? i tried as polite as i could, meh :/
  16. Gaz

    oh, come on. not everybody is such a sissy pussy who might feel that way
  17. Gaz

    they are the shit! P: can't wait to hear those
  18. Gaz

    and how does this related to my question? or you are just speaking to yourself? jeez, suckface =__=
  19. Gaz

    ^ uhm, dude... so i've been wondering for quite a while already and it really bugs me tbh... do you really think that make-up of yours is "cool" (or idk what exactly do you think about it) ??? it just didn't change since i first seen some pic of yours few years ago.
  20. Gaz

    chaotic and crazy song with perfect visuals <3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzB86JqPT8Y no comments simply awesome P: this one is super tacky and stupid but still funny to watch nonetheless!
  21. Gaz

    well... so i've started reading manga... damn that shit pwns everything! obviously that part when they were running to 4th level was generic as hell for a shounen manga but i enjoyed it tbh.
  22. Gaz

    this. it was a really boring album, had to skip most of the songs. Kaya solo > Schwarz Stein >>>>> Femme fatale
  23. well if that is true then Jin(assuming he's the great mastermind there) deserves The Savior of VK title. what could be better than telling some retarded bangya's in their faces to fuck off? right, only kicking them in their faces
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