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Everything posted by Gaz

  1. that ParaDogs song is rad. gives dem fakkin a vibes P:
  2. Gaz

    watched new season of House of Cards.
  3. so many live dists DDD;;; still happy to know they are doing some music
  4. Gaz

    not a big fan of his but yay for someone actually reading his stuff outside of ukraine xD
  5. Gaz

    read another Higashino's book Salvation of a Saint. not going to say it's as great as The Devotion of Suspect X but it was a good read nonetheless. usually i'm not very fond of mystery detective book but this guy is legit. going to read every of his book available in english soon. also reading Murakami's Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage.
  6. Gaz

    few days ago i watched Houdini and it was pretty good mini-series. though it seems creators were trying to make it look more like surreal story than biographical story. nonetheless i enjoyed it and recommend to everyone. it's only 2 hours and 25 mins in total, like average movie. oh and the tricks were really cool!
  7. Gaz

    by "friend" you mean that guy on the left? tell him he's hilarious! xD
  8. Gaz

    hmmmmm seems like that video i posted above has been deleted by its owner D: anyway i cant let that piece of art to bygone in bytes so i've reuploaded it here: enjoy! p.s. everytime i see that kid on the left trying so hard i just cant stop laughing ahahahaha
  9. this thread is so dead poor Ruellia...
  10. Gaz

    i literally hated the art in Geass (and in every CLUMP franchise). on top of that, 95% of characters are annoying and really typical for animes. but the only thing that makes it so brilliant for me is the main character, Lelouch. he's like a mix of Yagami Light and Reinhard von Lohengramm: selfish, egocentric, ambitious, calculative, who will do anything to achieve what he wants. but yeah CLAMP artworks are fucking shit i wish them all burn in hell for making such atrocious characters' design all the time
  11. Gaz

    i'm sick and tired of these animes i can guess a plot just by looking at pic or reading a synopsis. i probably shouldn't have crossed the line and watch more than 1k titles ;__; now almost everything just looks like shit to me.
  12. Gaz

    nah spring season is also suck balls. the only good thing about it is new Gintama season. and maaaaybe that Nagato Yuki-chan no Shoushitsu. everything else is gonna be fucking shit i bet
  13. kewl. it's been a while since i last heard of them doing something
  14. that's because first one is full of fillers and made-up things. it wasn't bad at all, though.
  15. Gaz

    wowow last 2 chapters were awesome! and the next one is gonna be fucking epic i bet!
  16. i know that feel... i'm dying to rewatch Legend of Galactic Heroes but such anime should be viewed in non-stop mode (minus sleep time) and i dont have that much time to do that now :/ also Gintama ughhh D;
  17. Gaz

    recently started The Legend of Zelda: Spitrit Tracks. the only thing i can say about it right now is I SUCK AT PLAYING THAT SHITTY FLUTE D: also played 4th turnabout of AAI2. makes me sad to realize that only 1 turnabound's left DDD;;; i wish i could play that last turnabout somewhere later but it's related to all previous cases and suspense is fucking killing me...
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