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Posts posted by enyx

  1. Persona 5 is looking surprisingly good. I really enjoyed the previous two games but my interest in this was actually rather subdued until now. Definitely picking this up on release.




    Although the news has been out for a while, Homeworld Remastered Collection has been announced for steam release. This is the only game I'm going to preorder since it was one of my favorite RTS games in the late 90s.



    This caught my eye also. I'm not sure if I'll get it immediately upon release but it's something I'm considering picking up. The only problem is that I don't trust Gearbox very much as a developer, so I want to wait and see what the reaction is like after launch before I commit.

  2. Really digging how the studio snippet of 雨上がりの優詩 sounds. It gives me a slightly different feel to the one it gave me when I heard it live. I still think that focus' vocal melody could have been better but the song as a whole (from what we've heard of it) still sounds nice.


    Can it be February yet?

  3. I'm finally catching up with my backlog, which presently consists of Shin Megami Tensei IV (3DS), Valkyria Chronicles (PC), and Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (PC). I was playing & (mostly) enjoying SMT IV for quite a while, but then the PC release of Valkyria basically took away all of my attention when it was released; then as I was working on getting the last few decorations/trophies for 100% completion, the PC port of Ground Zeroes took over my life instead. Now I'm just trying to finish up all three of them (100% for VC & GZ, and just however much I feel like completing in my SMT IV playthrough). FInally, I'm still casually speedrunning Mirror's Edge whenever I'm in the mood/bored.


    Finding the time for all of this hasn't been particularly easy with exams and constant plug sessions, though :P

  4. This thread topic is too good not to revive, so since Cat gave me permission, I'm going to bring it back from the dead.


    For me, music is an absolute must when it comes to studying or just getting shit done in general, but it largely depends on what type of music I'm listening to. Specifically, predominantly instrumental music that features notable rhythmical interplay, with calming (or just not 'in your face') sentiments tends to work really well for me. Examples of artists that have a lot of music like this include toe, how to count one to ten, and haisuinonasaThere's something about different instrumental sections combining in such a precise way to create something that's holistically greater than the sum of its parts that puts me in the perfect mood for being productive myself. 


    The other type of music that I find can be rather helpful has already been mentioned by Sai and Cat, namely IDM. For example, artists like Solar Fields and Ametsub tend to be extremely effective. Once again I find that the most important thing is that the music has to be calming, but not in that sort of 'putting you to sleep' sort of way; rather, I need it to be calming enough that I don't get particularly stressed nor overly distracted, but 'active' enough that it keeps my brain subconsciously processing things.

  5. I keep hearing her vocals in a lot of different music lately and I have to admit that she's caught my attention somewhat. I'll probably check this out when it's released; although VITIUM is coming out on the same day so that will probably be my main focus.

  6. I don't know about you guys, but I'm super hyped for Xenoblade Chronicles X. The original was already fantastic and one of the best all-around JRPGs of the previous console generation, and X seems to be taking everything that was great about the original and amplifying it (although the soundtrack probably wont be as good with Sawano as the sole composer, in my opinion). Just look at that world design! 


  7. Well, my opinions on Sigure should come as no surprise to you by now. They're one of my favourite bands, even though I've been a slightly disillusioned with their music over the last couple of years. Their recent output hasn't been 'bad' per se, it's just been rather average and uninspired by their standards; as though they've hit some sort of creative burn-out or are simply more emotionally-involved with their solo/side projects. That said, however, average Sigure is still better than what a lot of bands put out.


    My favourite albums are still a Sigure virgin? and just A moment, both of which, despite being their first two full-lengths released after signing with the evil Japanese music empire SMEJ, seemed to be much more experimental while still retaining a significant amount of the band's aggressive, rock-based style. In that sense, they feel like the most "complete" Sigure albums to me. I'm a little sad that they reigned in much of their experimental tenancies for i'mperfect and the following singles (also, can they stop with these repetitive anime songs already?), but I guess that's TK from territory these days.


    Fun question: Do you guys say "Ling" or "Sigure" when shortening the band's name?

  8. I don't know if it's been said, but we could do a VK only night, too. I also agree with having 2-3 weeks before doing female only again. It could get a little monotonous while we're still new to having set themes. And I think it's good to have the free for all nights in between the themes so people who might not have had anything they knew to play the week before get a change to step back in.

    Absolutely. In my personal opinion it would be better to keep the themed plugs for Sundays and let the impromptu mid-week plugs be themeless.

  9. I could dig a covers theme. I also think I recall seeing it mentioned in one of the previous plug chats (though perhaps that was you, ender). Personally I'd rather have that on the Sunday following the 90s plug rather than doing another female vocals theme so soon (besides, covers can still have female vocals ;)).

  10. Couldn't make it back in time to join in again so I apologise for that. I hope everyone had a great time! And thanks to Piisu for the status!!


    This had been brought up in the plug session and suggested by @Original Saku. For those who are interested in this and for those who aren't, just post in here whether or not you're up for this theme. The theme will be (Saku!! Please correct me if this is put wrongly), 80s sound. After this, because of popular demand, we will have another female vocals theme the following Sunday if the 80s one is wanted by the majority who come to plug.


    I look forward to responses and more plug sessions with you all! And guys, seriously, if any of you have any theme suggestions for the Sundays, just speak out here!

    Perhaps I brainfarted while reading the chat (not unlikely, knowing me) but I'm pretty sure that it was 90s music that both yourself and Saku considered as the possible theme? Then again, maybe you guys carried on discussing it while I was away or something, in which case I apologise for wasting your time with this post :P

  11. I don't know any of those bands. I feel like a disappointment :P


    1. Opeth - The Lotus Eater
    2. the GazettE - THE STUPID TINY INSECT
    3. the GazettE - AGONY
    4. THE NOVEMBERS - Dream of Venus / children
    5. 凛として時雨 - a over die
    6. Dir en grey - 【KR】cube
    7. School Food Punishment - RPG

    8. Fightstar - Give Me the Sky

    9. downy - 弌
    10. 9GOATS BLACK OUT - nude
    the GazettE showing up twice in succession was a little random, but oh well. Quite decent shuffle overall.

  12. I wasn't expecting the second CD to be that big. I wonder if the live version of 烏有の空 is the extended version or not? Also, it's interesting that the first four tracks are all listed as collaborations this time, rather than remixes as I initially thought. That actually has me somewhat nervous since I thought the Kirito collab was massively underwhelming.

  13. We did have a theme with mixed gender vocals, if I remember correctly. That'd mean that's a different theme. I guess if the female singer is the more vocal one, that's totally cool. CAT5'll get back to this some time in case I'm mistaken.

    Ah, I see. No worries :)


    I want to join but ugh the time differences


    I live at GMT +7 so what time is it here?

    Starting time is 3am in GMT+7 if I'm not mistaken.

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