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Posts posted by JRD

  1. Kote is used by Japanese bands and bandgirls. When Panic Channel started out, MEGURU would point out the different sides of the band by calling the dark side kote and the pop side C-H. What you think is kote and what they think is kote is probably different. Yeah that was from a Visual Kei styling vid.




    Koteosa is basically all those bands back then that are labelled wrong by the foreign fans. i.e; J∀CK11, Я苺-アールベリー, Early Ayabie, e.t.c. Look at their costumes vs the costumes of bands which are considered Osa like; ラブCAN, ヒメユリ, Shelly Trip Realize, e.t.c.


    And if you let's say, Listen to a J∀CK11 song then go listen to ラブCAN song. You can really tell that J∀CK11 isn't as poppy as you think they look. The koteosa bands are heavier than the osa bands, but they sure aren't gonna be heavier than the kote bands.


    I've never seen any other term for a visual band besides Kote, kotekote, Koteosa, Osa, Soft, Nagoya.

  2. TQA09image.jpg


    Hate to bring up dead topic, but it was grating at my nerves for a bit. I have never seen the term oshare kei used by any japanese person describing a band before. They usually call bands with a cuter/colorful look オサ. I also have a CD called コテvsオサ and some stickers and a ticket stub along with it. And there was even a band VK band called The オサレ.

  3. Obvs more powerful singers are picked for being winners for X-Factor. No brainer there.


    And If they sung like shit and couldn't hit decent note, why would he put them in a band? Teenage girls are retarded, but they're not that retarded to listen to them if they sound like they're going through puberty.


    You pretty much summed up 90% of any boy band with solo activities.


    AND girls really liked Tokio Hotel?????? That is definitely a European thing then. And I don't get how 1D is bigger than JB(when JB is actually still more popular)

  4. This seems interesting so I'll add my two cents.


    I really find ふぁっきんA by Idiot really listenable and I enjoy it.

    I love really bad vocals. You guys may think I'm trolling, but this is the truth. The worst the vocalist is, the more I seem to like it. I think I'm M when it comes to vocals, but oh wells. The more cringe worthy it is, the more it's like bliss.

  5. :/ they should release a mini-album for their unreleased songs not this live limited single :/ and I guess that maxi single isn't happening either. Cruel Snow was a great song too.

  6. Well Lun left them sometime after their live in July and none of the other members update their blogs except gajiro a few times. Wouldn't surprised me if they quietly disbanded. Shame though, I really liked their mini.

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