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Everything posted by Jigsaw9

  1. such satanic, many wow
  2. SHERBETS will release their new live-limited single "Stealth" from 2015/12/12 Shibuya CLUB QUATTRO live. Tracklist: 01. Stealth 02. Abbey 03. Jackleen Cover art / news flyer: https://scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/12249759_997715970287330_4818941516164879133_n.jpg?oh=901b4d77ca569c6cc4b18ea753f2042c&oe=56B291D6
  3. Jigsaw9

    omg a video??? cool! *o*
  4. Oh dang... May he R.I.P.
  5. Weird to hear those Noir Fleurir tunes from a guy that ... looks like that now, haha.
  6. Jigsaw9

    Made a new all-guitar tune after god knows how long. Did everything in under an hour (this makes it sound like it was some sort of challenge, but it just turned out that way xD). ♪ Waking Old Ghosts ♪
  7. Jigsaw9

    Went to see the ambient/avant-garde guitar concert of Jean-Francois Pauvros and Kawabata Makoto last night, and picked up these two Kawabata-related CDs (and had one of them signed by The Man himself, really cool & chill dude).
  8. Jigsaw9

    Last live setlist: 01. 禁じ手 02. FRESH FLESH 03. 四千年のLOVER 04. ワンスアポンなERA 05. Baby Conscious 06. 震えた口唇に最後のKISSをしよう 07. Tokyo Lung 08. 壊れそうだよ 09. ピンクチケット 10. DIVINE PLEASURE 11. 1989 12. NO NO モチベーション 13. キッキンキングダム -ENCORE- 14. ニウ神経衰弱 15. 恋が止まらない
  9. Jigsaw9

    After-live photos of the band with a whopping 30-people turnout in the crowd... https://twitter.com/THE_HAKKIN/status/665571508018769920 ...no wonder they disbanded I guess. edit: also, here's a list of tracks that were included in their last-live distributed CD-R: - 恋が止まらない(暴威倫敦 ver.) - 星の天球儀(未完成) - NoiseなSE - SpacyなSE - 壮大なSE
  10. My guess is that it's a kinda get-together to wish that the album will do well in sales when 'hitting' the stores (?).
  11. Jigsaw9

    They got me good with the advance track and the previews... and then I listened to the album. Or I guess the proper wording should be 'tried to make it all the way through and failed' (finished at the halway point of the penultimate song). Nothing exciting to hear here, just the same old tired formulaic panels stacked upon each other, with just a pinch of heavier, technical-sounding guitarplay to try to sell the package as 'innovative' or 'fresh'. I admit, I still do like "Cry My Name From The Light", and "The War Went On" is also somewhat enjoyable, but the rest I could forget I've ever listened to. A shame. The most positive thing I could say about the album is that at least the musicians and the vocalist sound like they know what they are doing (except in one of the songs with the unnecessary bad rapping, lol). Too bad that's not enough to save most of the songs from being boring or irritating after a minute or two. disappointing |
  12. Seems like this is an Angelo kinda day (weird enough, cuz I never listen to them, lol).

  13. Jigsaw9

    Setlist: 01.鬼経 02.黒い涙 03.退廃的狂葬 04.insomnia 05.刑法第39条第1項「心神喪失者ノ行為ハ之ヲ罰セス」 06.中絶
  14. Jigsaw9

    ^ It looks and sounds pretty much live to me, from the guitars through the drums all to the vocals. Just a very good-quality video recording imo.
  15. Jigsaw9

    Random live videos of the band from last year: They still rockin'
  16. Jigsaw9

    Their last EP was quite enjoyable. Looking forward to the new one too!
  17. Jigsaw9

    Awww well okay then... still better than nothing (not that we'll ever hear it xD).
  18. Yay, a full album~ (how did I miss this?? XD)
  19. Never heard of these guys before, but this sounds kinda neat.
  20. Legendary goth band MADAME EDWARDA will release their new album "Rêve Désir" on 2015/12/25. Tracklist: -ACT I- 01. ECLIPSE ~火蜥蜴 ~ 02. DEEP IN COLOUR 03. MACBETH 04. SALOMÉ 05. LA FOLIA 06. BABEL 07. FORBIDDEN DOOR ~迷宮の扉~ 08. ORPHÉUS 09. FROZEN VEIL 10. EDWARDA 11. DEEP IN COLOUR II -ACT II- 12. ÉDITIONS de MINUIT 13. LA POUPÉE ~あなたが来るのを待てずに~ 14. TOTENKOPF ~舌のまわらぬ蓄音機~ 15. S.A.L.O.M.É. 16. POISON MIRROR ~落下の鏡~ 17. GNOSSIENNES DE LA NUIT/ETERNAL FEAST ~夜のグノシェンヌあるいは永遠の回廊~ Cover art: https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/11222235_931462186935362_845937898265052863_n.jpg?oh=3ba3ce25c6f078ab3d70f5488ec1cd10&oe=56BC8C06 wowwww
  21. Jigsaw9

    Darkness and roses and witches... sounds good! xD
  22. C'mon people, any thoughts/reviews on THE MORTAL's album? I'm dying here waiting for my CD... ;w;

    1. CAT5


      I haven't listened yet!!!

    2. doombox


      I haven't listened yet, either. OTL so... many... releases...

    3. Amoz


      I like it.

  23. Jigsaw9

    Looks like the live-only CD-R will have 5 tracks... I wanna hear it~ ;o;
  24. Thinking about Milano... gotta rob a small bank first tho. XD
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