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Everything posted by Jigsaw9

  1. Nice! Curious to see what differences there are between this and the live-limited version~
  2. Cover art has been revealed: https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11225155_573886156095389_2008368496904207573_n.png?oh=87293dd15bdbe786077eb9490e671632&oe=56FEDCE4 https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/12565564_573886189428719_2377795214004685863_n.png?oh=04d7feb6d1aeee55ebad77a645556acb&oe=57481486
  3. Jigsaw9

    Heyo! Yay for cali-gari, Buck-Tick, Merry & eroguro! Awesome taste!
  4. Jigsaw9

    Rentrer en Soi showed more versatility and more of a spirit for freely experimenting while also staying true to themselves during their career, plus they didn't really make any bad or unlistenable songs at all. As much as I adore Lycaon's trashy 'erotic' era, RES wins for me, hands down.
  5. ^ Well, we already have the monstrous Five Years box set with the subtitle "1969-1973", so I'm guessing other periods of his are inevitable to get released later too (even tho memorial deluxe versions of his '70s albums have already been out in these last few years xD). I would also love to hear those last 5 demo songs he sent over to Visconti, while already planning the follow-up to Blackstar.
  6. Fun new song. Can't wait for the album.
  7. Jigsaw9

    Petition to make ghost an Official MH Chef™
  8. Jigsaw9

    ^ Yeah, I think that was what they advertised it with. It's pretty okay for a watch or two.
  9. Jigsaw9

    ^ Nice one, yeah! Good mixture of thrills and dark giggles. The other movie of the directors is just as good too (but Big Bad Wolves has more diversity and more of a fun factor imo).
  10. Unexpected Akutagawa Ryuunosuke pic is unexpected. "Kumo no ito", translated as "The Spider's Thread" is a short story of his: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Spider%27s_Thread
  11. Repetitive crowd-hyping songs that are usually 2 mins long on CD, and like 10 mins long when played live, haha. Can't think of anything else right now, but gonna get back to it later.
  12. Jigsaw9

    ^ Uhh, my condolences... ._.
  13. Jigsaw9

    ^ I'm guessing it's some sort of pre-production demo snippet. The drums might as well be just programmed.
  14. Jigsaw9

    If I remember correctly, GUNIW TOOLS were supposed to release/make a "VV FICKLE BOON" video featuring all the songs from the album of the same title, but they never did cuz of disbandment (?). There's also a full-length album by Lar~Mia (short-lived Key Party band) that was released 'n' all, but is insanely hard to find.
  15. Secretly I'm hoping they'll include all those one-off songs from their previous singles, but knowing them it's prolly gonna be all new stuff, lol. (not that I can complain!!)
  16. Jigsaw9

    ^ awww, that's actually one of my favorite VK covers... xD
  17. Jigsaw9

    lol, he's supposedly 46.
  18. Here we go with the FC-limited shit again... ;<
  19. Jigsaw9

    Hope they're finishing up the new album soon, it's been way too long. ;w;
  20. That's the best bandname origin story I've ever read, lmao.
  21. Jigsaw9

    Nice! Also, Shuuji lookin' ace as usual.
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