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saiko last won the day on January 25 2021

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    Gackt's Hair Stylist

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  1. Is anybody here interested in making a post about the 90s softvi movement? Yesterday I've got very hooked by a bunch of guys that I've never given the chance to listen to yet: Lastier, Jurassic, Close, Waive, and many more. Since they clearly don't belong to the more serious, gothic stuff that the category of visual kei calls for most of the time, I've turned my sight off them because they were mainstream appealing and blabla. But hey, they sound amazing! They bring all that 90s anime opening sound, powerful and dramatic, with that awesome chords modulations that made myself interest in J-music as a kid. So, if there's anyone here interested into giving more insight over them and/or music recomendations, here's your chance!


    This is what I found on a brief research over softvi. Still don't know enough Japanese to go into more insightful sites, so my information may remain very little till somebody enlightens me more lol:


    *They formed a large group into the 90s VK scene, and also many of them received constant attention from media (judging mostly from magazine covers);

    *They had a kind of specific aesthetics for them, both visual and sound wise;

    *Most of them (if not all of them) were signed under a label named Break out.


    So they were a thing back then, so I think they are a key point to anybody interested in looking for VK's history (although they've fallen into the obscure side of the Western fandom's radar even to this day).



    1. Ikna


      I've recently also started to listen more to melodic and softer VK. I am usually more the punk and post-punk person, when it comes to oldschool stuff. We already had a thread about Oshare and the Nu Metal trend, so one about softvi kei would be a good addition. 
      Rob seems to know the most about those bands, maybe try to ask him if he wants to write up something? 

    2. saiko
    3. Jigsaw9


      There must be something in the air cuz in the past few months I've been listening to more '90s / early '00s soft vk too. :D I don't know enough on the subject, but I would be happy to read something informative if someone decides to write it!

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