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Everything posted by inartistic

  1. inartistic

    Wait, did this really just happen? Uhh...
  2. inartistic

    Ray looks like he got his outfit from Judas Priest or Hard Gay. *Miley Cyrus Under Fifteen collection at Walmart I'm pretty sure the last time I saw someone wear that kind of hat in seriousness was a 6 year old girl in a back-to-school ad.
  3. inartistic

    Uhhhhh what. Must be really bad!
  4. inartistic

    Did you see the picture that accompanied the listing on Brand X? Fucking cool!
  5. inartistic

    OMG! LOL ++
  6. inartistic

    Oh wow, even asking for medical help. That's unfathomable! At least that show's they're being truthful. Hopefully it fixes itself with some rest.
  7. inartistic

    Probably closer to November :x
  8. inartistic

    Love the name, hahaha
  9. Better them calling themselves AYABIE than Aoi! They probably just didn't say “we're kicking Aoi out?? from the start because of legal issues. I'm sure all their record labels over the years + the major debut made navigating something like that difficult. So I wouldn't be surprised if it was the plan from the start, but just took a while to reveal while they made sure it was legal.
  10. Oh, I'm sorry, I thought that was something the MAD SIMPSON members posted, not the OUTRAGE members. So yeah, I guess your interpretation makes sense then ? Interesting
  11. That more or less says “imprisonment for 6 months,?? so I guess it's their way of saying activity pause?
  12. inartistic

    Very true ;( On the plus side, the logo has an umlaut which won't be reproduced at VISUNAVI--may the PERESTROIKA vs. PERESTRO?KA vs. PERESTROIKA vs. ペレストロイカ wars begin!!
  13. inartistic

    Actually, sorry for being a dick, if you saw the original post; it wasn't my original intention to start UCP wank. I just wanted to call attention to the fact that, while yes, that best album incident happened, Eiji and KISAKI had years of history before that and seemed to have made up later (if for no other reason than Eiji let KISAKI in and posed for pics with him and so on). So maybe there's hatred or some shit, but I don't think the reality of the situation is as extreme as “KISAKI betrayed Eiji!?? sounds on the internet.
  14. inartistic

    That's more proof that Eiji was angry with KISAKI at one time; it's one section of a bigger story that implies a false conclusion! I'm just going to skip over the stuff downplaying UNDER CODE's treason, and go right to this: KISAKI and Eiji have since met up, and there are pictures to lé prove it, so it's pretty obvious that Eiji doesn't hate KISAKI in any capacity. And really, KISAKI supported his wackiness for years, so I really don't think one transgression by the company UNDER CODE would undo that! (And that's not to sweep shit under the rug and say UCP is all benevolent or incapable of fault, but just to show that reality is rarely to either extreme as it's presented!)
  15. inartistic

    “This autumn, a monster band debuts. Their name is... PERESTROIKA?? → More information at the original post/discussion. I wonder who's in it. ex-SIVA?
  16. inartistic

    Oooh, yum. Thanks!
  17. inartistic

    I love how you can always count on Ameblo to be undergoing maintenance when there's something you want to see~
  18. inartistic

    Domain registered by some company called VARLMUSE, who also manages this shitty looking band: reviel.jp. Don't understand anti-aliasing on band logos + sign a band with female members = shitty label = this varell band isn't worth a second thought. (Premonition from the future: the GazettE reveals it's changing its name to varell, I eat my words.)
  19. inartistic

    As in romaji? I can scan the lyrics, but I haven't typed them up or anything.
  20. inartistic

    Oh Adeus, selling VK ;O;~ Not interested in these bands, but send me a message when you add more, please!
  21. inartistic

    I'm pretty sure they created it, but I can't say anything beyond that. I'd be interested to know more about the character too
  22. inartistic

    I've been wondering about POCE too! All major labels have strange product numbers, but that one's super weird. I'll post it if I ever figure it out~ There's something else I wonder about major label product numbers: for indie labels, the product numbers of “typesâ€
  23. inartistic

    Looks like they have samples up! Sounds like they used a drum machine... Even though they have a drummer, hahaha.
  24. inartistic

    They always have the best titles!
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