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Everything posted by DistraughtK

  1. Wow, you now all either thought im retarded or was drunk atm. I said that out loud meaning to say "You can't fire me I fuckin' quit" and me and my roommate had a good laugh about it. Amazes me how many "..." I saw though o.O

    1. freesia
    2. Nightmares4ever


      oh you know we are more then just roommates

  2. DistraughtK

    5/10 Not a Dir en Grey fan.
  3. Wounder if i'll be able to find those two Poltergeist singles.

  4. Ah... I love the sound of rain. It's so beautiful.

  5. DistraughtK

    LA KIA - Break The Memory
  6. DistraughtK

    巡音ルカ・波音リツ Dirge x Alice
  7. DistraughtK

    Namine Ritsu - Declare War on All VOC@LOID
  8. DistraughtK

    Namine Ritsu - Only My Railgun
  9. DistraughtK

    Well so much for waiting on a new album. This blews! I liked Seremdy! It's fucking Dio all over again!
  10. Fucking loved True Cry! Still want to hear the rest of Desperate End though.

  11. DistraughtK

    I found out about these guys from Death Note(like most people probably did) and been in love with them sense. Yomi has range with his voice and I love hearing him sing live, Sakito is a rock guitar GOD! Ni~ya was one of the inspirations for me to become a better bass player(before my bass got stolen...) Hitsugi is a amazing growler, and Ruka is just a beast on drums. I don't own a physical copy of any of their albums but I hope they stay together long enough so ill be about to one day. Also I loved Killer Show, Anima, and NIGHTMARE.
  12. Im really interested in this theory of the Johto trio being reincarnations of the original 3 eevelutions.

  13. DistraughtK

    Kinda a old photo...
  14. DistraughtK

    Poltergeist - Inferior Memories
  15. Ill be getting a rip of True Cry any day now >u<

  16. DistraughtK

    Biosphia - Silent Sorrow
  17. DistraughtK

    グリーヴァ - 蜥-tokage-
  18. DistraughtK

    I really hope not.
  19. DistraughtK

    Megurine Luka - Alone
  20. DistraughtK

    Things just got from bad to worse...
  21. The possibility that Depain may be disbanding... makes me sad...

  22. DistraughtK

    Blood Stain Child - Forever Free
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