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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Status Replies posted by orangetarts

  1. It feels good to work like a die-hard on schoolwork like I did 3 years ago. Hope I can stay this motivated til the end. Teaching license.... here I come!♥ www *Puts sensei-glasses on*

  2. I need a new Anime Website please help! (Animecrazy.net has shut down)

  3. 2 weeks till I fly to Tokyo! (≧∇≦)/


  5. Deep deep deeper we goooo~

  6. My bus stopped in front of the local college and the girl standing outside I could immediately tell she was a VK fan. I can just look and be like YOU PROBABLY LIKE GAZETTE YOU WEEABOO SCUM. We have something in common lets be friends <3 <3

  7. Not buying a ps4 unless it can give blowjobs

  8. fuck, Sugar were really gr8

  9. Gekijou is awesome o/

  10. Having an internal conflict. It feels as if I'm looking at myself from above. Having a strong urge to cry, but can't find out where it comes from. Maybe it's selfish, but I want to be happy too...

  11. FLAC is the only thing available on what...when i check on it on utorrent, dl speed is at 666Kbps. Is the devil taunting me

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