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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by orangetarts

  1. You'll all soon tire of me as well... just like everyone else...

  2. orangetarts

    aw hey sexy
  3. meh i'll just stick with dropbox and 4shared I think...
  4. Time to get my ass in gear.

  5. Phantom & CNBLUE are already on hold. other than that, the rest are up for negotiation. shipping from the USA
  6. orangetarts

    Food. like literally obsessing over it. and its a problem and my mother thinks i need to join a 12 step program for over eaters anonymous. way too boost my self confidence mom.
  7. orangetarts

    a ticket to the buffet to eat away my feelings. it was great.
  8. orangetarts

    I am terrified of fish and i havent the slightest clue why. and yes, that means even goldfish and such.. cats > dogs. im pretty much obsessed with my cat and his name is Virgil and he's the cutest kitty ever. he was trying to help me with the dishes....or something like that.
  9. orangetarts

    because i can and because im a camera whore. whatevs
  10. orangetarts

    T H I S. they drive me crazy. which why i like having mac with a dock 8D
  11. orangetarts

    that requires effort!!!!!!
  12. orangetarts

    He really needs it :/ he needs to knock it off with that adderal man.
  13. orangetarts

    mine says it in the sig but its @orangetarts
  14. orangetarts

    cnblue, of course.
  15. orangetarts

    ragnarooooooock. i havent played that in forever.
  16. i slept until 11 oh yessss

  17. Someone pls rip out my lady business. i dont want it anymore.

    1. CAT5



    2. sai


      CAT you don't ask a lady if she's on her period

  18. orangetarts

    Hello and welcome back! hope to see you around here
  19. orangetarts

    Went and saw Les miserables last night. fucking epic
  20. orangetarts

    purikura always makes your eyes look scary and im not sure how I feel about it... but you look super kawaii panda-senpai~
  21. o shit i thought they died LOL thanks for this! super excited!!!
  22. aw shit, i was kinda hoping this would come out since theyre SADLY disbanding.
  23. orangetarts

    YESSSSS I love that they're consistently good.
  24. orangetarts

    (i am incapable of expressing my inner feels without use of gifs, sorry) JKLFHDJKFH D MEGURUUUUU. I neeeeed his voice back in my life
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