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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by orangetarts

  1. orangetarts

    there can pretty much be no wrong done by them imo~
  2. orangetarts

    My new computer is gonna be here tomorrow YAAAAAAY. and i got a cute headband >w<
  3. orangetarts

    Go go go! You can do it! keep up the good work hehe.
  4. orangetarts

    Thank god I really only use CDJapan...gonna pray to jesus that one wont fall this way too :/
  5. orangetarts

    b'awww thanks cat~
  6. orangetarts

    Do you think I should just give up on it...? or should I keep trying? I talked to another friend of mine and she said I should just give up, but i dont know if i can really do that. sdfjkhsdjkfh my life...ugh
  7. orangetarts

    got my hair colored yesterday~ OOOOORAAAANGGGGEEEE also someone said I looked like Zooey Deshanel here, so i was flattered.
  8. orangetarts

    lmao you look so gangsta~
  9. orangetarts

    a81tdlFd5jQ FeaDior - Amirry forgot how much i loved this band~
  10. orangetarts

    i have such an awkward girl boner for till lindermann and i really cannot explain why. but i fucking love rammstein *^*
  11. orangetarts

    FrCS2iSiO58 1CWSwa4FFv4 teasers for the new comebackkkk~ so excited to have them back in korea~ ive already pre-ordered this kekeke.
  12. after conferring with my mom, it was decided it was this one. 8D everything else before this she'd bought for me lol. but it was shit like the spice girls and britney spears L O L.
  13. orangetarts

    idk about "downhill" so much as just drastically changed :/ there's only one active band Im really into at the moment...well "new" band anyway...but ive noticed that the styles of a lot of the newer groups just isnt for me :/
  14. orangetarts

    I just think that the way you like it changes. like you know when something is shiny and new and you just like it so much and wanna play with it all the time? i think it's like that, it gets older but you still like it in some way or another. thats how it is for me, all the bands I love broke up and it became very depressing for me so i let it go for a while but always came back in the end, but im not into it with both feet as I was before...hopefully that makes sense.
  15. orangetarts


    hi hi hello~~ tell us more about you! haha but welcome to MH~
  16. orangetarts

    nice taste in music! enjoy your time here at MH~
  17. Doh! I sold that TCST CD (as well as the HEARTLESS stuff) in November I believe. I forgot to update the sales post until now... I'm really sorry, gekijou. Thanks for your interest though! I'll probably post a few new CDs later this week, so stay tuned. aww shucks!! Thanks anyway~ will be checking back to see what you've got
  18. orangetarts

  19. orangetarts

    So first i missed my bus, and then I failed my test in class, and then i had to deal with some obnoxious bitch whom i would like nothing more than to punch in her mouth and then it kinda got better but still sucked basically.
  20. orangetarts

    That was like the best story you told sdjfhsdkjfh however i was reminded of my mother lmao
  21. So this was brought about by the fact that today I was talking to my mom and i was telling her how i had all these inexplicable feels and they could not be tamed, she comes and says to me "Well get up and vacuum, it vibrates even." W T F. so tell me your stories.
  22. orangetarts

    Does anyone here use kakao?? If you do you should reply with your username, or just add me. my username is orangetarts yaaaaay lets all be friends
  23. orangetarts

    Just recently tried them out so im pretty intrigued to hear this
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