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Everything posted by PumpkinPatches

  1. PumpkinPatches

    The entire session was more of an excuse for the guys to play their broom guitars and molest one another. So, calling it an actual session feels like a bit of a stretch...
  2. I can definitely do that for you! I will send you the invoice in a few minutes!
  3. How'd you know? Yeah, someone jumped on them the minute I announced them. I'm cleaning up the post right now. I will be seeing them again on July 1st, so if you want I have a shopping service and can outright buy you some cheki, or you can wait until after the live. I may have some extra, I don't know. It's completely up to you! ;3
  4. Hi! Yes, I can set the Ansia flyer aside for you!
  5. Signal's definitely changed a bit since their old stuff, but I think you guys will actually really be impressed with their newer single. It's a lot more reminiscent of their stuff from Back Over Scars and prior. I was excited about Lycaon and they're a lotoffun live... but I'd never call myself a fan. I have been a little iffy on Galeyd's Revolution single (Mostly because Masquerade is rather boring on CD), but Flee from Reality's songs have really shaped up, so I'm a bit happier about it.
  6. Added new CDs, Cheki, and photosets, and also pruned the flyers (and added more Kiryu 1 flyers)
  7. PumpkinPatches

    My opinion stems from the things my friends have experienced and what I have experienced going to their lives. Not to get too descriptive, but back in December I went to a live where Megaromania performed. Not only was one of the members inappropriate and kind of creepy, he actually insulted the bands and label who were sponsoring the event. I found it incredibly unprofessional that a musician would mock the people who invited them to play. (The joke was about how such a label shouldn't waste money on big venues they couldn't /ever/ fill.) However, I stated you don't actually have to state reasons why you dislike a band.
  8. PumpkinPatches

    Well, for example I know many people on this site know about Wataru of 12012 choking the crap out of some woman. So, knowing this, does it affect how you view their music? If you loved their music before, just because the singer did something awful, does that mean you will no longer enjoy their music? One things that comes to mind immediately is Sid Vicious. He was an awful human being who brutally murdered his girlfriend, but whenever any of the stuff he did comes on I don't get up and turn it off. It doesn't mean I don't still enjoy his music. I love old-school Metallica, even if the members are complete jerks on and off camera. Taiji of X Japan was well known for having an absolutely horrible temper and abusing his first wife. Does that mean I don't love old X Japan? I guess some people would completely sour at a musician if they did anything, but as I see it I don't think it affects their musical capabilities at all.
  9. PumpkinPatches

    Hi! Sorry, but I don't share my music online. After realizing how much it really sucks for the bands to lose sales (and listening to band members from small bands talk about it) and being a musician myself... I really am quite anti-piracy. Sorry!
  10. No problem! I will pull these out for you now, so if you see any changes to the sales post (I think I only have one Ao flyer for each of the types) know that yours are already guaranteed. When you are ready, just send me a message.
  11. PumpkinPatches

    Guys. This album is pretty much epic. I definitely suggest getting a copy! (And the Special Edition is reallllllly spiffy. Not only totally worth the extra 500 yen just for the case, but it comes with a cool DVD with some rather amusing bits. ) Also... the two songs Daichi composed that have lyrics are the only two songs on the album with Japanese lyrics. I dunno what it means, but the guys have started to branch a little into using Japanese. (And some of the typos in the booklet are really funny. I love that they use so much English, but.. bb.... I don't think that's a word...)
  12. PumpkinPatches

    As someone who actually follows both these bands and goes to their lives... UGH. May as well ask me which foot I'd like to cut off. I'm going to go with Nokubura, mostly because their newest album is FANTASTIC. DID's new single is great, but on par with everything on Grimoire... it just isn't fair right now.
  13. We all have that band whose music you love unconditionally, but as human beings you think would probably deserve painful, painful things. For me, I LOVE Megaromania's music, but I would rather bite off my own hand than have to deal with them. (This topic probably may cause a bit of a stir, but I figured it would be acceptable as long as we just keep in PG and don't start fights with one another. Everyone has an opinion! You can give a reason or not, it's up to you.)
  14. PumpkinPatches

    Dir en Grey (I have seen them live and they are talented, just not my cup of tea) and L'arc. Their music never really interested me and kind of drove me to tears. But, if we go the exact opposite, there are a TON of bands I love musically but have ZERO respect for as human beings. You realize how slimy most musicians are when you meet them. >.< Actually... I think that may be an interesting topic...
  15. Hi! Your total, just for the three flyers (with shipping and the extra under $5 fee) would be $8.25
  16. But I have to share the Andy LOVE! ( having 12 Andy cheki just excessive...)
  17. Hi! Yes, paypal is the only method I use since cash can be lost in the mail and my Japanese bank account can only receive money from other Japanese bank accounts. Paypal isn't too difficult, and you can attach your bank and credit cards to it, but only if you want.
  18. $4.50 +$5 Shipping So, your total would be $9.50
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