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Everything posted by Cristate

  1. Oh great ! I Just PMed you !
  2. Cristate

    How much for D's Tightrope, shipping to France included ? o/
  3. Hello ! Did you sell MEJIBRAY's live distributed ? Can't see a full transaction in the messages so just asking... If it's still available for 25€, then it's mine !
  4. Hey ! Are your ViViD demotapes still available ? How much would you go for these 2 + shipping to France ?
  5. Cristate

    Only Râmen Events tour in that city...
  6. Cristate

    33Degrees, a new tour promoter, has announced on his facebook that Satsuki will tour in Europe in 2013. Give it a like and keep an eye on the upcoming news, tours, and artists ! 33 Degrees Facebook (Can someone move this topic to the event section ? Seems like I made a mistake when I posted it, and it showed up in the news section. Thanks !)
  7. Do you still have a cheki of Mia ? Thank you.
  8. Cristate

    Phantasmagoria D'espairs ray JE*REVIENS Versailles LAREINE Malice Mizer As'Real Sulfuric Acid Dio -Distraught Overlord- E'm ~grief~ HIZAKI Grace Project Schwarz Stein (Kaya's band) LIN -the end of corruption world- RENTRER EN SOI Aikaryu at least, the one I can remember atm x)
  9. Cristate

    THIS WAS SO POWERFUL. THAT SOLO OH MY DEAR. I can't wait for this single. It will be so awesome omg ;_;
  10. Cristate

    Yeah, he kinda was. Well, he definitely was aggressive. Anyway, I'm sorry ! It will be english for now.
  11. Cristate

    J'me suis gourré dans les dates, mais j'ai bien 18 ans. 2007, pas 2004, 12 ans, pas 9, tu vas porter plainte ? C'est quoi cette agression ? Cours t'acheter une vie, t'en as bien besoin.
  12. Cristate

    Thank you very much ! Sorry, I forgot to update, but now you can see my last.fm in the original post.
  13. Cristate

    Oh, you guys are all so kind ! It's such a pleasure to be with you all. Thanks to all of you
  14. Cristate

    Thank you very much guys ! Nice to meet you ! Your signature makes me think I should also add my last.fm, gonna edit that in a second.
  15. Cristate

    Hello everyone ! So... I guess it's time to introduce myself. My name is Val (which is the diminutive for Valère, my full name.) I'm almost 18 now, and I am a French boy. I live in the second biggest city of France, in the south, "Lyon". I'm a bass player since about 3 years now, I've learn playing it by myself, with a lot of motivation and work ! I discovered Visual Kei when I was pretty young... I was 9. It was when X Japan did the music of Saw IV, "IV". As a fan of Saw, I've listened and watched it. I started to like them, but didn't really pay attention. Then, in 2008, I watched the "Hide Memorial Summit", and that's where I discovered Phantasmagoria, Versailles and such. Then, I met a friend that was a fan of Visual Kei, and especially of Versailles and then it all started and well... here I am ! I love going to concerts, I've done about 15 Visual Kei concerts so far, I've seen Versailles and D 3 times each, which are my favourite bands, but also DaizyStripper twice, Anli Pollicino twice, LM.C twice, KanonxKanonxKanon, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, HITT, etc... My favourite bands would then be Versailles, D, X Japan, and more recently MEJIBRAY ! Maybe you'll be surprised, but I'm really not fond of the GazettE or famous bands as such. (I can't bear An Cafe, Paradeis and stuff too...) Cool thing is, I work with a certain company that tours J-Artists in Europe, you probably know them, but sadly I can't tell you which one it is :/ I'm happy to join this community and share my passion for Visual Kei and bass with you ! Merci for reading, I hope to have the opportunity to get to know more about each and everyone of you ! Val. PS : If any of you feel like following me on social networks, go ahead, click !
  16. Cristate

    It's very hard to say for me, as you have confrunted my two favourite bands. I've been a fan of Versailles fro more than 4 years now, but ever since I discovered D, around 3 years ago, my heart keeps leaving Versailles for D. There's nothing to say about the voice, ASAGI is definitely more skilled than Kamijo, and his voice is way more sweeter. I always fought "Versailles'd be the perfect band with ASAGI as vocalist." (IMO, don't attack me because of that). Even though Versailles stay the first for me, as they have given me lots, lots, lots of emotions in the past 4 years, and even though they stay my favourite band, I have to admit that I picked D. HIZAKI and Teru are ten times more skilled than Ruiza and Hide-Zou, though Tsunehito can be Masashi's god (IMO, again...) but ever since Versailles went major, and lost JY, their music changed. In a bad way. They are more "marvelous" now, with epic choruses, incredible solos, huge scene and stuff, but it's not how they began and how I fell in love with them anymore. I still love their "new" songs, but I feel so nostalgic when listening to old ones. I do really miss their indies time. That's something D have never done. They started indies, went to major, and then went back to indies, but their music stayed the same, as beautiful, as magic, as pure. That's why, even though I still love Versailles more than D, I had to recognize that D rules more now.
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