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Posts posted by colorful人生

  1. no switch, but life, uh, finds a way...





    It's running at about 10~15 fps w/ graphical glitches atm (ryujinx), but I expect it to be playable within a month-or-so.




    Recently bought a GTX 1080 for my eGPU enclosure. Finally justifies playing FFXV Windows Edition, but I feel like I'm re-learning the game again b/c I beat it (w/ some additional sidequests) 2~ish weeks after launch and haven't touched the game since.



  2. Once a year, I end up binging "Ask a Mortician", r/medizzy, and other documentaries relating to the human body (since I was technically doing pre-med at a point in my life.) I get physically ill just doing animal dissections (to the point where I need someone else to clean and cut fish), but I do just fine w/ videos & images. It's morbid, yet fascinating. 


    Main takeaways from over the years....

    1. Tree pod or natural burial is the way to go. 
    2. Take care of your fucking body while you're young.

  3. I didn't think the toilet paper thing was that ubiquitous, as was shown in the media, until I went to Walmart yesterday. It was just hordes of the elderly with completely empty shelves of toilet paper, hand sanitizer, Clorox, and sugar (of all things.) 


    Curious with how the next three weeks will pan out since most universities, telecom, and IT in my area are going remote. It's often observed after large, sustained events where things change drastically, that residual, permanent changes are produced. Personally, I hope this doesn't lead to certain businesses & companies by default favoring remote work (as an excuse to cut wages) b/c I find it necessary to unplug in a diff. location, imo.


    4 minutes ago, YuyoDrift said:

    You forgot the claw machine with toilet paper in it lol.


    I gotchu



    I'm pretty sure this one was done in jest, tho.

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