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Everything posted by digi

  1. #teamviolet tbh.

    1. Nisimaldar


      ugh I wanna shag pearl so badly. the struggle is real

    2. digi


      I miss katya goddamnit.

      gurl, I feel your pain. I would tap that in a second.

    3. saishuu


      Katya will forever be one of my faves. but now Ginger needs to win.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  2. digi

    holy shit those look so painful but amazing. even though my pain tolerance is quite high, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to handle getting nipples double-pierced but eventually, I'm definitely getting just a single barbell in them.
  3. digi

    stealing your jacket ok. I need it.
  4. I sleep all day long usually, and stay up all night, so night owl I suppose. Not sure if it counts towards anything, but my creative juices flow much more around midnight and such too. Just generally feel more "alive" and inspired. #whiteartgirlprobs
  5. Beautiful. Simply beautiful.
  6. digi

    Vidoll is the shit. Welcome to MH.
  7. digi

    1.) digi 2.) digi 3.) digi 4.) digi 5.) digi 6.) digi 7.) digi 8.) digi 9.) digi 10.) digi she's a real nice gal.
  8. alright winter, you can go away now.

    1. MaikoMizu


      I second that.

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      winter end it's 20 march ^^

    3. digi


      it's usually cold way beyond that though ;;

  9. digi

    hi : ))
  10. digi

    woow. was never expecting this.
  11. digi

    heeey, welcome to the forums.
  12. Too many ojisans to pick from so I chose Atsushi, Full, and Ryutaro. Pretty sure Atsushi is my fave though because I mean unffff.
  13. digi

    Farewell my dear comrade. : ((
  14. digi

    choo choo digi train comin thru.
  15. digi

    The set looks so intimate and cute. I love it. ,o,
  16. r u kidding these are the saviours of vk all hail vk jesus
  17. digi

    My cat eats the food out of my hand when I'm not paying attention. R.I.P chicken mcnuggets and burgers. She also does this thing when I don't pet her after she comes up and lays on my keyboard. I'm assuming it's "pouting" because her ears will go back and she cries like a little baby (queue the MEOWowoWooWs right about now), just laying there. As soon as I go to pick her up and pet her again, she stops and lays in my arms, curling her little paws up. It's the cutest. See pic. ,o,
  18. At first glance I swore I read "Vivienne Westwood". I need sleep.
  19. digi

    I bought this shirt a few days back, and finally got it in the mail yesterday. It's already September so I probably won't be able to wear it at all considering it's a crop top of sorts but uh...there's always next summer. :'D Or I wear it around outside anyway despite it being freezing because #swagyolo420fuckbitchez
  20. digi

    Well, if it's of any consolation, there's no need to worry about such a thing, you wouldn't be taking up my time in the slightest. And well, I'd be a little disappointed if I got anything less than an "essay length" message. I'm only half-joking on that too. ;_; It's much easier to make conversation when there's a lot to a message, anyway. Also, of course. We can do that whenever you please. I don't mind.
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