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Everything posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. tetsu_sama69

    members of the black swan and screw involved? Welp, I'm already on board for this ride!
  2. tetsu_sama69

    But who shall continue to carry art kei away from it's grave 😧
  3. tetsu_sama69

    I'm pretty all right with this idea though. I'd rather have a band experiment with a new concept instead of randomly disbanding from difference of musical direction.
  4. tetsu_sama69

    When do we start placing bets on how long it takes for Naru to drive everyone out of the band? At this rate the dude should just go solo and make what he wants and swap out support members.
  5. Right when I was leaving the dentists office after my last root canal my permanent crowns came in... and I still have to wait until Friday for them anyways.

  6. This is the kind of bat shit kei that soothes my soul
  7. tetsu_sama69

    Sad to hear that. They weren't too bad except for that poor drum machine they used for a while.
  8. Nice smooth melodic song. It's not anything terrible at all. Same problem people have with DADAROMA will only look at one song and then disregard the rest. Just because a group doesn't make the same kind of song doesn't make it terrible. The mv production is bad though.
  9. tetsu_sama69

    actually shit kei
  10. Doesn't sound too bad. Will have to wait to hear the whole song to really know what it's like. But hey, at least they aren't stuck in the loop of making the same song over and over.
  11. tetsu_sama69

    That ain't bad but why do his clean vocals sound like garbage in thanatos but not in lost?
  12. Holy god this is a mess... WHY DO I LIKE IT
  13. I have root canal today. feels weird as hell

    1. Zeus


      i just had a gum graft i feel u

  14. absolute legend

    1. colorful人生


      "Do any of you have phones?!"

    2. Wakarimashita


      I applaud thee, Red Shirt Bald Guy!

  15. tetsu_sama69

    I've been heavily into Heroes of the Storm and Overwatch of late. Final Fantasy 14 of course as always but one of my friends sat down and taught me how to play Heroes properly and now I'm having way too much fun with Thrall. Someone send help.
  16. tetsu_sama69

    Even with the lengthy time of silence from them they seemed to be in the works for a strong comeback. This is quite sad that a band with so much potential and strength wasn't able to stay together in the end even though they seemed to work together so well.
  17. Start of new trend. Mario sticker star but with vkei dudes.
  18. tetsu_sama69

    Interested to see what this becomes honestly.
  19. tetsu_sama69

    TFW the whole band realizes this is a massive joke and remains comatose during filming.
  20. tetsu_sama69

    But who is he? It's troubling that he's familiar. Anyone have any ideas?
  21. tetsu_sama69

    Sounded like a totally good standard D song and THEN OUTTA FUCKING LEFT FIELD THE WTF
  22. tetsu_sama69

    This sounds pretty cool, gonna keep my eye on this one!
  23. youtube is totally down this is wild

    1. colorful人生


      It's not just down, it's broken af. It'll probably be fixed soon, according to their twitter.

    2. suji


      youtube's been taking vids & channels down, now THEY'VE been taken down.............🔪 #karma

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