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Everything posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. tetsu_sama69

    Sad to hear this. I hope they continue without him.
  2. tetsu_sama69

    This honestly didn't surprise me with the sudden lack of activity and mashiro starting a new session band.
  3. tetsu_sama69

    Sad to hear it. They were very talented ladies. I hope they make a return soon!
  4. tetsu_sama69

    I'm ready!
  5. tetsu_sama69

    I like that Shou stated they want to go back to their basics as well. This makes me excited for the future.
  6. tetsu_sama69

    Every single time this thread updates I just hope there's an update about a release. I miss Hina so much and his band as such a solid line-up. I can't wait to hear what they can do.
  7. A reform isn't always a bad thing. I look forward to their new concept and their music.
  8. I hope they can come back soon. Their music has just been getting so good lately.
  9. tetsu_sama69

    Venus reboot? Please yes.
  10. tetsu_sama69

    ...the fuck?
  11. tetsu_sama69

    My body is ready
  12. tetsu_sama69

    These guys are awesome! I can't wait to hear more from them!
  13. tetsu_sama69

    awww yeeeeaaaahhhh
  14. tetsu_sama69

    excited already!
  15. tetsu_sama69

  16. These guys are pure ear candy.
  17. tetsu_sama69

    Nice preview. Vocals sound so good!
  18. tetsu_sama69

    Surprise remix/cover album made by totally different bands yet still slotted as their release.
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