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Status Updates posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. Spraining my leg by just falling in my house has been extremely embarrassing and annoying.

  2. Starku = guilty pleasure jam time

  3. swapping to 4 10 hour days has been more taxing than i expected

    1. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      Damn I'm the opposite right now. Just switched from 4 tens to 5 eight hour days and I miss my 3 day weekends! (as much as weekends *mean* anything right now...)

    2. tetsu_sama69


      Man I wish I had a full weekend anyways. Being part of management now means I'm screwed if anything needs to be done over the weekend.

  4. Tales of Zestiria is pretty interesting so far... let's see how this goes

  5. TFW the games are just right 2G5OTcc.jpg

  6. Thank fuck I can blast music while working from home otherwise I don't think I would be tolerating this leg pain. It's good to have a worthwhile distraction.

  7. Thank you everyone! Will be checking out most of the suggestions, especially the ones I haven't heard yet!

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Glad you'll be giving Meghan Trainor a shot!

  8. That awkward moment when you almost yell at a customer when you're generally not an angry person. I really need to think over if I want to stay at my job after the holidays.

  9. That moment when you find something that makes you so happy yet you just get the sads...

    1. -NOVA-


      like finding a Dragonite in pokemon go and your game freezes 

    2. Gaz


      ^ yeah, that is a wrist cutting situation :/ 

    3. tetsu_sama69


      I've had a number of moments where the nice awesome pokemon show up and all my friends with me catch it but there I am just staring at my frozen screen and or it just ain't happening. 

  10. the lines between work and personal life are seriously becoming quite blurred

  11. They're highly considering making me permanent at my temp job. I'm really hoping this goes through!

  12. Things have calmed down a bit... hopefully it will settle down for good.

    1. beni


      Take care of yourself! I hope you're doing well.

  13. This is the first time in 3 years I've had a proper holiday off. Not working retail anymore sure changes things....

  14. This past two weeks at work has been a shitstorm but it finally seems to be subsiding!

  15. Thursday is going to be insane! It's still hard to believe that VAMPS is coming to this deserted state but here we are!

  16. Time to see what will be reborn from the ashes...

    1. doombox


      I'm hoping we get at least one Frankenstein monster band out of this. Too many great musicians to just disappear. ;;

  17. Time to watch some great shooters and all around great gaming streams! https://www.twitch.tv/maximilian_dood

  18. Today was the day work officially swapped to work at home status. Gonna be weird not being able to watch over my team face to face.

  19. Today was the last straw for me at work.

    1. Mamo


      No not malpractice. But you might be able to sue them and draw unemployment if you're in the U.S. that is. I must warn you though if you do decide to it will be a long drawn out process and there's no guarantee that you win, unless you have good evidence.


      If you have something documenting that they approved it than I would talk to a lawyer and see what your options might be. But unless you want to attempt to sue then I doubt there's much else you could do besides draw unemployment like I said. 


      If you don't want to do or deal with that legal process than I would just count my losses, draw up a resume, and seek employment elsewhere. 

    2. Mamo


      For reference @platy:


      Professionals who may become the subject of malpractice actions include:


      medical professionals: a medical malpractice claim may be brought against a doctor or other healthcare provider who fails to exercise the degree of care and skill that a similarly situated professional of the same medical specialty would provide under the circumstances.

       lawyers: a legal malpractice claim may be brought against a lawyer who fails to render services with the level of skill, care and diligence that a reasonable lawyer would apply under similar circumstances.

       financial professionals: professionals such as accountants, financial planners and stockbrokers, may be subject to claims for professional negligence based upon their failure to meet professional standards when providing services to their clients.

       architects: an architect or construction professional may be accused of professional negligence for failing to meet professional standards in the design and construction of buildings and structures.


    3. tetsu_sama69


      Yeah I'm sending letters to the labor board in my state and to the BBB but I don't expect money back. Just want someone with some kind of power to know there is bullshit afoot. I can't get myself to go back into work however. I can't go back in know they're just going to gloat over fucking me over for taking a vacation for FREE.

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  20. Tomorrow is the last day of a 50 hour work week....

  21. Tonight at around 8pm or so AZ time will be do the thing~

  22. Tweaked my back really bad a couple days ago. Went to the doctor and now I have to be really careful. I dislike getting older....

  23. Two more bad teeth down, now to just go through the recovery...

  24. Updated my "About me" segment and fuck is it a mess... but I like it.

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