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Everything posted by hyura

  1. hyura

    人格集積回路 Jinkaku shūseki kairo Personal Integrated-circuit 知れば知るほど遠ざかり Shireba shiru hodo tōzakari The more you know me the more you turn away 閉じれば閉じるほど こぼれる涙 Tojireba tojiru hodo The more you shut yourself off koboreru namida the more tears are shed 興味本位の始まり そして分裂 Kyōmi hon'i no hajimari Our beginning, just out of curiosity soshite bunretsu And now, our break-up 難解な私より単純明快なアノ子と・・・ Nankaina watashi yori tanjun meikaina ano ko to... With that plain and simple girl, unlike me who is so difficult to understand... 私の方が愛しているのに Watashi no hō ga aishite iru no ni Even though you love me more        ずっと愛しているのに Zutto aishite iru no ni Even though you love me so much more 「集積回路と人格回路における Shūseki kairo to jinkaku kairo ni okeru "Intentions and mechanisms  アドレナリン過度分泌による Adorenarin kado bunpitsu ni yoru resulting from excessive adrenalin secretion  精神と過程       」 Seishin to katei in integrated-circuits and personality circuits" ------ The last paragraph is actually the first in the written lyrics. I changed it because it's already part of 'Curse' in the sung version.
  2. hyura

    Hello! I recently translated La'Mules Curse EP and because I like the lyrics a lot I'll share them with you. Listening to the songs while reading is highly recommended. I left the kanji, romaji and english versions on top of each other to make that easier. I do my best to make the translation sound as natural as possible but neither English nor Japanese is my first language. Please help improve any mistakes! orz You can also request any other La'Mule song/release you like in this thread. (lyrics will be posted as replies. Please wait~)
  3. hyura

    Maybe this is just the right song for the first days of autumn, but I found the song quite touching. I really like it. This is the first 12012 song in years to achieve that.
  4. I really couldn't believe this and still don't know what to say. Ayame. Why?
  5. hyura

    Thank you very much! I was very impressed of their similarity, too.
  6. hyura

    Thank you! ;O; I'm very happy you like them. I'm already engaged D:
  7. hyura

    Their look and sound is really nice, but isn't that a Matina-era Gazette track they're copying here...?
  8. hyura

    Woah, thank you for so many compliments! //∇//) You guys made me super happy, I suddenly feel like a legit cosplayer now. orz I'd actually post more often but there aren't many chances to dress up and my everyday look is kinda boring. There is a cosplay-thread somewhere on here where I posted some of my photos, though. And there aren't too many secrets to that look but if you want to know how we did anything, just ask.
  9. hyura

    Just found this picture from my old phone. : D It's me cosplaying as Hisui (Madeth Gray'll) and my boyfriend cosplaying as Kon (La'Mule). (We look super serious but actually we were cracking up all day.)
  10. hyura

    Ich hab die Erfahrung gemacht, dass EMS Pakete überdurchschnittlich oft geprüft werden. So jedes zweite Mal denke ich. (Aber erst in letzter Zeit. ;O;) Bei richtig hohen Summen würde ich immer über fromjapan bestellen, den Wert bei 'charge 2' runtersetzen und fedex wählen. Weil fedex die Pakete selbst verzollt sind die total nachlässig und prüfen auch dann nicht nach wenn auf einer Riesenkiste voll mit Neuware 20 euro wert draufsteht. (Nach meiner Erfahrung jedenfalls!) Außerdem ist fedex ab einer gewissen gewichtsgrenze ziemlich günstig und dauert nach Deutschland nur 3 Tage.
  11. Although I love grieva and I'm all pro alter ego bands: Are they serious? I mean. They already have a hard time writing original music for one concept, how do they want to handle two? Maybe finding their own style first before 'trying something new' would have been the better choice. Hopefully I'm wrong and the single is great, though. Their new look is lovely.
  12. hyura

    Oshare kei is really not a genre I know tons about but calling it オサレ or オサ is totally legit, even if you like it. In fact it's much more commonly referred to as オサレ than お洒落. (although yes, it does mean something like 'poseur' appearently.) And yes, I haven't seen a true oshare kei band in years. To me it always meant something along the lines of -wears streetfashion, including bandanas -plays poppy punk tunes -looks happy but never insanely happy -is pretty asexual And yes. That kind of band doesn't exist anymore. Or at least, not really. Funny how panic*ch don't want to belong in there because to me they always fitted in perfectly. Does anybody know the バンギャルちゃんの日常 manga? I think it had a great style-guide but I couldn't find a scan of it. (For anyone interested anyway, look at the episode on 'the VK-ish pv'.)
  13. My brain believes everybody on MH looks like their avatar and when I read your stuff I imagine your avatar talking.

    1. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      tbh I always wanted to be Pekka

    2. Umi_Niwa


      That means I'm Sharaku, wouldn't mind trading places for a while, lol.

    3. Show next comments  45 more
  14. hyura

    I agree with Yuugi! Not that I'd never appreciate vocalists that are great singers with skills in a more 'classic' sense. (I love Ryuichi Kawamura. I like Gackt and Klaha in Malice Mizer. I love Jui in Vidoll.) But for the most part I go for bands in the good vocalist/bad singer scheme because it just sounds less formal and more interesting to miss a few notes here and there. Punk-ish 'barking' like Kiyoharu and Hakuei or melodramatic sluring like Kyo (until a few years ago) and Hisui is often much more suited for a visual kei band. Of course it depends on the band's image and of course a high percentage of vocalists isn't brilliantly bad but just normal bad and I don't like that either. (Sounding bored or too shy or copying someone elses style in an embarassing way.) Well my favorite example for this is Syndrome. Their sound didn't change that much with Asagi joining and they still made brilliant songs but Asagis skilled voice completely ruins their atmosphere and they sound totally boring to me compared to the original line up with Tatsuyas 'weak' vocals.
  15. Wow, this is terrible. I truly hope for the surgery to be successful and that he won't have to suffer much pain now.
  16. hyura

    You should! For a guy there doesn't seem to be anything to worry here. (And even as a girl. While I do get catcalled and bothered a lot and hate it nothing harmful ever happened to me or anybody I know despite being out alone at night a lot.) I think some outer areas might be prone to Nazi-people but the inside feels a thousand times safer than any other large city I went to so far. So I hope you'll enjoy your stay. And in case of free money- I'll take it. Bratkartoffelpanzerfahrzeugsarschbackenvernichtungsinstrumentenanzeige.
  17. hyura

    Ikna totally posted most of my favorites. Some others that come to mind are: -Berallwarp Rheim -Vier la Drain -Ca'ddish:Mar'berry -Grudge Against Personality -CORPSE ANOTHER PERSON Actually the ones with indie-esque English bandnames might be the worst.
  18. Finally! : DD I really liked 'Will', so I hope they'll make something similar again. Phoenix star was super boring.
  19. hyura

    I don't normally go to wedding at night actually (dayum all this makes me sound like I don't know the city I've been living in for the last 20+ years) but I can imagine it to be kind of annoying having to walk around there because it's even seedy during the day. Although -while the center parts of Berlin are all really nice and safe at night- once you enter any train station after 11pm things will get spooky no matter where you are. In fact the more popular the area the more crazy the people. I most frequently move around Kreuzberg, (which is where I live. Not even that far from Moritzplatz.) Neukölln, Prenzlberg, Friedrichshain and Mitte and while those are all areas with super high rent and hipsters everywhere I get harassed in public transport all the time. I heard of some guy who wanted to make Marzahn a world culture heritage. I do understand the fascination, but still could never live there.
  20. hyura

    He knows. D :
  21. hyura

    So you enjoy Plattenbausiedlungen? That's the first time I heard anybody ever say they want to go there. But well, they actually are one of a kind, especially Marzahn and I'll just assume you know what you want. S7 does go there and I'm pretty sure it should be possible until late because it's huge and lots of people live there. But I'm not 100% sure as I only ever went by day and by car and only when I was forced to. As for Gropiusstadt... I never went there but since it's in direction of Rudow you should be able to get there 24/7 because U7 goes all night. And you can usually go anywhere you like if there's no fence. When somebody complains you can still apologize. Maaaybe don't creep around houses at night, I can imagine that people there would call the police faster than elsewhere. You may encounter signs, too. Any variety of 'Privatgrundstück' or 'Betreten verboten' means don't enter. 'Betreten bei Schnee und Glätte auf eigene Gefahr' is very common and simply means you are allowed to enter but you can't sue them if it's winter and you fall and die. As for the English skills... old people in those areas might really not know any English because they used to teach Russian in DDR school. But most people you encounter should understand you.
  22. hyura

    Well yes. Maybe society is not the right English word for it, but I couldn't think of a better one.As in the tv shows and magazines (are there still 'teen' magazines?) For this age group is full of it. And once it's established in a group like a school class everybody has to like it. At that age you are punished by your peers for liking something different from the norm. Take that plus the fact that a sense of taste has to grow (they were listening to children's music before. How could they develop a grown ass taste in music over night.) And you have a reason apart from 'they are dumb.'. (Or that it's actually good. But that would demontage your arguments altogether.) Whatever reason. I still think that there is no valid excuse to spend time on bad music just to make anybody miserable. And that in this case it's so extreme it just CAN'T be about just not liking the music anymore. And that's what's irritating about it.
  23. hyura

    Maybe I need to correct myself a bit. I didn't want to point out that justin bieber or whoever actually makes quality music because I don't know. I never actually listened to the stuff I mentioned! It's mere examples and if that guy for example really is that bad of a person on top of his music that's a reason to dislike him indeed and it was a bad example. I just noticed that absolutely everything marketed towards female teenagers by using their 'pretty boy'-fantasies is regarded as the worst by many people and bashed in a way that's totally out of proportion. And that therefore young girls liking something already means that it's shit to many people. Or the girls are shit and not to be taken serious. To me that's very weird. The things are marketed towards them. They are told to like it by society. Many end up liking it for whatever reason. They are told that they suck for liking it. That kind of mechanism.
  24. hyura

    I have another unpopular opinion. Expect rant. Mainstream music marketed towards pubescent girls isn't any worse than other music you don't like. There is a whole culture (especially on the internet, but also in other media and in real life) devoted to and putting lots of time and appearently research into hating on anything made for female teenagers and it highly irritates me. I mean solo artists like Justin Bieber or boygroups like One Direction and even certain visual kei bands. Movies like twilight and many Boys love manga belong into the same category and also get the same treatment! Things that work because 13 year old girl's romantic and/or sexual fantasies about 'pretty boys', essentially. There is no other demographic which is nearly as bashed as them. Not even a tiny bit. As I'm no 13 year old girl I find no appeal in those things either but I don't have the need to judge it's fans at all. Because of my different enviroment I never get in touch with their music taste, except for people bitching about it. I don't get this: if you don't like it, don't spend time on it. Like you do with every other genre that isn't made for you but doesn't threaten you either. I'm also not interested in things marketed towards 60+ ladys or 4 year old boys and still don't think I should spend my day with hating on it and the people who enjoy it. It's also not a common thing to do. So why do it with teenage girls? Teenage girls freak out and scream and throw their underwear (?) during some boyband concert where it doesn't bother anyone because only other teenage girls are present? -People declare the girls hysteric and out of their mind and the band horrible. Grown men freak out and scream and throw beerbottles after some sports event in public where outsiders will be bothered?- People are like 'boys will be boys' and still take the sport very serious. I'd even go as far as to say that when some artist has many young girls as fans it kind of devalues his work to many. This is sad! Young girls aren't all stupid. Actually many are already more mature and educated then their male counterparts. Maybe it's because of our cultures sick obsession with young girls sexuality and that it's frightening for us to see them directing it at something we don't like...? Either way. I just don't get this.
  25. hyura

    I'd even go as far as to put Narciss into a category of its own. (tier 0,5 or something.) There are quite a few bands that play almost exclusively in that livehouse and it usually means that it's a band that won't ever get famous.
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