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Everything posted by hyura

  1. The number of tracks is overwhelming. D : Just by statistics there must be a couple good ones in there! Can one already preorder?
  2. ^Osaka is so worth going even without the live. But this is really a nice lineup. I want to see vellaDonna.
  3. hyura

    This is pretty cool but... The earlier the anouncement the likelier the cancelation.
  4. Pfff at least let me dream. (┯_┯) Although I'd be the first one to bitch about a bad madeth copy and I don't see them pulling it off, either. Still. It'd be boring to get another dir en grey album ripoff and the 'clues' so far don't sound like them actually. At least no macabre-vocab.
  5. hyura

    Could be the choice they made for the samples, as they were really short.. but I must admit that the only ones which made me excited were 'glowing' (and I already know that one.) and 'Metamorphosis'. Still pretty sure the album won't disappoint. It was worth buying just for 'glowing' anyway. www
  6. Love the preview! : D Gisho bass fits really well into the concept and their corpsepaint is lovely. It kinda reminds me of a D song, though...?
  7. The preview sounded pretty boring to be honest, but it still makes me happy to see Erina back, especially because I liked TRIGGAH... and thought they disbanded?
  8. hyura

    Ruhrpöttler klingen für mich immer so als würden sie mit vollem Mund reden. orz
  9. The oneman to go along with the release is called 'MAD death' Now bring on the speculations of whom they'll copy this time. ; D Madeths full length also had the working title 生命の終焉.
  10. It's indeed a little fast. D: But I liked everything they did so far and since a big percentage of their work is recycled it might really work out to make another album in a small time like this.
  11. hyura

    There is lots of truth in this thread already. I think that to many young female vk fans, especially but not only in japan, it's a 'devaluing' point for a band to have a woman in it. There is a reason why bands with mixed genders hardly ever sell- it's because the bangyaru don't want pretty girls around their idols, nor do the bangyaruo like pretty boys around theirs. It's clever for the 'odd' one in a mixed band to hide their gender. It's different for all-woman groups- they can become quite successful if they manage to attract lots of male fans and aren't disliked so much by the female ones either. This whole thing is something that always annoyed me, really, because actually ESPECIALLY with all the make up and hair it doesn't matter anymore if you're a girl or a boy. The lines between both are really blurred if you look at an androgynous bandwoman (like hiko of danger gang for example) performing on stage and than at a girly bandguy like hizaki. I'm pretty sure the scene would be much more innovative if it was more 50:50. Not just the bands... the fans as well. It's kinda stupid that male vk fans mostly just buy the cd and stay at home instead of joining concerts. The most enjoyable lives I went to where the ones with a good male:female ratio. I'm a bit surprised that nobody mentioned Lucifer Luscious Violenoue yet! She was the first female vk vocalist I discovered and I instantly fell in love with her voice.
  12. hyura

    Thank you. ;o;
  13. hyura

    My palmtree-hair dried all wavy and visual after the rain. Worth a mirrorshot.
  14. La'Mule. Weird because they were on hiatus forever and I didn't think they would ever return. However, when they did return it totally broke my heart that it was just for their disbandment.
  15. Both sound fantastic! Although the contrast of the two previews was quite strong/ made I HATE YOUR POPSTAR LIFE sound silly. ww
  16. hyura

    My number one discovery is propably Rouage. I knew them by name but propably just listened to the wrong songs at first and didn't bother to try again. Not too long ago I bought a box of random VK video tapes and their old stuff just blew me away! Then, for some reason Penicillins chartmusic-phase (Limelight and Ultimate Velocity era). I had those albums for ages but they were always too easy-listening and cheesy and 90s for me. That changed for no particular reason when I listened to them again this summer. Now I can suddenly enjoy them.
  17. hyura

    The only way to balance my happiness/math study ratio is to buy happiness in the shape of CDs, clothes and nice weekend trips. Unfortunately my money/need for happiness ratio won't let me.
  18. hyura

    Glowing is a beautiful classic Luna Sea song I think. I wasn't really amazed when I listened to it for the first time, but I had to keep replaying it today and it really grew on me. I'm looking forward to the album even more now.
  19. First world dilemma: I can't decide whether to see Eat you alive in Hamburg, Paris or Helsinki.

  20. hyura

    Agree! Kikasa's costumes are always perfect (that and he is very handsome.) It's actually a bit sad that not many people copied him instead. ww
  21. hyura

    ^It's funny how their styling is identical down to the haircolors of each member. wow. Just wanted to make a comparison for the ~bloodstained~ look but... I can't find a picture of Rouage doing it. why?
  22. hyura

    I am sure i will regret this *lol* Awww. ;o; I know you are an evil coldblooded goth but whenever I see you I want to poke your cheeks, because you have such a cute face.
  23. I never really listen to X Japan because they're simply not my genre but I love Weekend sosososo much.
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