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    peffy reacted to Takadanobabaalien in 黒百合とかげ - うろんなチョコ冷凍   
    Well the lyrics are mixed together so I still have to figure out which sentence belongs to which song XD of course they won't put them in like a normal band .__.
  2. Like
    peffy reacted to Original Saku in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    Ubisoft press conference was actually the second best conference this year imo, and yeah there was some slow/low points but overall their conference had very good vibes which is very important I think. Aisha Tyler is awesome as well, she is probably one of the best things to ever happen to Ubisoft, she is so outgoing and passionate and you can really tell that she cares, I love her.
    presentation wise Ubisoft gets a 4/5 from me, the good vibes and just overall cheerfulness of their conference was a great reminder that you don't always have to do serious stuff at these things. Games wise it was a bit weaker... they showed off a lot of great games that I'm super hyped about (For Honor and Steep in particular) but then their was a few that fell flat in both the way they showed them off and just general excitement. more like 2.5-3/5 games wise I would say.
    yeah that was a bit weird but I'm trying to look at objectively and from that standpoint the dubstep probably wasn't the worst thing ever. Not to mention a lot of stuff happening in the actual trailer was pretty hype. I at least felt like I saw a lot of new stuff in the trailer that I hadn't seen before from the game, but then again I don't follow the game that heavily because I feel like we've already seen so much of that game that it really doesn't matter at this point.
    VR is a love hate thing, you either are super pumped for it or you don't give two shits about it. I'm in the camp that understands it's importance for the future as a technology and a platform but still hold a skepticism at the current form of the tech. with that said I do feel like Sony handled it very well, they showed what games they wanted to in very quick and to the point trailers, nothing too long, and most importantly no strange VR stage demos that look stupid and then moved on from it very quickly like how it should be.
    I was really surprised with Kojima's game being their in a trailer format, I did not think that we would get a trailer so that was very surprising. I knew that God of War was gonna be there, but that didn't prepare me for what was to come in that demo, so hype.... btw it's not a reboot, they said in an interview afterward that it's still in the same timeline and everything that happened in the previous game are still canon and that it's just been quite a few years have passed.
    Another game that surprised me was Days Gone, it looks great... but most surprising was the tech that was shown off in that gameplay demo at the end of the conference, the little zombie goblin monsters piling over each other scrambling and just destroying everything in their path... like holy shit, that is next gen to me, really impressive tech.
    The game that almost gave me a heart attack was Resident Evil 7, not in my wildest dreams did I think it was gonna be there, I had hunches that maybe we would see the Resident Evil 2 remake since it was already announced but never this. The greatest thing about that reveal is that I guarantee that no one in that theater or at home watching the stream had any idea that it was RE until the last few seconds which is genius on their part because that's how you turn heads at E3.
    I think a lot of people are gonna be confused though, I've already seen people thinking that RE7 is gonna be first person... no it's not. The demo will be first person, they're essentially doing the P.T. thing that Konami did. VR will be first person. The actual game will be third person over the shoulder like it always has been and that I'm 100% sure of. other than that the demo has me very excited just from a atmosphere standpoint, I can't wait for the true return of RE survival horror
  3. Like
    peffy reacted to Takadanobabaalien in 黒百合とかげ - うろんなチョコ冷凍   
    1. チョコ冷凍階段
    首絞めて苦しんだ 文字の同じ羅列になった
    2. 絶倫フルコース
    ナイフとフォーク持ちまして フルコースのディナーです
    ナイフとフォーク持ちまして 特別な記念日に
    ナイフとフォーク持ちまして やわらかお肉にワイン
    ナイフとフォーク置きまして とってもお腹膨らちゃった
    ドタキャンされたらしい女性が一名様 肥えたお客様が言った
    ナイフとフォーク持ちまして フルコースのディナーです
    ナイフとフォーク持ちまして あまり噛まずにお食べください
    ナイフとフォーク持ちまして やわらかお肉にワイン
    ナイフとフォーク落としてね そのまま連れてイカれちゃった
    閉店後にお一人様 「この間はご苦労様。」
    ナイフとフォーク突き刺して ひと目が苦手な君の
    ナイフとフォーク突き刺して 半熟トロトロ目玉焼き
    ナイフとフォーク突き刺して 指肪は生ハムサラダ
    ナイフとフォーク置いたあと おトイレに流されちゃった
    3. すてきな唄。
    also @peffy feel free to use this at ur lyric site
  4. Like
    peffy got a reaction from Muskito in [Lyrics] Gazette - The $ocial riot machine$   
    debating whether or not I should add this to my blog...
  5. Like
    peffy reacted to Muskito in [Lyrics] Gazette - The $ocial riot machine$   

    RIOT STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    kkijirrirl;tooFuck fuckrgeuioreSy
    riot riot riot fuck the social rules!!!!!!
    Jesus Christ...
  6. Like
    peffy got a reaction from CAT5 in Game of Thrones   
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    peffy got a reaction from doombox in Game of Thrones   
  8. Like
    peffy got a reaction from doombox in Game of Thrones   
    Caught the episode a little ... earlier than usual.. today.
    For once, I actually loved pretty much everything that happened in this episode. Lots of interesting character moments.
  9. Like
    peffy reacted to saishuu in HeaRt band name change to "tRaeH"   
    just noticed they didn't use a backwards R, which therefore makes this name change 100% invalid. totally missed the chance to use tЯaeh.
  10. Like
    peffy reacted to doombox in HeaRt band name change to "tRaeH"   
    I read it as tRasH at first. OTL 
    I feel like this is was a decision made specifically to make their name come up easier in a web search, but it still looks kinda ridiculous. 
  11. Like
    peffy reacted to yakihiko in HeaRt band name change to "tRaeH"   
    people looking for "tRaeH" on internet will be like "did you mean tRasH"
  12. Like
    peffy got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in Your last music-related buy!   
    This stuff  came with my copies of Kiryu's Irodori type C&D.
    I also got the exact same poster as @itsukoii.
    (it is REALLY UPSETTING how often I get trading card doubles.. I even got triples once..)
  13. Like
    peffy got a reaction from sakuran in MEJIBRAY 2-month consecutive new maxi singles release   
    boring prince MiA again
    PRINCESS MiA !!!!!?!!?!?!
  14. Like
    peffy got a reaction from -NOVA- in MEJIBRAY 2-month consecutive new maxi singles release   
    boring prince MiA again
    PRINCESS MiA !!!!!?!!?!?!
  15. Like
    peffy got a reaction from lichtlune in MEJIBRAY 2-month consecutive new maxi singles release   
    boring prince MiA again
    PRINCESS MiA !!!!!?!!?!?!
  16. Like
    peffy got a reaction from smilesxchibi in MEJIBRAY 2-month consecutive new maxi singles release   
    boring prince MiA again
    PRINCESS MiA !!!!!?!!?!?!
  17. Like
    peffy reacted to Chi in lost.fm   
    whats the point of keeping tags clean n correct if lastfm is just gonna turn them into 2007 MySpace 'About Me' text
  18. Like
    peffy got a reaction from Kaye in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    I did NOT expect Vivi to sound like that.
    If there is no dual audio, World of FF looks like a prime candidate for importing. (chibi look = aimed at younger audience = simpler Japanese?)
    If only Japanese digital games had reasonable prices..
  19. Like
    peffy reacted to Takadanobabaalien in 黒百合と影(kuroyuri to kage) new mini album "臓器のノゾキ穴。" release   
    ^ In an interview the band made along with their full album release, Mei said "I don't think adding lyric booklet/showing the lyrics is neccesary". So I don't think they will ever do it, and if they do it will probably in a dickish kinda-way like they did with their first album.
  20. Like
    peffy reacted to Kaye in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Thanks! Will do
    I understand this completely though. But I guess I just like to suffer sometimes. Once you get the hang of it it's alright, though I'm sure there's quite a bit of depth I still have to learn about.
  21. Like
    peffy got a reaction from ArtFart in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    Official site
    - HD Remaster for PS4, 2017 (10th anniversary  ... of the IZJS version)
    - based on Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac Job System
    - up-resed backgrounds, characters, fonts, cutscenes
    - Higher quality audio, voices
    - Includes both Japanese and English voice
    - Includes both original and re-recorded BGM
    - High-speed mode
    - Auto saves
    - Shorter load times
    pls take vaan out of the game
  22. Like
    peffy got a reaction from Original Saku in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    Persona 5 will release in North America on Feb 14, 2017 (Japan release is Sep 15, 2016)
    RIP persona fans
    RIP persona fans' valentine's day plans (?)
  23. Like
    peffy got a reaction from Original Saku in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    Official site
    - HD Remaster for PS4, 2017 (10th anniversary  ... of the IZJS version)
    - based on Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac Job System
    - up-resed backgrounds, characters, fonts, cutscenes
    - Higher quality audio, voices
    - Includes both Japanese and English voice
    - Includes both original and re-recorded BGM
    - High-speed mode
    - Auto saves
    - Shorter load times
    pls take vaan out of the game
  24. Like
    peffy got a reaction from Kaye in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    *icy death stare*
    You are correct. I specifically imported the Japanese version because I did not want to deal with that English dub again.
    FF12's dub was actually not bad, as far as I remember.  It will be nice to have the option to switch back and forth.
    Here's the official English announcement @ Playstation Blog
  25. Like
    peffy got a reaction from YuyoDrift in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    I kinda remember the story at the end of the game falling off a cliff.
    .. everything up to that point was pretty sweet, though
    except Vaan
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