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Status Updates posted by peffy

  1. Kiryu is making me look up synonyms of "labia" and I can't find the right one and I'm upset.

    1. IGM_Oficial



      You're stuck with "陰唇" on "Hansuu", I guess?

    2. peffy


      Yep that's the one!

  2. SHIVA's "BURY LULLABY" is my new jam.

    1. Elazmus


      its very solid

  3. "WELCOME TO GHOST HOTEL" surpassed my expectations

    1. ricchubunny


      YES ME TOO! The previews were so bleh to me, HOW THIS ALBUM ENDED BEING SO GOOD?! Im in love <3

  4. I placed an order for both upcoming MEJIBRAY singles just because I want new posters....

    1. -NOVA-


      i want those posters so bad but im on a budget :( plus ive been collecting the band photos so regular editions for me x)

  5. omg we can search for 3-letter band names now! not 2-letter tho

    1. nick


      Yes, it's much better now. 2-letter words may be too common to search with.

  6. did nostalgia break something? hehe

    1. nick


      lmao! Unfortunately, the new version of IPS breaks the search function, so I had to rollback the DB inevitably. u_u

  7. i have so many lyrics to work on, oh my god

    1. DESTINYGUY0316


      Hello peffy 

      you have ALL  lyric from DADAROMA 

      I try to search the lyric english to hard when you have time thank

  8. anyone wanna send me lyric scans from DADAROMA's album? =_=

    1. peffy


      never mind

  9. michael jackson eating popcorn .gif

  10. "i should probably order all these defspiral singles" is the thought that has now taken over my brain

  11. Surprise fast delivery of my latest order. I guess I have some uploading and lyric-typing to do tonight...

  12. unusually fast delivery this time.. that means i have work to do

  13. My special torment in hell will probably be typing Kiryu lyrics

  14. wherefore art thou, mailman?

  15. The SCAPEGOAT song I'm about to upload literally has 2 lines of lyrics. However I think it sounds pretty cool.

  16. I forgot how much I liked Janne Da Arc. 

  17. Yousei Teikoku's DISORDER is my new jam, holy shit

  18. Gackt really needs to lay off on the exclamation marks. !!!!!!!!!

  19. I wish they delivered packages on weekends =_=

  20. damn, the Grieva photoset that came with the album looks pretty

  21. Falling in love with SHIVA's 繭声. So sad and beautiful ;_; gonna go cry

  22. Kiryu romaji, always a fun time.

  23. I've been listening to my old English mp3s from the 90s and god damn I liked some trash back then.

  24. microsoft, fuck off with your cortana bullshit

  25. I just saw the gold ribbon on my profile. As a PSN trophy whore, it gives me such triumphant feelings.

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