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Posts posted by koutetsuhime

  1. Been super into dinosaurs again since my friend got me playing The Isle... so I decided to go back and finally watch the two latest Jurassic World entries.


    Jurassic World was a bit of a retread of the first movie, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. Certainly had some issues, but honestly I was just happy for a dinosaur movie that was decent. Blue is freakin' adorable just like people said and I wish I could have a pet baby raptor. Finally saw that one kill that everyone talked about as shocking, and man, what the hell did she do to deserve THAT? But it was also a super cool kill at the same time.


    Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom had my hopes up for more dinosaur action.. and while there was some, I ended up being really disappointed by how little time the other dinosaurs got and the lack of variety. I really wanted to see more of the Allosaurus or Carnotaurus! Or other dinos! At least the pachycephalosaurus type (forgot its name) had some funny scenes. It was still fun to watch, but I probably wouldn't bother giving it a rewatch.


    I hope the third one is better, but I'll probably forget both movies by the time it's finally out.

  2. Haven't really been watching a lot of movies lately. But I finally watched:


    HellFest - I'm super behind to only have watched this now, especially since I was excited about it before it came out. Oops. Sometimes life gets in the way.. This movie wasn't anything amazing or revolutionary, but if you like slashers, and I do, then I think you'll enjoy this one. Just a fun little flick with not much depth to it. My only gripe is that the protagonist was a little bit bland, I guess. I wish Tony Todd would've had more screentime too, but it was just a cameo after all.

  3. I can't put down Resident Evil 2: remake. It's so fucking fabulous, I feel like a young teen again. I played the original RE2 to death, and it was definitely my favourite of the series. The remake is really up there. My only complaint is that I wish certain segments were longer. It felt like they may have been a bit rushed to complete the last act or so of the game. That said, I'm still having so much fun playing it. Finished Leon A on Hardcore, working on Claire B also on Hardcore now. Hardcore ain't a joke, that's for sure!

  4. So two days back I watched Polar. Obviously, I was intrigued by it seeming to be a John Wick knock off, and more importantly, had Mads Mikkelsen in it. Sadly it's nothing at all like John Wick. Mads performance was great as usual, but he couldn't save the movie for me. The biggest problem with the movie was its tone- it can't seem to decide between a silly comic book aesthetic, or dark and gloomy and serious. Perhaps with a better script or editing it could have worked, but the switch between tones was too jarring and not balanced well. The ridiculously long focus on the sex scene also quite put me off, but the scenes following it were amusing (and more of Mads than I ever thought I wanted to see). I'd say if you are a Mads fan, perhaps give it a watch. Just don't expect much from it.

  5. I'm on the video of Phantasmagoria in Houston - both in concert and while we were waiting in line. Also got photographed and printed in Cure during that time; I'm still baffled as to why lol My bright pink hair is in D'espairsRay's The World Outside The Cage, I think it was? (Dallas). And I'm in Versailles' photobook part that covers when they came to Dallas. I can't remember if there were any videos posted from it, but I was front row ^^ It's neat, but I always feel a bit embrassed being caught by the camera.


    Samples from the new mini album are up!


    Can't say I find them exciting enough to pre-order. Seems pretty mediocre to me, but I'm still digging Tururira at least. KISS wo shiyou seems to be the weakest one for me. I had really hoped for a heavier album, so I'm a bit disappointed. TBH I kinda wish Tururira was just a single instead.

  7. 21 hours ago, Tokage said:

    Any of y'all ever play the horror game DreadOut? It's supposedly some kind of Fatal Frame knockoff, looks kinda interesting, just curious if it's worth playing or not

    I quite liked it. If you can grab it on sale I'd say do it. You can learn a little about Indonesian spirits through it as well (if you don't already know about them).

  8. I missed out on not only seeing but possibly photographing Behemoth in 2010. They had to cancel because the vocalist became very very sick, but I still got to see the other bands, most noteably Watain. I also got to take photos and it's pretty much my fav set. Behemoth finally came back to my city a few days ago, but this time around I just couldn't afford the ticket after all the bloody Ticketmaster fees. Also missed the final Slayer tour for the same reason. Hopefully I'll get another chance for Behemoth.


    Can't think of any VK ones offhand.. I got really lucky with bands I liked either playing in Dallas or Houston.

  9. Anyone else doing Halloween event stuff in games?


    I've been playing Killing Floor 2 a lot, trying to get that damned Clot backpack and having NO luck after so many hours and even bought tickets. >:/ And lately I've been trying to play more Dead by Daylight as their event finally started on the 19th. I don't know if I'll be able to finish it. I had 2 killer games today for dailies and it took 30 mins each to get enough people to play. Oh, and I think Vermintide 2 has an event coming too, but I'm not sure what it is.

  10. Just watched The Night Comes for Us on Netflix. Holy shit this movie was intense and bloody as hell! If you're looking for something to hold you over until the day we might finally get The Raid 3, this would be a good candidate. Neat little fact: this is Indonesia's first Netflix-produced film. Starring both Iko Uwais and Joe Taslim from The Raid, and the hammer girl (Julie Estelle) from The Raid 2, this movie is non-stop balls to the wall action. Much, much better than the director's previous films that I've seen: Headshot and Killers. Definitely check it out!

  11. Apostle - Watched this one as soon as it went up on Netflix. This movie spends most of its time as a slow-burn, drawing in and immersing the viewer in the island and their lifestyle and drama, tension churning under all of it until it all breaks loose in the final act of the movie. And what a final act it was! I went into it expecting something closer to Wicker Man, and while the influences from it and others like it are obvious, it's definitely its own movie. Only part I left feeling unsure about was the very, very end and I was left wanting to know more about the island and their religion. It was quite a good movie and I highly recommend it!


    Halloween (2018) - Saw this one last night. Was too hyped to not see it opening night! It still pales in comparison to the original Halloween for me, but I thought it was quite a fun sequel and I wasn't disappointed. Myers was true to form and got some great kills, and the final showdown between Laurie and Michael was great. My only complaints are about a small plot point that ended up being ridiculous (didn't ruin the movie but... it was stupid), a few unnecessary jump scares, and I felt like the comedic relief was a bit overdone. I still ended up rating this one a 4/5. Grab your popcorn and enjoy!

  12. Hellraiser: Judgment - I went against my better judgement (hah) and gave this movie a shot after seeing a friend of mine liked it. I guess I'm pickier than he is.


    I felt like the movie missed the whole atmosphere that the original and second Hellraiser had. Obviously the sequels declined in quality with each one, but some were still fun to watch. This one? Not really. Unimaginative attempts at new Cenobites. Disturbing atmosphere or scenery? Nah, let's just focus real close on this guy's vomit and try to gross the viewer out. Another tired detectives chasing serial killer plot with a ~twist~. The cenobites and the Lemarchand box/Lament Configuration - both are typically huge focuses of the movies, but are just barely there in this movie. Hell, even Pinhead is barely in the movie! The writer/director's self-insert character actually has more screen time and more dialogue. The movie never really does anything interesting with either the detective's plot or the characters in the otherworld/Hell. While the whole movie felt rushed, the conclusion felt like it was pinned and tacked on in mere minutes. It was different than other Hellraiser endings, I'll give it that, but the cringe-worthy dialogue and the whole ending in itself was just utterly disappointing. 

    Oh, and Heather Langenkamp makes a cameo. If you blink, you'll miss it.    3/10

  13. Listening to the sample again, it just sounds like they're trying so hard to make the song catchy. Then the yelling after about a minute in is just a complete turn off and makes the song worse. MASTURBATION was catchy, but this one? Not feelin' it. I'm definitely not pre-ordering nor getting the one with the DVD.


    I was really disappointed after dadaism#3 (I only liked MASTURBATION, sadly, wish it were a single) and Pornograph. Pornograph actually wasn't bad, but wasn't really the kinda sound I liked either. But then ii kusuri to warui kusuri really revived my hopes for their sound to go back in the direction I liked. I've listened the shit out of that release and it was my first DDRM purchase. Fingers crossed the other songs save this release.


    EDIT: Just listened to the samples that are up on their youtube channel now. I'm completely disappointed. I'll give it a listen after release, but it looks like it's a huge pass for me. Only sample I liked was KIDS WAR and it doesn't even sound like it fits on this mini-album IMO.

  14. I really liked their last single, especially "ii kusuri". Still waiting on my CD to arrive (I bought secondhand), but I'm excited to receive it! I bought type A.


    Since "This is 'Live'" is releasing 2 days after my birthday, I thought I'd pick it up as a birthday present to myself. Still debating what version to get. I hope they release a teaser for "The Kinky" soon. I'd like "KIDS WAR" but I also feel like an mp3 of that will be way easier to find than the PV. Hoping the PV song will be good! I wonder if "shiroi geranium" or "aru hi, sekai wa utsukushii to omotta." will be ballads. The 2nd one definitely sounds like it will be, based on the title alone.

  15. My first favourite band was Dir en grey some time back around 2000. I remember Gauze wasn't that old yet. I can't at all remember how I found them, but I remained a huge fan from Gauze all the way til Withering to Death. Sometime after that I just lost interest in the changes in their music. I was so suuuuuper into Dir for so many years, had a fansite, super involved in the Dir en grey LJ community and Batsu threads, wrote cringy fanfics I wish I could forget, even ordered an expensive as fuck aknot only dvd set once. A 5 or 6 year run isn't too bad, but I was still really sad when I stopped liking their new music coming out. I still listen to them from time to time, but nothing past WtD still.

  16. Last concert I went to was finally seeing Rammstein this summer. It was an amazing show, but boy did I wish it hadn't been like 90F and super humid. Was much further back than I would have preferred, but I was surprised that a few times I still felt the heat from the stage. It was a bit disappointing how few people were singing along, even during Du Hast. Still, it was my first time seeing them and as a long time fan it made me super happy.


    There's an upcoming Watain concert in March I'm considering, and I'd love to see Slayer on their farewell tour but I'm sure ticket prices are going to be insane. Now I really wish I hadn't been sick last time Slayer was in town.

  17. Last movie I saw was the Tokyo Ghoul live adaptation. I thought it was a fun movie, seemed to follow the anime very well. Not really sure on the casting for the guy as Kaneki, but at least it wasn't completely awful.


    Before that I finally got around to watching It and Jigsaw.

    I quite enjoyed It, but I didn't think it was insanely amazing like some of my friends hyped up. It's a bit of a nitpick, but I felt like there was some bad CGI that took away from it a bit. I still dunno how I feel about the new Pennywise. No Tim Curry, but he seems alright. I'm looking forward to Part 2, though.

    Jigsaw was... okay, I guess. It wasn't so bad I regretted watching it or anything, but I was mostly bored throughout the movie, and a lot of the dialog made me feel like I was watching a TV procedural. And that ending... I thought it was rather underwhelming and the phrase the killer said as leaving the room made me groan.

  18. 22 minutes ago, Mamo said:

    Welcome back! I'm sure you'll like it here.



    19 minutes ago, plastic_rainbow said:

    Welcome back! It's always nice to see old fans return to the fandom! Just like you I returned to the fandom a couple years ago as well. (LJ and batsu sure were some good times xD) I'm sure you'll fit right in here~ Hope you enjoy your stay! ^^

    Ah, how cool! I agree, it's great to see others returning too. Makes me feel less awkward about it for sure xD Thank you and I hope I will too! ^^

  19. Hey everyone. I'm koutetsuhime, or kou for short. I've also gone by awakenthesadist/medicalshower in the past on LJ and batsu (ohh boy blast from the past). I also ran a few communities over on Livejournal, so if you recognise me from there or batsu, heeey. It's really quite strange to come back to a fandom you used to know so well and feel so lost, so I thought I'd join this community and try to get settled back in.


    So apparently I made this account way back in 2012 and never introduced myself, oops. Seems like a little while after Versailles went on hiatus, I kinda lost interest in VK, and now I'm trying to return to being somewhat involved in the VK fandom. I got super into the metal fandom for a while there, even doing concert photography and shit, but I was getting a little bored of it and somehow ended up coming back to VK. Embarrasingly enough, I think it was that terrible Finebros 'people react to VK' vid that sparked my interest again. Of all things.


    I don't have many newer bands I like, but I've been obsessing over DADAROMA like crazy! And that last lynch. release was pretty awesome. (I'm totally open to band suggestions.) I'll forever continue to love Aikaryu, but I also still quite enjoy Phantasmagoria, Unsraw, Deluhi, older Versailles, really old Dir en grey, and some others. I also listen to various metal bands, BAND-MAID, aaaand... Babymetal. I really need to get back into my listening game, honestly.


    A bit rambly, but yeah, that's me.


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