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Everything posted by patientZERO

  1. I'm with you Brutalian. I dig this look and I liked Kyotaro in Black:List, so I'm excited for this.
  2. patientZERO

    The daily mercari and yahoo auction hunts will begin for me ...
  3. patientZERO

    Is lightsaber-kei a thing now?!
  4. I missed it (of course) and the video is also now oddly blocked by Victor Entertainment Inc.
  5. The key change for the new version of Misery is gross ...
  6. Damn, I have work during the day on Thursday. Why couldn't it be Friday ... ?
  7. patientZERO

    Hahaha! How cute that he wrote it all out in hiragana since about being a kid.
  8. Because these are kids (well, at least on the undeux side).
  9. patientZERO

    Cool! These guys fill the void that THE 3RD BIRTHDAY left me with.
  10. patientZERO

    Do you post your events here? I don't do facebook, but I'm on MH pretty much daily.
  11. All of this over a glorified hobby. They weren't even around for that long and/or super popular ... Plus in this scene bands break up so often and change members that this seems like drama for drama sake.
  12. patientZERO

    I think JILUKA prides themselves in not fucking over their fans (even internationally), so I would bet it is on the album.
  13. patientZERO

    Yeah, I'm curious to know more details as well. If this single is like their DVDs, then I'm okay with that, but if it's limited to just one live ... well, I may have to riot.
  14. I wish I could go to this live, but screw Tsunehito for not participating ...
  15. patientZERO

    For real. I was just thinking today at work that I'm shocked they haven't released a live DVD by now.
  16. patientZERO

    Same ...
  17. patientZERO

    How much did that copy of Sicks set you back?! And where did you get it?!
  18. patientZERO

    mamireta vs morphine?! I'd give my middle nut to go to that live.
  19. patientZERO

    Two vocalists and three (kinda) guitarists? Intriguing!
  20. patientZERO

    I've always liked MIKI from SCISSOR had good style with his flesh tunnels. This is a tiny picture, but the best I could find.
  21. patientZERO

    Look! A new band with five members for once!
  22. I'm guessing the production is not to do with the song, but with they physical production of the CDs themselves. It'd be really odd if they delayed the single so close to its release when the music production was having issues since it takes days or longer to get pressed/shipped, etc.
  23. Their single has been postponed due to circumstances with production. It was supposed to come out on Sunday.
  24. patientZERO

    I wouldn't blame Ray's voice for DESTINATION since it's actually the only song written by Daiki, even the lyrics. Everything else is Seiya or Seiya and Keisuke. I actually really like Ray's vocals, though, when he's singing Japanese. He sounds uncomfortable with the pronunciation in English, but he sounds amazing in Return of the Curse.
  25. So the band hyped themselves TWICE?
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