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patientZERO last won the day on August 9 2020

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About patientZERO

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  • Birthday December 29

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  1. I would do naughty things for a copy of mamireta's ojamashimasu. I've had it stuck in my head all damn day. Luckily I'm a loner or people around me would get pissed of hearing me knocking on everything and saying "ojamashimasu."

    1. platy



      Maybe in three years when they release an album they'll include it :^) 

    2. Komorebi


      So I'm not the only one knocking around on stuff lol

    3. patientZERO


      @Komorebi Nope, I keeping rapping on stuff *kon kon kon* *kon kon kon* *kon kon kon* OSHAMASHIMASU!


      @platy I've checked yahoo! auctions almost every day for the single, but nobody's even posted tabetai in quite a while. I guess I'm bound to searching for eternity. Their three single campaign is enticing, but I'm a completionist and want all of their disco. Plus their new singles are EXPENSIVE! Tabetai was 1000y for 2 songs. These new singles are twice the price for three songs. It makes no sense.

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