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Posts posted by ghost

  1. wow, not really excited for the single.

    I feel like they've lost their originality (since like Dogma).

    The main track sounds generic,

    the first b-side sounds pretty interesting,

    and criminal berry sounds kinda meh.

    I just really miss their epic guitar melodies from AHM.

  2. I agree.

    Their new direction isn't too awe inspiring. Although, in my opinion, songs like [HESITATION] and [FORTITUDE] were pretty good. They had some of that old 12012 sound. Their new live-distributed single doesn't sound super promising though. It just sounds more like their last album.

    I hope they don't settle on this sound or I hope they really polish it up.

  3. Okay, I had some interest in this single since this is their debut single as a major label band and because their new tour has a reference to their mini-album [nanairo no reienka]. I thought that might mean somewhat of a return to their roots.

    But this single was, for the most part, boring and sounds just like what they've been doing for like since [Deep Six].

    The whole single just doesn't have any full songs that stand out. The 'good' bits of the songs that stand out aren't even that good and there aren't memorable melodies.

    Songs like [ZOWIE] are just annoying because of that really corny back-up vocal chant and [glass cage] I don't even remember what it sounds like even after several listens.

    Parts I DO want to praise:

    - the intro and bass solo in [ZOWIE]. That defnitely was exciting and peaked my interest in the song (although, I hate everything else).

    -[saezuru ha]'s chorus has a melody reminiscent of their [Fusion of the Core] days and the song flows smoothly; the main guitar cadence is interesting to listen too as well.

    -[XANADU] has a chorus that is kind of catchy and the beginning guitar solo is awesome; you can really feel the stretch of the notes. The mid-soft section is great too.

    So yeah, to be honest I'm not a fan of this single. I mean, I like their mini [nanairo no reienka] the best, but I found even a recent album [DUALITY] to be really good too. So, I know they can do better. With the small re-emergence of thier old style melodies in songs like [saezuru ha], I'm hoping this means the band will get more in touch with their roots and produce something really amazing. I still believe..


  4. Kimi no mitai mono

    Holy moly this is an awesome opener to the album. It's dark and heavy yet sweet and soft.

    My favorite part is the mid-section where the guitars play their notes like drops of water hitting a calm lake and creating ripples. The song reminds me a little bit of their old music from like 13+2 era.



    After the first track, this song just sounds weak. It's like a much weaker blend of [confusion] and [meteor] and they seem to use much more primitive guitar riffs and melodies. And there is some confusion because they've been showing much stronger composition skills lately. The only part I can say that enjoy is the pre-chorus: it's got such a lovely melody and Mao's voice is beautiful.


    ai no wana

    This one is like a more bland [virtual fakeman]. There's not much I can say about this song except that it's your typical jazzy song with heavier elements.



    suckish intro. I start liking the song when Mao in and especially when the distorted vocals come in. I've loved the chorus since I heard it and I still think it's beautiful. The mid-section sounds like filler and I feel like they could have done something more interesting, but, transitionally it works fine.


    flavour of blood

    I enjoy this song most than others on the album because it retains the smoothest flow through out one song. It's not your typical heavy track either, it's got some melodic elements for balance too. The "one dead, tw....." thing was a little corny, but I thought it was fun little thing. I can't stand the ending though. It sounds like there should be more.


    tear drop

    Beautiful ballad marred by generic Korean ballad chorus, complete with generic string set. Although, I can't deny that Sadie really shows their strong compositional skills in this song. They've come a long ways in their ballads. My favorite part is the intro and guitar solo which is great!



    I found Rosario to be a pretty average track when it came out and I still feel pretty much the same. First, I'm glad that it fits into the album nice and snug even with songs like Meteor. It doesn't seem crazy out of place like the singles in [Cold Blood]. I dunno. It's like a crazier, darker [dress] to me.



    Mao's vocals are king in this song. I like the guitar riffs too: they're pretty fun to rock out to. The pre-chorus is ugly though and I think ruins the flow of the song. The sweet chorus kind of makes up.

    I feel like it could have been one of their best songs, if only the flow wasn't ruined with that chunky fat man pre-chorus and boring other parts.


    Rain fall

    What da red line? I think it sounds like a sweeter [red line]. I don't like the way they started the song; what with such a lovely chorus I thought it'd be a song that built up to it, but they get right into it. I love the chorus though and the part after it. The chorus has this, kind of, synth playing behind everything and it adds a melancholy sound to the song that I love. I feel like everything else is generic though and kills down the golden parts of the song.


    Kanshimi no sanka

    The most beautiful piano intro to a song Sadie has every done in my opinion. I can feel the dark chords of the piano wrap around me in sweet sorrow as Mao's voice softly caresses my skin. And when the guitars come in, they bring this contrast of light. Melody A sweeps you away in a sort of waltz, and with its beautiful and melancholy melody that builds up. The guitar plucks (as well as Mao's dual vocals near the end) are reminiscent of [swallow Rain] and bring a nostalgic feeling to this song.


    This album was kind of a let down.

    I like bits and pieces and the overall idea for songs like mukuro, tear drop, and rain fall, but it just doesn't deliver at the end.

    I either like the chorus and not the rest of the song, or I like the rest of the song except the chorus.

    It's a real bummer too because the parts that I like are soooo good!

    The ending of [Kanshimi no sanka], while it does leave with chills down my spine, I think, was not the best way to close off the album. The listener is left wondering more about if the song is really over as opposed to thinking about the last 50~ish minutes and how they're different after listening to the album.

    I feel like Sadie could have really made something magical here but they kind of went average with it in a lot of ways. The 2 gems in this album are [kimi no mitai mono] and [Kanshimi no sanka] and the rest are either below average or are marred by below average parts.


  5. I wish I were excited, Kiri to mayu is one of my fav. on MISSA. But seeing how they made a huge cluster fuck out of tsumi to batsu, I'm sure they'll find a way to destroy this one as well.

    Is everyone forgetting Undecided? That remake was amazing! *not single-ing you out*

    I'm just curious? What do you guys look for in a remake?

    I look for something almost entirely new with some elements from the original version, mainly melody.

    Like, I thought Hageshisa, Shokubeni was boring and an unneeded reproduction.

    I think listening to Rinkaku will help me anticipate kiri to mayu more.

    At least, I felt like for their recent singles, for the most part, the A-side has a lot of sounds and characteristics that it shares with the B-side.

  6. DEPTH

    I love this track. It's calming and gives one a sense of soaring or floating. The atmosphere created by the song is strong and I can imagine what Ruki meant about an image of the sea.



    I don't like that Ibitsu is placed right after the intro: there's too much contrast between the songs.

    It's kind of like slowly laying down on your bed to rest and then someone jumping on you.

    As a track though, I like Ibitsu. It takes the typical visual kei GazettE song and puts some harder and more complex elements in. I like Ruki's soft vocals and they contrast nicely with the harder guitars. The whoa's were a nice touch too. Overall, it has a sound that a lot of people can enjoy but still has a serious tone.


    Kago no Sanagi

    Yes! I was waiting for a track like this. It's reminiscent of songs like [bathroom] with the gliding guitar reverberations, and songs on [sTACKED RUBBISH] with the female vocals. I like the composition for the most part. The part where the guitars pass the melody back and forth are smooth and create a nice fluid sound. I also love the soft break in the middle of the song. (I assume) Aoi plays the acoustic part with such a sweet noise and gentle plucks and i can't help but to be reminded of songs like [Cassis] where he used to do it a lot.

    I can't say I'm as crazy about the chorus though. I feel like Ruki played it safe and stuck to something a bit more commercial and so the song doesn't sound too special because of it.



    This track is aight. I like the jazz elements mixed in with the heavy, and even the elctronic sounds.

    But, the vocals bore me. Overall, it's an okay song that's fine to listen to on the album, but I wouldn't put it on repeat.



    I love the ballad on this disc. The guitars are really fluid and glide around the song. I really like the chorus too. A part I want to praise is how before the guitar solo (which is really great btw) Ruki kind of passes the melody on to the guitar. The song does get a bit long with the same chorus being repeated with not much variation near the end. And the abrupt ending is kind of... :(

    But the melody is very sweet and the guitars are like drops of dew gently falling off a leaf, which have me listening to the song over and over again.



    The song is so intense, almost reminds me of Dir en Grey's [Vinushka]. I like the dark and foreboding atmosphere of the song and the Dim revival. The lyrics and vocals are so perfect and add to the emotion in the song. I just don't like that it's so short. I wish it was longer to really build up more intensity.



    It seems wierd to me that they would keep this song on such a high position and have it as a Limited Edition exclusive. It's not too captivating and isn't as good as the other SE in my opinion. But, it does a great job in linking the 2 discs, and [XI], together. I get a sense from the track that something is evolving, awakening, and it gets me excited for the second disc.



    I like that [XI] is a continuation of [DIPLOSOMIA] and in that the transition between the 2 discs is fluid. It's fast, it's furious, and has that electric sound we were all expecting. It's not that exciting though and the song gets really repetitive. I do get an idea of what the disc is about though, so as an SE it does its job.



    This was kind of the one song I felt like people were anticipating the most. It was sort of the moment of truth on whether or not the GazettE could do a dubstep, rock infusion.

    I personally like it a lot and feel like it's a strong track that incorporates both well. The use of the high pitched sequences add a nice contrast to the guitars heavy riffing, and the use of autotune adds a different nuance to Ruki's vocals that would be absent otherwise. I felt the ending could have been a bit stronger in melody and in vocals. The energy that's in the chorus is gone by the end and it sounds like Ruki is falling asleep to an extent.



    The intro is awesome! The drums and robot Ruki. It's is nice and aggressive and the rapping brings me back to their sound in [DISORDER] like in songs like [sOCIAL RIOT MACHINES]. It seems like people HATE the female vocals, but I Looove them! I adds a playful attitude to the song. The chorus is nice and optimistic and very energetic. It's like [TOMORROW NEVER DIES] part 2.

    The multiple personality disorder this song has is quite staggering. There are so many different things going on, and yet, they work pretty well. It doesn't sound like 5 different songs, but more like variations or different takes all crammed into one. I guess that would make sense with the whole malfunction thing.



    This is my favorite track on disc 2. It's a nice blend of TOXIC (electronics), DIM/NIL(distress/bathroom melody), AND STACKED RUBBISH(female vocals). It's a sweet ballad with moments of sad repose, infected by a little chaos and touched by nostalgia.



    I had my doubts with this track. The segment used for the TV spot excited more than anything in my life, but I knew I shouldn't build expectations. Still, when I heard the amazon preview I was a bit disappointed. It sounds like a [PSYCOPATH] part 2 with the vomiting, back up vomiting, and chug-a-chug-a. The vocals are wonky and the chorus isn't that captivating. The song does rock hard and add in the elements of dubstep really well IMO, although it get's a bit old by the songs end.

    The track IS growing on me and I like it much better than on my initial listen.

    I ESPECIALLY enjoy the break with the almost 8-bit sounding background, and it was something fresh from the GazettE. Still, it's not the song that I hoped it would be.



    The guitars after the intro kind of bother me. It sounds like a speedy version of their typical heavy riffs. But after that the song gets much better. Ruki's vocals rock in the track and there's some awesome screaming. The noise-filtered vocals in the back remind me a little bit of [DISORDER] and I really like the way they used the electronics in the song. The chorus is pretty boss too.

    What I really wish they did a little differently is the ending. I feel like the gaps in between the breaks are too empty.



    This is one of the most ambitious ending SE the GazettE have ever done. The heavy drums and strong bass create a driving force and different sound effects layer on and build the song up, only for it to all fade away into the sky. For me, this is kind of what [OMEGA] should have been (it was a let down). I really like it and feel that it's the perfect end to the album. For me it's like something came into being (DEPTH), then was transformed into a new form (DIPLOSOMIA/XI), and then ended up dying and going to the great pie in the sky (MELT)


    The more I listen to this album, the more I love and understand it.

    Yeah it's wierd in some parts and maybe not as enticing as past albums, but for a release that was worked on for perhaps a little over a year, it's pretty good. The only thing that really bothers me in ALL the songs is the abrupt ends. In some songs they work, but they ALL stop so suddenly.

    The concept is very clear and explained, IMO, very nicely and artisticly through the CDs, DVD, and booklet. It's obvious they put a lot of thought into it.

    I've listened to the song orders on both the Limited and Regular editions, and as an album listening experience I like the regular better. I like Gabriel better as an intro to the album and [REQUIRED MALFUNCTION] better as a close to the album. Although, having 2 songs like [TOMORROW NEVER DIES] for an album's final statement is kinda meh.

    One thing I know people aren't really fond of are instrumentals, but I feel like they add a beginning and end to an album, or in this case (and DIM), transitions as well. It's kind of like an essay and without an intro or conclusion the main idea is not clearly portrayed.

    Now, I know an album is not an essay but I say all this to mean that instrumentals, when used effectively, do a lot more than add ambient noises. They add to the meaning of the album.

    This is not the GazettE's finest work. But, it shows that the band is willing to take risks while remembering the qualities of their music that fans have come to love and cherish.


  7. Actually, you can hear [bODY] and [Criminal Berry] on this webiste (courtesy of The GazettE fans on FB) *it's actually the whole Black Massive Animals concert DVD

    http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xsrohj ... t-02_music

    Feel free to delete if not allowed.

    But, as for these possible-future-single-release songs, I'm not to liking them too much. I like the chorus of [bODY] enough (minus Ryoga's live singing), but both songs pretty much sound like the same thing born's been releasing since like [DEMONS]. I do like [Criminal Berry] better (especially the guitar solo).

    Then again, it's not confirmed that these songs will be on the new single and they were also performed live and will likely sound much better on their studio recordings.

  8. Looking at the live tracklist the title of the single could be called [Criminal Berry] or [bODY] (unless those are covers?)

    My bets on BODY if it's not a cover.

    Can't say I'm excited though. [bLASTED ANIMALS] was pretty bad in my opinion, except for the

    A-side which I thought was pretty catchy and sounded somewhat reminescent of their old sound.

    I'm just waiting for the re-release of AHM.

  9. I'm not a GazettE fanboy that will eat up everything they put out, but the

    album sounds pretty solid so far! Personally I like the greater incorporation of

    electronic elements in their style and feel that, overall, they add a more dynamic composition

    and allow greater emphasis on certain parts of the music.

    Instrumentally everything sounds pretty great.

    Now, what truly bothers me in the previews (also [TOXIC]) is Ruki's vocals (not his voice).

    I feel like they don't exhibit the level of emotion, power, or lively-ness present in their old songs. I know around the release of [PLEDGE] Ruki had some vocal issues, so maybe that's the cause for his new singing style. But it just isn't as captivating as it used to be.

    Y'all be trippin.

    Seriously, what up with the Gazehate? It's not perfect, but it's not so terrible either. I'm not sure if it's because the quality of their music is actually falling and mine is too, or if there are much more interesting bands out there and I'm just oblivious. If the latter, please PM me with some bands so I know what I'm missing. I'm not being sarcastic. I love the GazetTE, but there's good music beyond them.

  10. To be honest, the only things I truly love and cherish from Screw are

    their [Nanairo no Reienka] EP and some parts of [Fusion of the Core].

    And to an extent even [VENOM].

    Their recent sound is so different that I can't even tell if it's the same

    band I fell in love with. Fricking Brainstorm.

    Although, they've got talent for sure.

  11. Okayokayokay, This is all in *Italian, but I found some interviews relating to [DIVISION].

    So, first, credits to the person who translated the interviews.

    Second, even if it's in *Italian, I used google translate and I was able to get the jist of the interviews.

    Shoxx 234 Ruki interview

    part 1


    part 2


    Shoxx 235 interview

    part 1


    From the sounds of it (described by Ruki), the band is going for a sound similar in some ways to [DIM] and even [sTACKED RUBBISH]. Although, Ruki does also say it's like a perfected [TOXIC].

    It really sounds like there's a concept for the album as well. Ruki talks about it in his interview. Then again, this hype is based off a translation of the original interview into *Italian and then into english through google translate. so. yeaaah. You can judge for yourselves..

  12. [DERANGEMENT] sounds promising to me.

    (I want to take ibitsu and cut off all its hair)

    Saw it coming but these sound better than Toxic. I can imagine the overall tone of DIM + mixed with Toxic

    I agree. The electronic parts sound much more well implemented into the rock parts.

    Even in [TOXIC] the only real 'dubstep'-like song was [infuse into], and other songs like [venomous spider's web] and [red]

    IMO were mostly rock songs with the electronic parts kinda in between, not really a part. And a lof of the songs, [my devil on the bed]

    [ruthless deed] [sludgy cult] were even void of any electronic parts [save for some intro sound effects].

    At least now I know to LOWER MY EXPECTATIONS so that when the album is released

    I'm not so critical or too disappointed. Their old stuff wasn't perfect either in my opinion.

  13. [thumb=][/thumb]

    Amazon is just a joke xD doesn't a real seller for visual kei (30€ ~ 33$ for ship in the world is bad joke) so don't compare your price with Amazon ^^

    I was joking. I wasn't being serious :/

    Anyways, I'm trying to sell my things, but I also want around how much they're worth, give or take

    more or less than.

    I don't mind going down a lot from the price I listed either. :)

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