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Posts posted by kukew

  1. Hmm... I'll try, I'm always staying up all night because of my addiction to the internet and love for the night. argg >< 


    Am i doing it right? :)

    You better start to sleep well D: Do it now before it's too late. ; - ; Body is designed to sleep at night, so that it is all healthy, shut down that computer e - e. Think that you'll do all that things the next brighter day. c: I used to have this problem, so... ganbatte! :J

    II was about to say "It is a bad day because... NovA will disband" but, oh, man, the problems right here seem to be more than this. ; - ; Anyways, it was a "bad day" to me by reading those news. 

  2. Noooo! ! ! :c This band was being my favorite band like 3 months ago... I really liked them A LOT. F*CK! Also they all seemed like they loved what they were doing together... ._. u.u" I can't understand this. I hope at least the members with "oshare-kei ideal" make new bands like that...

  3. Yeti (RADWIMPS)

    For people following Japanese rock "from both sides" (as in both "non-vk" and "vk") like me, it's really not hard to see that Emiru (and co.) , funnily and obviously enough, "worships" Radwimps - especially their frontman Yojiro Noda. There isn't really anything worth mentioning "plagiarism-wise" (read: I can't find anything to accuse them for, lol) but yeti's indie-like position, visual and audial styles is something what you'd apply to their possible idols, or so.


    The copycat

    The original

    (if I'm really understanding what bear was trying to say...)

    omg, really? . . .I'm a fan of Emiru and I'm in shock. e_e 

  4. 01. What are you listening to right now? アヲイ (awoi) - Forever Love
    02. What song(s) make(s) you sad? Many, many songs.
    03. What is the most annoying song in the world? Blurred Lines
    04. 3 all time favorite Japanese bands? Dir en Grey, ゾロ, ネガ ...even more.
    05. 3 all time favorite non-Japanese bands? THERMO, COLCHON, 2 Minutos
    06. Your favorite recently discovered band is? D.I.D and NovA
    07. Favorite female voice(s)? I don't know too much about that... I'll just say I like Ayumi Hamasaki's voice. u//u
    08. Favorite male voice(s)? Ain't answering this. ;_; I think every vocalist has something special. 
    09. Music type you find yourself listening to most? The ones that are weird. 
    10. What do you listen to, to hype you up? I'm listening to HOCICO - Sexo bajo testosterona now, so... yup.
    11. What do you listen to when you want to calm down? Calm nonnegative music. lal
    12. Last gig/concert you went to? César Franco (Anime/J-Music singer) at an anime convention.
    13. Band you find yourself listening to the most right now? Aggrotech genre. ;-;
    14. Most hated band? I don't like hate. ((;m;))'
    15. Song that makes you think? NEGA - VANITAS (It got me a kind of trauma, when it plays I click "next".) 
    16. Band that you think the world should love as much as you do? 妃阿甦 (THE PIASS) and NovA
    17. Favorite music video? Impossible to choose just one. A fact is that I like those ones who can convey what they're saying, even if it looks 'cheap'. Randomnly I'll say GOLDEN BOMBER's PV are a must to watch. xD
    18. Can you play a musical instrument? It'd be amazing, but I can't afford to have one. Pitiful, because all the instruments I know are f*cking awesome.
    19. Are you in a band? I want a band so badly, but then I remember I have no instrument, the fact that my voice sucks and I can't even scream/growl then I "forget" about it. :sadfrog:
    20. Do you wish you could play an instrument? If so, which one? Piano, Violin, Cello, Bass, Guitar, Drums. . .
    21. Best all-girl band you know of? I don't know a lot about this kind of bands... I like exist†trace and AKB48.
    22. Last song that you heard on the radio/CD...etc...? Korn - Break some off
    23. What do you think of Classical music? It's so passionate. The feeling is unique. So beautiful.
    24. What do you think of Country music? Makes me smile because I think of Sandy. (?)
    25. What do you think of Death metal? Really good to have a "hardcore" night and to shake that head up everyday. :-P
    26. What do you think of Visual Kei? It's so awesome. c: It has it aaall.
    27. What do you think of Hip-hOP? 
    28. If you were a musical instrument what would you be? xD lol... umm, a piano. :DD
    29. What do your parents listen to? Regional Music.
    30. Favorite movie/anime/video game sound track? Movies: "White Chicks", "The Hot Chick". Anime: Dragon Ball, Ranma 1/2, Dr. Slump. LOVELESS, Elfen Lied. Videogames: K.O.F, S.S.B, Neogeo, SNES & nintendo games. Soundtrack: "Nobuo Uematsu", Old Nintendo Music.
    31. Do you know the names of all the band members that you listen to? Only the ones that are or were in my favorite bands. Duh. c: 
    32. Have you met any famous musicians? Yup. c: 
    33. Do you follow the music charts, like the top 40? It's interesting to check it out sometimes.
    34. Do you watch music TV? I don't have T.V.
    35. Do you listen to the radio? Just at places I don't have where to play loud music.
    36. What are 3 of your favorite albums ever? *explodes head*
    37. Name one album that you regret listening to: omg, haha. I can't remember. xD Maybe Dir en Grey's. KAI (?) :-P
    38. Do you buy music digitally? Sometimes.
    39. Favorite Visual Kei band? Can't choose just one.
    40. What is one band that you used to love, but now hate? I didn't loved it but Girugamesh. Don't hate it but don't like it now.
    41. Does Engrrrrrish bother you? Of course not. IT DEFINITELY ALWAYS MAKES MY DAY. haha < 3
    42. What genre could you never listen to? The one that inspires a poor living. 
    43. What language do you listen to the most in music? Japanese, English, Engrish, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Thai.
    44. Do you like long songs? X JAPAN - Art of life it's like an anthem to me, pal. c: (?) 
    45. How often do you download music? Every time artists and bands release new stuff, and M-H people and other websites share the nice music. 
    46. Are there any specific bitrates that you prefer? As long as it represents the guys true work. But 320kbps it's okay. :J
    47. What do you think of autotune? It suitss just to a few ones...
    48. What do you think of Noise (music)? Like (Y). 
    49. Do you prefer listening to music on speakers or with headphones? It depends. If you want to feel the beat in your body or if you don't wanna hear anything and are walking outside. :o
    50. What musician(s) are you most physically atracted to? Musician: Ryuutaro. Artist: 松山 ケンイチ (Kenichi Matsuyama)
    51. If you could bring back any disbanded band, which one would it be? しゃるろっと (Charlotte).
    52. If you HAD to stereotype your music tastes, what would you be considered? A Weirdo. (?)
    53. How much on average do you listen to music? I listen to muscic every single day.
    54. How big is your digital music collection? My computer is all full. ;_;
    55. How many physical CDs do you own? Like 4 all damaged CD's.
    56. What song will you play at your Wedding? Oh... all the "gay" (emotional) ones. D: xD then a f*cking rave with hardcore music, definitely!. 8)
    57. What song will you play at your Funeral? I'd like no sad ones. 
    58. What dead musician would you bring back? 和乃 (Kazuno) from (しゃるろっと/Charlotte). 
    59. Best intro to a song? All those psycho or funny ones. :B
    60. Favorite album cover? I can remember Plastic Tree's "Träumerei" and "Poison Biscuit".
    61. Two artists or bands that you'd like to see collaborate? All VK bands at Viju Love kinda live. :3
    62. Do you wear band etc T-shirts? Yeah. 
    63. Song that describes your life? Can't choose. D: But I'd say アヲイ (awoi) - 終夜灯 (shuuyatou)
    64. Are any of your friends/family etc. musicians? My father has a band. But it's not my type of band. ( ; _ ; )
    65. Quote one of your favorite lyrics?
    Go! Go! Ugly! Jump! Jump! Ugly.
    She’ll have a broken heart no matter who she likes! 
    Get over it and become a “diamond!”.
    Go! Go! Ugly! Jump! Jump! Ugly!
    She can’t avoid it, you are who you are!
    Instead go with a “diamond” heart.
    Charlotte - Diamond Busaiku
    66. What was the last single you downloaded?  NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST - Strike in fact
    67. What was the last album you downloaded?  Schwarz Stein - Recurrence Of Hallucination
    68. What was the first album you ever bought? Hilary Duff - Most Wanted
    69. What was the last album you bought? Death Note's Soundtrack.
    70. What would life be like for you without music? Life wouldn't exist. D: 
    71. What do you think about mainstream music today? It needs to be just right there. (?) :I
    72. What do you think about KPOP? It is listeneable, but I don't like that headless fandom. 
    73. Do you think the people around you have weird/bad taste? There's always that kind of person, isn't it? e.e
    74. Do people (in general) think you have a weird/bad taste in music? By ignoramus intolerant people? Yup.
    75. Is music very important to you? Yeah, surely. :J
    76. Do you wish you could sing? If so, what style? I'd like to sing like PIKO. ( ; v ; ) Oh, man. Those voices... u//u And I want to scream/growl insanely. c:
    77. What was your favorite genre a long time ago? Has it changed since? A long long long time ago... maybe that old rock, pop MTV's music. 
    78. Is there a song you find very special to you? Ennndless songs. (; - ;)
    79. What artists/musicians inspire you? The bands that are my favorite. (couldn't end this today e_e) 
    80. What do you usually listen to music on (computer, phone, ipod, etc)? It doesn't matter. Music is always going with me. :3 Even inside my head! Really, kill it with fire. (;A;) 
    81. Do you listen to entire albums or specific songs? If I'm feeling really really inspired, full album.  
    82. One song that makes you happy? Right now, NovA - GIMI CCHU
    83. What song do you never get tired of? A Thousand Miles. xD Caramelldansen. (?)
    84. A song you like that was made before you were born? "The Antichrist Will Born Soon, Hide the Cheese" (?) by my mom. XDD
    85. What song makes you want to fall in love? Daizystripper's songs like "Smile World" ._. F*CK. xc
    86. What song would you make love to? XD Dj SiSeN - Teisou Obi
    87. What song makes you want to dance? DragonWAPPPPPPER - "ドラマティックdancing★" GAAWD, THAT SONG. U//U
    88. What song reminds you of summertime? V-last. - "ハピサマ" (Happy Summer) My temperature even seems to increase though xD ._., GOLDEN BOMBER's "Suri nokoshita natsu" album songs. ((;U;)) ♥ 
    89. What song reminds you of someone you would rather forget about? Almost all the songs talks about that. But, specifically songs like アヲイ (awoi) - 恋愛写真... (ren'ai sashin...)
    90. Do you sing in the shower? Definitely! xD I even do mosh. xDDD w w It ain't a shower if you don't even hum along.
    91. Do you ever make music mixes/mixtapes for other people? I've done that to my friends. 
    92. How do you find new music? Reading news, blogs, youtube, facebook groups. (>0<)
    93. What artist/band do you enjoy that most people think sucks? びじゅ☆ (visu☆) (the latest vo. Shyena's (ex-V-last.) band)
    94. Best active VK band? Can't choose. ;-;
    95. What do you think of Yoshiki? Really really inpirational sir. (; - ; ) 
    96. Do you Cosplay? I've done cosplay beeefore: L (death note), and Yoite (nabari no ou). Recently: A fast and cheap LOVELESS-ish random anime character. And a "Bijuaru" Cat in the hat.  Always wanted to cosplay Ritsuka (LOVELESS), and Necoco (Love NeKo)
    97. Do you prefer visual or non-Visual Bands? Visual. 
    98. Do you read music-related fanfiction? I've read those ones. U//U xD 
    99. Who in J-rock do you think is actually a vampire? Atsuhi Sakurai. ;-; 
    100. Last J-rock song you fell in love with? NovA - GIMI CCHU ♥ If you like oshare even under the nails(?) gotta listen to it. C:
    101. Favorite Japanese guitarist? I caaaaaaaaaaaaaaan't. :c I'll just say I like Takayuki (THE PIASS).
    102. Favorite Japanese bassist? Can't choose.
    103. Favorite Japanese drummer? Maybe Yoshiki. :$
    104. Best Dressed Japanese band? (;0;) they all dress so cool! But I like those tight, sexy, gothic black punkish (?) clothing they used to wear.

    105. What are you listening to now? びじゅ☆ - CAN☆DAY

    That waaas long to me too    :starry: (>0<)

  5. They definitely got an unique experience to convey. Used to be my favorite band, although 99% of their lyrics are suicidal, the "Keep living." ones are the ones that make you stay with them when you don't wanna get depressed or suicide yourself. Irony. 

  6. I'm actually a little pissed that we've been waiting for a decent live DVD for almost 10 years (as stated above) and then they only sell it via their online shop and in two types. That's just ridiculous.

    So if a foreigner wants it, he has to pay extra costs for a shopping service. If we want to see their whole perfomance, we need to buy two DVDs because it's cut in the middle.

    Sadie are signed to the same label and you get their DVDs thrown at your feet. How many do they have by now? 8? 9? 150?

    And all Awoi ever offered was crows after growing which is low quality live clips with the CD's music playing to it and the live that was on the B-Type of the Owari no Melody mini. Quality was equally horrible. 

    No Awoi, just no.

    Fuckin amen, girl... D: I lol'd when you stated about sadie cuz it's so fuckin sad but true. These guys seem to like to be so so fuckin undeground as their slogan: "the undeground black rock -truth is here-"


    Th problem is because when you receive the box, you does make it by yourself (like the video....)

    I think for 9000yen we can have a real box... not this aberration ^^


    9000yen? ...I now know the feel. D': 
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