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Posts posted by kukew

  1. I was scrolling down like Meh and about to sleep and then saw this... which made me so sad. Biosphia was one of my favorite bands since their very beginning... /: I thought they were getting more "famous" as their sound was "getting better" for everyone, which I supposed a great success for these guys... so I'm just wondering what's the real reason...

  2. So this twins' band is very underground even in Japan, aren't they?... that's why even here no one is answering to this post... that's so sad. I won't be surprised if they announce disbandment... Even though there are few people who like these guys skills, band and voice, like me... and one just loves the fact that they're twins. . .  

    I really liked much more their music style in V-last. tho... Their music as twins is okay, and lyrics are really cute and too positive. 

    Keke is so cute from every way, I like his music and style too. 

    That "last live" night date they'll have seems to be very special, like ending something big as the year is.

  3. My little Chihuahua (Princess) when she notices I'm going to eat/cooking/eating she starts to run to the principal door barking to "someone" (as if some stranger was going to get in the house)... I think she does it to make me believe she is a really good dog and feed her with human food. ww

    And she is so in love with her pet bed... whenever she is away from it, if she saw you're getting close to it, she runs against your approaching body part and if you don't get away she perhaps will try to hurt you. D:

  4. I really love halloween. It's one my favorite days of the year... you can dress creepy as fuck and justify your intentional trauma given to stupid humans. Ugh!. I love it all. I like the dark ambience, the horror movies on this night, free candies and hanging out with friends, and even you can appreciate the others work of their costumes 'cause some of them are really cool!. Ah... sorry, I got emotional. (?)

    I think I will dress up as The Goddess Bunny.

    ^ Nisimaldar: Yeah! I know what you mean 'cause I feel the same way. ~

    And yup, you totally would look more stunning with contact lenses (imho with white ones, or black sclera ones ~) and a little bit more of latex and blood! ~ Nice make-up tho. ^•^

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