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Everything posted by kukew

  1. Subaru, Yugiri, Hakuei. ♥ My body is ready.
  2. ^ ^ ^ ^ XD It really sounds japanese. I must watch it. :DD
  3. kukew

    Yaaay- Can't wait to listen to it. x3 And yup, they look cool-ish as always. x3
  4. kukew

    D.I.D - Amaoto (ready to say goodbye to earth)
  5. I like the song! ! :DDD And that PV looks so cute and cool. > u < I want it. n - n ♥
  6. kukew

    Courage the Cowardly Dog. :33 ~ ~ ~
  7. kukew

    They're one of my favorite bands. And truly shit seems to happen. I just hope to each member the best for them, especially to Otogi, since he has before said that アヲイ and his music/lyrics are everything to him. And I find it kinda "gentle", because they waited to announce it days after Otogi's birthday. At least I'd say Saki wouldn't leave music industry since music is also his life.
  8. Please tell me what do you do/listen/watch to cheer yourself up...? . . . . .

    1. saishuu


      this song by Merpeoples

    2. RpgRiser


      Rock out to violent songs like this one

    3. Zar+dix


      I just listen to Awoi, Nega, Monokuro Kinema or some like that (:

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  9. kukew

    10000/10. iT'S So SWAG. (?)
  10. I like those previews. It seems it still has that Jin's ambience, which it's one thing one enjoys about him.
  11. kukew

    Yup, please. Tomatoe soup. ; u ; Lawv it. ♥ if you had to choose between 1 million dollars or worlwide peace, what would you buy first?
  12. omg :DD Cool, can't wait to listen. And +1 to share singles of -273.15℃ please ;D
  13. kukew

    I'm homosexual since I have my memories. As they say above, it is a way lot better to tell your friends what you truly are, it doesn't worth losing ths time full of sincerity. ...A year ago I did tell to all who I thought they were my friends my sexual orientation, because it was killing me (I kinda got severe paranoia and those post-bullying/discrimination effects) and I really needed to know their answer, because this is what I will always be all the time. Well, a few of them said "Oh, it's okay. No problem. : )" but all their attitudes changed, to the point it was so evident. Avoiding. Coldly answering. After all I really feel a lot better with myself. That people wasn't my real friends. And I believe there's no better feeling than the truthness of your real friends (I'm glad I have.), those ones who wouldn't despise you for this simply natural/not chosen life, a human being.
  14. kukew

    Hi, guys. :- ) Just was wondering if anyone of the beloved you have these lovely lyrics?... Really addict to this song since it was listened. . . I can just understand little words and phrases of it. It would be nice to know its meaning, too... and to sing it all along. So, please, share with us! (n - n) ~ ~ ~ I'd buy the single but I don't know where to buy it. . . I've searched for it before. I'll do it so that share the lyrics with you. Do you know where to look? THANKS. n - n
  15. kukew

    Pretty cute people at M-H. n n sinceIhatemyselfalotandsuch, I'll just post this really ultra hideously awkward webcam pic of my self. Sweet dreams. lal
  16. kukew

    "Whip it". Alternative rock-punk-ish youth roller skaters tournaments A closed minded protagonist's mother. Friendship. With a touch of comedy and a little bit of love. :33
  17. kukew

    I like this kind of voices too... it seems he is trying to communicate his feelings, with the sad music, I think it suits his voice. . . So, I like it. n - n
  18. kukew

    You better start to sleep well D: Do it now before it's too late. ; - ; Body is designed to sleep at night, so that it is all healthy, shut down that computer e - e. Think that you'll do all that things the next brighter day. c: I used to have this problem, so... ganbatte! :J II was about to say "It is a bad day because... NovA will disband" but, oh, man, the problems right here seem to be more than this. ; - ; Anyways, it was a "bad day" to me by reading those news.
  19. kukew

    Noooo! ! ! :c This band was being my favorite band like 3 months ago... I really liked them A LOT. F*CK! Also they all seemed like they loved what they were doing together... ._. u.u" I can't understand this. I hope at least the members with "oshare-kei ideal" make new bands like that...
  20. kukew

    omg, really? . . .I'm a fan of Emiru and I'm in shock. e_e
  21. kukew

    That waaas long to me too (>0<)
  22. kukew

    "arigatou, issho wasurenai yo..." DIo - Last dance ~Album Version
  23. kukew

    Cool music. c: I love otg's look. ~ ~ ~
  24. XDD lawltafuy, luv ya. ♥ xD
  25. yYASDASD Yaay, I can't wait to watch those PV's... xD
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