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Everything posted by kukew

  1. kukew

    ma mi mu me monsutaa kun ♪♫ me doing silly faces. ;-; . . .Now, please let me erase the trauma with this: There is so many pretty and hawt people right on this thread. ~ ~ ~ I run out of "likes" for today... seriously. xD
  2. しゃるろっと, 愛狂います。, -OZ-, アヲイ, ネガ, ゾロ, vo. しえな (ex. V-last.), vo. やっくん (ex. 美女men Vlossom) ヱレキテル式, Dio, deadman, Raphael, UnsraW, 9GOATS BLACK OUT, √eight, BlackList, D'espairsRay, vo. 大佑 (ex. 蜉蝣) gt. 坊 (ex. an cafe), NovA and surely maaany more I can't remember now. u-u
  3. kukew

    I tought I was "the only one" who listened to the "weird music" on sex. You people have a really good taste for this activity. I'll just add a few ones. Talking only about VK songs in the "meaningless sex" I remember I've tried Deathgaze songs, D.I.D, awoi (red mutation), Sincrea (Silkspider), UnsraW, and endless more. And for love making, I'll just say once you know what the lyrics are actually saying it's reaaaaaaaaaally touching.
  4. Cool. ~~ I have high expectations on this PV. ;w;
  5. kukew

    This would be totally amazing...
  6. omg... ♥ towa is back ♥ I love that guy. Umm... I will definitely keep an eye on this one. ♥ SANKYUU
  7. kukew

    Even though it seems its not a 5 new CDS release... I find this to be very interesting... I mean, I do know and love the Raid. and yeah, MAYBE this new music style would be a little surprising(?) Oh well... Let's just wait, cause this band got such several good songs and they can go from really deep emotional to so catchy. funny, headbanging coreography songs. I just can't wait. ♥ These guys are amazing... that I wish I could attend to their wonderful lives so badly...
  8. kukew

    Sankyuuu... for me has been more than seven years tho... you know. Nothing lasts forever.
  9. kukew

    Oh my heart it breaks fuck... would someone translate their farewell messagss +1 :-:... thank9
  10. omg... are ex-NovA members still performing nowadays?...
  11. kukew

    Motto dareyori mo anata ga egao de ite~~~ I like to draw shitty hair
  12. Can't wait. For the twins and keke. :DDD The look. <3!!!
  13. kukew

    omg...I do remember all those things back then in NEGA, but that doesn't mean I can't see he IS a talented guy... he was bullied cause he is actually like one of the most shyest guys in the vk scene... plus he was the young one, the fragile "girl" of the band... the easy-to-anything, and you know that cause Yuu was the dark one. lmao but he does have good skills and I believe it's because the way his soul is. I think that's why he made an awesome job in NEGA. This GIO band, I liked it, yeah, though it seems that style wasn't made for him, at least not with those members. Anyways... I do care about him and hope the best for him.
  14. He and the band need time like any iter human being... hooe the best to this awesome band and crew.
  15. kukew

    I was scrolling down like Meh and about to sleep and then saw this... which made me so sad. Biosphia was one of my favorite bands since their very beginning... /: I thought they were getting more "famous" as their sound was "getting better" for everyone, which I supposed a great success for these guys... so I'm just wondering what's the real reason...
  16. Well... I do like a few previews...
  17. omg /: i actually like that drummer... he got something special and interesting. I don't know what's in his mind but let's hope the best for him.
  18. omg!!! with yuuki ♥ I... must... c this... . . .
  19. So this twins' band is very underground even in Japan, aren't they?... that's why even here no one is answering to this post... that's so sad. I won't be surprised if they announce disbandment... Even though there are few people who like these guys skills, band and voice, like me... and one just loves the fact that they're twins. . . I really liked much more their music style in V-last. tho... Their music as twins is okay, and lyrics are really cute and too positive. Keke is so cute from every way, I like his music and style too. That "last live" night date they'll have seems to be very special, like ending something big as the year is.
  20. I ♥ this band so much but, when could I be able to listen to minami and other members' live skills? ; _ ; That's seriously killing me xD
  21. I want so bad to attend to D.I.D.'s lives. ; _ ; Can't wait to hear new song...
  22. Thaaat! Can't wait to listen ! ! ! ;3
  23. kukew

    Cooool! :DD I'd so buy this without hesitating but I can't afford it!. xc
  24. It's k. I like that cd art. What's that anyway? . . . the first thing I could imagine was a fetus in a glass... :c I'm kinda blindy born... Can't waaaaait.
  25. kukew

    I ♥ the Raid. 'cause they can play anything and are so funny. x3 Jackass is pretty when you think about that Moment PV fatty old creepy man...
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